Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Book?

Having the gift of using a pen to sing praises to God is something to be grateful for. Also, the knowledge that a place is being prepared for my habitation one day is something for which to be grateful.   Yet, I find myself still somewhat amazed periodically during my writing efforts. The fact that there are five books already published by me and a sixth nearly finished is mindboggling.

My serious writing took off at a slow pace in the form of a trimester blog. From that, it moved to monthly, and now it is a daily blog. Through the years, I have been writing on this book day by day,     and now that book is being prepared to be placed in a museum, (Alex Haley Museum, Henning, TN) for display and sale. Yes, "Chopping My Row" has been contracted for just such!

And Then

In a moment of epiphany, I realized that I am writing a bigger book day by day and have been doing so all of my life. Yes, my every word thought, and deed that I have had while down here on this earth is being recorded. And one day, my portion in the Book of Life will be read. That is a pretty deep thought, isn't it? Yeah, sometimes I have some deep thoughts that are so deep that they make me do a doubletake. Then I remember that it is not me but the glory of God shining through me that directs my creative efforts.


What I have to do and you, too, is to make sure that the good outweighs the bad in our book by getting forgiveness for all of our sins and by using each moment in time for the good of mankind.

A Book?

Since I have retired from teaching

Writing books is what I do a lot of

As  a writer, I am always reaching

Out to my fellowman, beseeching

That we show lovingkindness to one another

That is of the same caliber as the love of self

And about which the clergymen of

Our day are always preaching.

Bear in Mind that we do indeed write a book

That at the end of time, all will have a look

Let's hope to shine like a new star when

The book is opened, and a look is taken within

But, we will be alright if we have made sure that

The blood of Jesus covers us from all of our sins.


When My Day Is Done

When my day is done

And my life script is read

These are the words that

I want to hear said

"Well done, Alma, well done

For those old ladies that you

Helped to cross the street

Those little children whose

Tears you wiped from their eyes...

My angel was the one that you

Did those thoughtful things to.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

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