Tuesday, April 21, 2020

HE Will Make It All Right


I had a problem that I found out about late last night, and it was heavy on my heart. And Y'all know that sometimes when you fall asleep with a problem on your mind, it will pop to the forefront when you awake in the morning. Well, my problem did the same. So, as is my custom, I went for my walk in Psalms. The one for today was Psalm 142. And guess what I found when I opened my Bible to read? Yes, I found my garden path scented with the aroma of answered prayer! My soul marveled, and I rejoiced as I devoured the scripture. And when I finished the reading, this blog post was born, poem included.


There are some times in life

When we can be brought very low

But, I wanted to remind everybody

That, as HIS children, we have

An advocate against the foe

For, we know where to go.


Sometimes our enemies feel like

They can do us wrong

And that, since we are powerless

We can do nothing about it because

We are weak, and they are strong.


But, daughter of a preacher's daughter that I am

I don't allow my soul to be riddled with doubt

I, instead, turn it all over to Jesus

And watch HIM take impossible situations

Smooth them over and work them out.


You see, the world likes to make us feel helpless and small

But I know a MANGOD, WHO answers my call

And has been doing it for so many years

That I don't hesitate at all

Like a charter member of Hebrew 11's hall of fame of faith

I, with confidence, state my case and watch

As my COMFORTER eradicates my problems

And, one by one, let's me see them fall.


During these trying times, always remember that

If you are GOD's child, you have an advocate

With the FATHER, WHO sits on Heaven's throne

And I'd like to think that this problem arose in my life

So that I could remind you of the benefits

Of prayer, especially during these times of strife.

(Based on Hebrews 11 & Hebrews 8:1-6)


We have talked about coincidence a little bit, haven't we on several others of my blog posts? Well, if this particular problem had not arisen in my life, I would not have made the application to prayer in such a poignant manner as I did this morning. If this blog post answered a need in you, understand that according to the providence of GOD, you have received an answer to your prayer and a confirmation that GOD is aware of your situation and is working the matter out for your good.


  1. You are never alone.
  2. Your SHEPHERD, your SAVIOR, works behind the scenes to build up your faith, perseverance, and trust, as HE takes your heaviest burdens and often makes them dissipate like air.

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