Saturday, March 17, 2018

Gone, But Never Forgotten


I knew that you had to go away

And that I would be left behind

And made to stay

I just wasn't ready for

It to be your day.

This is the hardest thing that I

Have ever had to do

Trying to live my life without you.


There is a time for everything under heaven. So, make the most of the time that you have with your loved ones. Fill moments together with happiness and love because one day one of you will head to a new home being prepared above. I can tell you that the memories of the unexpected kindnesses that you show now will carry you after your loved one has gone home. Even the presentation of a quart of strawberries - you would be surprised at how much joy that quart of strawberries will do for your loved one and for you, later.

You are building memories, either bitter or sweet., Remember that the memories that you build are yours to keep. So? Spread and show love daily because it doesn't have to be a special occasion, just a loving one.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



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