Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Stealing My Joy

Not everybody is happy for you when you receive a great blessing, some quite the opposite. If it is true that "Misery loves company," then it must be equally as true that joy has few true friends.

I told you that  I was going to be on the radio being interviewed about my book, Chopping My Row, right? Well, I was as giddy as a school girl and as happy as a lark during the interview and for several days afterward. I was walking around in a euphoric cloud. I tell you that I did not know how to take the blessing because  I have had to learn to make do for so long that when I received a phenomenal blessing, it fair took my breath away! Let me explain.

Most of you know that I have a daughter who is special. Well, she is pretty much like, "E. F. Hutton," in that when she speaks everybody listens!  I have been carrying the burden of my daughter for almost 39 years. And as I told you in a post several years ago, and in my book, "Chopping My Row," the longer you toil under a load, the stronger you become. My daughter's autism has been a heavy load, but it is one that I have learned to bear because I gave it over to the Lord. She can go along so well that you can tend to forget that she is special. Then she erupts like Mt. Vesuvius!

When the eruption does occur, you are taken aback for a minute or so. Then you realize that you gave her over to the Lord a long time ago. You tap into that infinite  Power Source, by which you do all that you do,  with regard to her and then because of His continual love, you step on. When she had her latest eruption, I had to remember to not allow her eruption to steal my joy. I had to remember the scripture that says, "All things work together for good for those that love the Lord." (Romans 8:28, KJV) And then I went on down to Romans 8:31 and I picked that favorite scripture up that says, "If the Lord is for you, then who or what can be against you?"

What am I saying? This: the stealing of my joy was not successful because GOD IS! I have been in the storm and been tried by the fire, and I'm on my way to becoming more of what the Lord will have me to be! Remember this poem that I wrote just a few days ago?

The Lord's hand is upon me

And He is providing blessings

That I did not have the vision to see

Thank You, blessed Jesus

God of eternity!

Well, I did not write it for nothing. It has blessed me and several others as you can tell by the response to it on Facebook. What am I saying to you? I am saying to hold on through your trials and your storms, no matter the duration. Your muscles are being strengthened in preparation for your bountiful blessings to come so that you will have the stamina to receive them and remain faithful to Him. GOD is faithful and good, y'all!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones

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