Thursday, February 15, 2018

Spirit Praying Close

Sometimes in this old life, we can be beset with so much turmoil and chaos that we get disturbed in our spirits. The killing of the students in Florida yesterday disturbed my spirit, and I am sure that it did most of yours, too.  Let's face it, y'all. We have a problem here in America. What can we do about it?  Before I talk about what we can do about it, let me tell you a beautiful story.
Greg and Jan are beaming happiness, the kind of happiness that only parents of a newborn can beam. Both of them are successful in their chosen careers, she as a teacher and he as a lawyer.  Now, they hold in their arms that elusive treasure that they thought would never be theirs, a baby of their own. A baby to pass on the family recipes, secrets, heirlooms, etc. to. They hold a bundle of joy and it is all theirs!

Now, I did not tell you the gender of the baby because it should not matter. I did not tell you the race of the baby because, again, it should not matter. What I did do was paint a picture of true happiness that a young couple is experiencing, who had begun to despair of ever having such joy. They have a baby!
Now, let's fastforward  seventeen years. Jan is well-established as a successful college professor and Greg has made partner in the biggest lawfirm east of the Mississippi River. Greg has had his new partnership and the corner office that goes with it for all of a month! He has gotten that pep back in his step and that swagger back in his walk. Ah-h-h, life is good.

Greg's cellphone goes off. "Hello. What! When? How Bad? NO-O-O!" Greg thought to himself, "It can't be! No-o-o-o-o!! I have to get to Jan. I have to tell her myself..."

Now, what I have written for you is an untrue scenario, but one that could very well be true.

Nobody has the right to take innocent lives no matter what the provocation, slight, etc. Jesus could have had every one of his captors annihilated, but He didn't. He showed love. The Florida situation was not an act of love. It just wasn't.

Remember when we prayed for our country when the wildfires were ravaging through several states and hurricanes were headed for our coasts? Folks, we need to pry like that now. This rash of school shootings has to end! WE ALL NEED TO PRAY FOR THE SENSELESS SLAUGHTERING OF OUR YOUNG FOLKS TO END. Let's all plant seeds of love and STOP FANNING THE WINDS OF HATE!

What did I say? I said,

"Stop that!"

Rein in the hate and that goes from the top to the bottom. If you are a celebrity of any kind, go on the news media and talk calmly, lovingly but sternly to such would-be perpetrators. Use your fame and influence to rein it in. It is time to stop sowing seeds of hatred because we surely do not like the crop that is being harvested!

Preachers are doing their mightiest to stem this tide of hatred, but it takes more than them. It takes us all. I am shouting mine from my blog and if I had national prominence or access to national television, don't think for a moment that I wouldn't address it. Yes, sir and yes ma'am, I would. It is time for all of us to do everything that we can to stop this. Today, it is their grieving, but tomorrow, it may well be ours.

Praying and Talking Where I Can,

Alma L. Jones

"Grammy Alma"


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