So That You Know
There is something that runs in my veins
That, try though I might, I cannot change.
There is this desire, this will
That permeates through me
And it is there for all the world to see.
I am like Jonah, in that, I can't deny
What I was given to do
So, fellowman and friend alike
I write encouraging and inspiring
Poems and prose for you.
Was I ridiculed and put down because I wanted to write a book? Yes, I was. Did I allow that ridicule and put down to stop me? No, I did not. I stepped on. I have looked at this burning desire within me from all angles, and you know what I have concluded? It must have been meant to be. And it didn't take a dunking at the bottom of the ocean to make me realize that God's will must be done. Uh hmm, and that goes back to one of my favorite phrases, "If the Lord..." That phrase says it all. If the Lord is for a given thing or person, then whatever His will is, will be. And it doesn't matter who or what you come up against, either.
So, I said that to say this to you, if you have a strong desire to do something positive for the Lord as far as helping your fellowman, then do it. If it is starting a new service for the benefit of a certain segment of folks such as starting a nursing home visitation, a hospital visitation, collecting clothes for the used store, volunteering for a local food bank or kitchen, conducting a reading hour for children, etc. Just do it in the name of the Lord.
Gave you a little food for thought today. Be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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