Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I Can Use the Dust Ruffle

Often in life, we have to resort to using what we have in hand to accomplish a goal. I wanted a new window treatment for a room in my house but had no funds to create one. So, I used what I had in hand. I used the new dust ruffle, and it matched the spread perfectly because it came with it.

So, it is going to take a little effort on my part, but I will have the new window treatment that I, wanted and too, I will get the satisfaction of being creative with cloth once again.

I have a long history of being able to make do with whatever I had on hand to get a job done. When I was a little girl, I altered the clothes that folk gave me so that they fit me. I guess that you could say that since life had given me some lemons, I used the talents and skills that I had been gifted with to make lemonade.


I just was not prepared for folk to mess with the lemonade that I fixed. But as I told you a couple of blogs back, if you do anything worthwhile, you will cultivate enemies or haters and will have a bullseye on your back. But I am so glad that I have a Father, Who can and has said, "Oh no you don't! Not that one. She is mine! Enough, no more! She has proven her love for me and is to be commended and blessed." You know, the Lord had a conversation similar to this concerning Job, didn't He? Uhm hmm.


What I am saying is that we need to use whatever we have and know that if we do, we have a God, Who is faithful and Who will take care of our needs according to His riches in glory.

Bottom Line

When things happen that you cannot understand, keep praying and trusting God anyhow. Our thoughts are not His, and our ways are not His, but remember He is the great I AM and what is He to you? He is your Daddy, and He has been in the taking care of His children business longer than you have been living! In fact, He invented the business, so why should you worry? Be happy and content while remembering that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord!

Use your dust ruffle!

Doing What I Can While I Can as I Use My Dust Ruffle and Give Encouraging Advice to You at the Same Time,

Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones

And another thing, don't let what your neighbor has cause you to be discontent with what you have. Think about this: If you look overlong at what your neighbor has, you will become a hater and just might act accordingly. Just saying...

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