Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Be Careful



Be Careful About What

Hmm-m-m. I wonder if I have ever actually “…entertained an angel unawares.” (Heb. 13:2, KJV) That is really a thought that goes deep into our brain cells and dwells there a bit. I mean, the way we interact with someone or treat someone is being reported straight to the Lord?! Whew! That gives me great pause for thinking.

I think about whether I took time for or was kind to:

  • the person that I met on the bus who stared a hole through me, and because of the uncomfortableness of the stare, would not make eye contact with them

  • the person who asked for a dime on the streets

  • the person who told me they were hungry

  • the person of a different ethnicity who dared let her finger touch mine when she gave me my change

  • people that I meet on a daily basis and whether I left them feeling lighter or not

  • people who I might need to ask for forgiveness, but never have

  • whether I leave a person feeling Jesus in me after our meeting or not.

All of those are things that I think about when I think of “…angels unawares.” And like you, I would like to think that I came out looking good in the telling. Oh, I know that it is easy to be kind and sweet in certain situations. When we are communicating with our loved ones, meeting someone’s new baby or toddler for the first time, etc., all of those are times when kindness and love just ooze from our very pores, right? Uhm, hmm, but let’s be mindful of the other times as well.


  1. We are the light of the world.

  2. One of those people you looked upon with disdain just might be a person that the Lord has allowed the protective hedges to be taken down from and they might be reeling from several blows from the adversary. You might be one of the jic’s (Chopping My Row, p. 30) that the Lord has put in place for that person or it could be a test to see just how much you do love the Lord.

  3. And in the judgment, when the books are opened, we will be most glad that we did respond with kindness!

Just a little something to think about in this world of ours as we make our way home.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones

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