Friday, September 25, 2020


Usually, the title of a piece is not punctuated, except in rare cases. But, I punctuated this title because I was astounded by what I just read. Yes, I have read my Bible through several times, and I should not be surprised by anything that I find within, but I still am from time to time. I am going to give you the scripture that grabbed my attention as I was walking through Habakkuk this morning. While reading Habakkuk, Chapter 3, verse 2 grabbed my attention and held it. So I read the verse again, made a mental note about it, and went on with my reading. When I got down to verse four and it talked about the LORD's radiance being like the sunlight, that didn’t surprise me because I’ve heard that before. Oh, but when I got to the next part of verse four where it says,
HE has rays flashing from HIS hand, And there is the hiding of HIS power. (NASB)


let me tell you folks, that grabbed my attention and held it as nothing else has in a long, long, long time! And then when I got down to verse 13, and read this:
THOU didst go forth for the salvation of THY people, For the salvation of THINE anointed. THOU didst strike the head of the house of the evil To lay him open from thigh to neck.

I was flummoxed! Folks, I know that the LORD can do anything; I know that, but I don’t think I knew that this was in the Bible. This passage may be speaking metaphorically, or it may not be, but my mouth fell open and I was like, "Whoa!" I went back to verse 2, that talks about the writer's having heard of the LORD and that the writer has fear because of what he has heard. And I joined the writer in his fear, for I can say, "So do I!"  My, my, my, my, my! Oo-oo-wee-e!

Yes, I love the LORD and yes, I respect him, but this morning I have a newfound level of fear and I could quake if I allowed myself to. But, then I take solace in my mind by reminding myself that this GOD WHO has the rays flashing from HIS hand, WHO makes the rivers, WHOSE splendor covers the heavens, WHOSE radiance is like the sun, WHO has pestilence going before HIM and plague coming after HIM, WHOSE one look can startle all the nations, WHOSE very presence made the mountains quake, loves me, even little me...

And my fear is calmed further when I read verses 18 and 19 of Chapter 3 of Hababak for this is what it says"
 18Yet I will exalt in the LORD, I will rejoice in the GOD of my salvation.

19The LORD GOD is my strength, and HE has made my feet like hind's feet And makes me walk on high places.

In other words, HE can do anything that HE wants to do and I am so glad that HE’s mindful of me and takes me and uses me in HIS service and plans things for my good. HE loves me and I love HIM, and I’m so glad, so very glad that HE cares for all of mankind, too. Aren’t you, fellowman?

HE uses me in HIS service and

Makes sure that I am equipped

For the mountains that I may

Have to climb by giving me hind's feet

That make sure that I don't fall

For that sure-footed grip makes

It so that I can leap from precipice to

Precipice and my assigned tasks, complete.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones







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