Tuesday, August 11, 2020



Live your life's walk in such a way

That people will look at your living and say

She is a person who truly gives

Just look at the type of life

That she lives.


Many have walked this way before

But they are gone now and walk this way no more

But of the path that they trod

A record has been kept

Against the day that they will

Be raised by Jesus from the places that they slept

To be judged by the Lord God

And paid the wages that they’re due

Say, fellow man what does your record say about you?

There are so many that I could mention

That have gone on before

I could mention Pharaoh and his infamous pride 

I could also mention the horrific way in which he died

I could mention from the 19th chapter of 2 Kings

Sennacherib and his fight with Hezekiah

I could mention ELIJAH and the legacy that he left

When he left this world in a chariot of fire

I could mention Noah and his boat

I could mention Moses and his traipse through the sea

I could mention Elisha who made the axehead float.

I could mention my mama, a hard-working grandmother

Who set an example for all of us to see

Yet, I have to remember that my journey

Is all about me

I cannot get credit for the way

Somebody else lived their life

I can only be credited with

What I said and what I did

And make no mistake about it

The things said and done by me

Cannot be hidden because they are written down

And will stand the test of eternity.

So, when you see me walking as I should

Don’t envy me

For I am just trying to make sure that my tally sheet

When weighed in the balances

Does not come up on the side of negativity.©

Tekel~Daniel 5:27



Yes, I try to be an example of love in the way that I live. But, in the end, what matters is what has been recorded by Heaven's quill. Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones




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