Good Morning, Y'all! You remember that I told you that my mouth was agape from the fruit that I gathered from Deuteronomy when I read Chapter 8, verses 2, and 16-18 a couple of blogs back. And I cherish the blog that I was able to glean from those verses. I am still feeding on the lesson from them, so you know that I was shocked and awed when I was given another soul-stirring blog from another chapter in Deuteronomy. This time it came from Chapter 11, verses 18-19 and 26-28.
I am going to take my time as I try to make several applications from the fruit that I gathered this morning. I can tell you one thing, Y'all; my soul is exulting from the application I got from my reading today and I pray that your soul will burn within and continue to burn with reassurance long after this blog has gone cold.
Are Y'all ready? Okay, here we go! Somebody on the news said that the pandemic now is like it was when New York and Washington were being hit so hard. And I thought to myself, "Oh, no! I thought that we were on the backside of this thing!" But, instead to hear that there are several states where there is little room left in the ICU units is truly disheartening.
And right behind that thought came the one that said, "LORD, that means that the death total is going to skyrocket even more than the alarming rate that it did at the start of the first wave!" BUT, I had to remind myself and you, too, of some points of reference.
- Before most of us ever heard the word pandemic to know the horror that it brings, GOD took care of us. Yep, you heard me. I mean, what do you think that GOD is going to do? Run scared because this thing is so frightful?! I don't even think so!
- GOD (our GOD) is ALMIGHTY and nothing, absolutely nothing can happen to you without HIS say so. (Job 2:6)
- So, that means that there has to be a blessing in this pandemic for us. I know, I know, I can hear you exclaim, "Are you nuts?!" And I answer, "No, I'm not." I mean, think about it; when the plagues hit Ancient Egypt, GOD only allowed it to go so far. HE stopped it in HIS good time.
- Now, that I have shocked you enough to have your full attention, read verses 18 and 19 below:
Deuteronomy 11:18-19 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
18 “You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.19 You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.
This Covid-19 pandemic is not something that you are ever likely to forget, right? And since you have to explain to your children the reason that they cannot move about as freely as they might like to or used to, this would be a good time to do as GOD told the Israelites to do and teach your children about the powerful GOD that created this whole world. You see, depending upon how you present HIM to them (your children) makes a difference in how they view HIM and HIS being involved in their lives in the future. Your children can be taught that, no matter what else fails, they can always count on GOD to work things out for their good. (Romans 8:28) Not saying that all things that happen to them will be good but saying that GOD will navigate the circumstances of their lives so that all things work out for their good as they did for the young lad, Joseph, in the Bible. ( to be continued tomorrow if the LORD wills when we will learn about the possible blessing for you in this ...)
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
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