Thursday, September 13, 2018

Using My Gifts

All of us have things that we like to do better than other things, and I am no exception. By the time that we become adults, we have learned what things we are good at as well as what things we enjoy.


As a child, there were certain Bible verses that stuck in my brain. One of those verses was the one that said, "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you." (NASB) I knew that if I did that I would be pleasing Jesus because He is God and He rules the world. It is kind of like lining up with the winning side. And we all know where victory will be in the end because the Bible tells us so.

That simple child's logic has carried me far and fashioned me into the person I am today. Yes, that simple desire to please the Lord God. And you know what? "He knows those who are His." (2 Timothy 2:19) You see, I figure that the Lord knows me through and through and therefore knows that I will do whatever it is that is required of me. That is why I figure that He developed in me the gifts that He has. He knew that I would use those gifts for His glory.
Here is a little rundown on some of my gifts that I enjoy doing so much:

  1. My Writing - As a child, I was good at writing stories. I entertained my friends with my stories and ended some of them with a question of what happened next. Let me tell you my stories created no small stir in our 4th-grade classroom! Now after a successful teaching career, I find myself going back to my childhood pastime activity of writing. This time I write about all sorts of things. But, the most important thing that I write about is HIM.
    God prepared me in my childhood for the writing work that I do for Him now. Who knew? God did. I discovered, with amazement, several years ago a passage in the Bible that has resonated with me ever since. That passage is Isaiah 50:4. (Read it.) Basically, the passage says that if you have the gift of being an encourager, it did not happen by mere chance. It says that that gift is to be used to help your fellowman, who may be weary from time to time. This is a gift that I have been given to be used and I use it for the glory of GOD. I use this gift in the blogs that I do daily and in books that I have authored.
    Then, too (Recording Life Experiences and Words of Wisdom for Future Generations) I have learned to have books with me at all times. I never let myself go anyplace without some copies of my books. And get this; I have written this book for you about my trying to live my life for Him and one of the chapters in the book is entitled, “Writing It All Down.” Again, why do I do this, all to the glory of God, to tell you, my fellowman of His infinite love for us all!

  2. Public Speaking - I also use the gift of being an encourager for the glory of God when I speak at various church and civic events.

  3. Being a Preacher's Wife - When I was a little girl, I used to ask the Lord for wisdom every day. Why? I did this because that is what we were taught that Solomon did and I wanted to be blessed like that, too. I asked for wisdom every day without fail. But, when I look back on my life, I can see that the Lord heard and answered my prayers. I noticed it some, in my classwork as a child or in the way I tried to help my Momma figure out the meals for the week or to work some problem out. So, I said all of that to say this, I am a caring person by nature. People seem to want to tell me their problems and I listen. Why, because it is part of my makeup and part of my life’s journey to "Do What I Can, While I Can." (And too, remember that scripture that says, “Have entertained angels unawares.” Heb. 13:2) You see? The wisdom that I asked for daily as a little girl equipped me for being a minister's wife. No, I did not know that the Lord was getting me ready for the role of a minister's wife, but He did. All I was trying to do in my little child's brain was be blessed almost as well as Solomon was.

  4. My Teaching Days – (Instructor in Others Learning Years) I have always, even as a child, been good at explaining complex things in a simple manner. I remember on one occasion my teacher was trying to explain something to one of my classmates. They just could not get it, so she suggested that I try to explain it to them. I did and they got it! She used me quite a bit that year for peer tutoring. Of course, they didn't call it that back then, but you get my point. Don't you see? I had the intrinsic tools being built into me then to be a teacher. Yep, that is what I ended up doing for a living. And yes, I taught special education for half of my teaching career and regular education for the other half. Again, I say, "I didn't know, but God did." (cont. tomorrow)

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