Saturday, May 23, 2020

Don’t Let Situations Get You Down


If Michael Jordan had listened to the naysayers

He would not have become the player that he was meant to be

If Albert Einstein had listened to his naysayers

He would not have discovered the theory of relativity.

There are countless others, but those, I won't take the time to mention

I just used the two above to garner and hold your attention.

So, thank you very much, I'll keep my rose-tinted

Glasses on, through each stage of my life

And become the best me yet to be

Teacher, preacher's wife, author, or whatever else...

Just have to wait and see.

But in the meantime, you keep your dream

Tight within your mind

As you work through whatever life brings your way

For, one thing you will find

If you keep your hand in the CREATOR's hand

You will be your best self, at the end of the day!©


Find any positives in any situation that you are thrust into

And make that situation work for, and not against,  you

"Like what," you say.

Well any new hobby or interest that you maybe

Wished that you had time to do

Well, now through social distancing

That time has been given to you

For you never know when a new skill

Will come in handy, so find one

And master it, if you will.©



We have finished Isaiah and I do not know which book I will start on next, but I will have one chosen by tomorrow morning. Be safe.


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