Now, Let's Go Back
When you first decided to move your soul into a better position to live for the Lord, if you have made that decision, that is, there were certain of your friends that ostracized you about it, remember? The ostracizing got to the point that finally, you and the friends parted ways because you would not compromise your Christian values for them. Yes, the ridicule hurt, but that's alright. You made it through, didn't you? Uh hmm-m.
Just as it happened when you decided to move your soul into a better position with the Lord, you reflect back on the friends that you lost when they heard that you were moving to a new home in the suburbs of an upscale community. But you are making the move anyway, right? Of course, you are!
A Harder Shell
Not everybody is going to be happy when you make a move to better your soul or yourself. Get used to it because that is just the way that people are. Sometimes, we have to develop a hardened shell because that is what it takes to make it through this life. People just will not like you if you try to live for the Lord. That is something that I had to learn, as I am sure that some of you had to, as well. I have heard some people justify their unreasonableness or cruelty under the guise of, "The end justifies the means." What the previous statement implies is, "As long as I get my way nothing else matters." That is the mentality of a two-year-old or certainly a non-Christian. What you have to decide is whether to please God and yourself or folks.
The Worth
But when you count up the cost, every barb, every insult, etc. is worth it all just to be looked upon with favor when He makes that final roll call. None of it will matter, and we will have peace forevermore!
Hence, my poem for the day:
Ya' Know
Ya' know? It just doesn't matter what folk think about me
Sure, like most everybody else, I'd like to enjoy popularity
But not to the extent that I would choose folk over Him
Not even when they make my smile wattage go dim.
He has heaven to put me in and folks, well...they
Cannot even save their own souls, truth be known
So, why should I give in to them, because when
They die, their souls will be gone
To meet their Maker to live in their final home.
So, they choose for themselves, and I choose for me
For I want to rest easy in the land of my finality
They are just not worth the cost of punishment for all eternity.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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