Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Harmony and Peace

Hope that this treatise on prayer has strummed the chords of harmony and peace within your soul. And further hope that when you are troubled in life, that you look back on this scripture,

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? (KJV)

and all of your worries will cease.

This scripture helps me a lot. You see, because I have such an intimate relationship with God, I know that whatever betides me, He will work it out for my good, so I "paint it green, (Chopping My Row, p. 21) pray, and keep on stepping.

There have been friends, colleagues, and enemies down through the years that have asked me or wondered how I made it through whatever it was that I was going through at a given time in life and to all, I say once again, "By grace through faith and prayer."

Talked A Lot About Prayer

Talked so much about prayer because it is such an integral part of my life! I have seen it move mountains, shut down some enemies and make some others my footstool. You, my friend, need to try it if you have not already, and you, too will become a proponent of prayer.


Is all I really need to say

Because there is no better way

To begin or end your day

Because BYDWP is the banner that

Has carried and sustained me

So, the last thought that I want

To leave with you about prayer is


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