Tuesday, December 5, 2017


To have determination means to have the drive to accomplish something at all costs.

Stepping On

Stepping on

Until I'm stepping gone

Stepping on

Until I'm stepping done

Stepping on

Till I've stepped home.

Step, by definition, means a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, ...

It means not being stationary.

Life, as we know it, is not stationary either because time is ever moving on. We are being moved toward some ultimate end.

I use the words, "stepping on," in the poem above because I want to denote an active player in this game of life. It means that since I know that things do not stay the same even if I am hurt, rich, popular, etc. I still must stay focused and keep moving toward the goal that I have set for my life of having an eternal home with the Lord. Pain, riches, popularity, etc. are all temporal and have no place in the home to which I am going.


A set determination is the key, folks. Don't let anything deter you from your goal of making it home to be with the Lord.

Be determined and keep stepping on  in

Your quest to spend eternity in bliss

And not in the place across the abyss.

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