Saturday, July 14, 2018

You Are Special...If

Up the mountain and through the valley I go

Undeterred because I am special don't you know?

Though assaulted by enemies time and time again

I keep walking by faith because Jesus is my friend.

He loves me and shows me that He does by saying of me, "She is mine."
I tell you, folks, there is no better friend that anyone could find.


I’m special, you know why

Because the Father’s love dwells within me

And He has given me gifts to share with all humanity.

You are special, too

Why, because there is also a loving gift(s)

Summarily placed inside of you.

You may have a tender ear

Coupled with a loving heart

Or you may be gifted with the

Power of persuasive speech

It really does not matter

What the gift is that you possess

Just use that spark within you

To brighten somebody’s day

And help them find their own path

As they travel on their way.


Just think about that the next time that you have the opportunity to  make somebody happy or to make them sad. And choose the higher road by calling on the love that He has  placed within you to brighten another’s  life. You can leave that person thinking that they were so lucky to run into you on that particular day. And you can think to yourself and say to them as well, "It’s not luck, it’s love - the love of God, that is."

Be blessed and have a happy Saturday.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care

Alma Jones


"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.



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