Now for the next question, do you love your fellowman? Really love him? Uhm-hmm, well here is a quick thought. How often do you pray for your fellowman? As often as you pray for your family?
No, folks do not pray for their fellowman as often as they do for their family. But you know, quite a few folks pray morning and night for their fellowman. That is admirable.
Do you remember the boys and coach in Thailand that were trapped in a cave? Uhm-hmm, caring people prayed for their rescue several times a day. I know I did! Wasn’t it a thrilling relief when they all were rescued?
Here is another hypothetical question for you. How do you think that God felt with so many prayers coming up from all over the globe for those boys? Do you think that it made Him smile? We don’t know but I can imagine that it did.
Let’s make God Smile some more. When you go to worship today (and I hope you do) make it a point to really concentrate during prayer time and pray for your fellowman the world over. If all of you that read this blog will do that we can cause God to smile. That, my friend, is an awesome thing to do. You might mention in your prayer that this was suggested by a blog post that you read this morning.
You might ask, “Why mention that?” Well, to my way of thinking, we know that God knows everything. But, when He sees that you read a blog that was suggesting prayer for your fellowman in worship today and that you actually followed through with it, that fact will cause Him to smile more. I think the fact that, because of love for your fellowman, you followed through with a suggestion from a blog post, will go a long way toward endearing you and your future prayers to Him, should trouble arise in your life.
Then too, the fact that there are those among His creation, who hold Him dear and near just might make Him brag on you.
Anyway, go to worship and be blessed. Your fellowman does include your preacher and your President, you know. Well! They need prayers being sent up for them, too.
Well, that’s my thought this fine Sunday morning.
Be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care
Alma Jones
Grateful and Stepping On Poetess/Author
"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.
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