The Victor's Song
Have you ever had a mountain of trouble and
You looked at that mountain, and you thought,
“Mountain, get outta my way!"
But the mountain stayed right there
So, you took that mountain to Jesus
On your knees in prayer
And you got up from praying
With a fierce new determination
To do GOD’s work no matter the provocation
That tended to get in your way
And before you knew what you were about
Despite your fears, and with your new determination
You found out that you had scaled that mountain
And were headed down the other side
With tears of joy replacing the bitter
Ones that you had not long ago, cried.
And “Oh, how glorious to be a child of the KING!“
Are the words that you opened your mouth and began to sing!
Not So Tall, After All
A mountain stood in my way quite tall
But my FATHER gave me the strength
To scale that mountain’s wall
So I can tell Y’all
I’m moving down that mountain now
On hinds feet and my FATHER
Will not let me fall
And yep, my companions, Faith and Prayer
Were correct when they told me that
That mountain wasn’t so tall
And I add my little bit and say, "After all."
Words to Hold on to
Remember that when testing is done, blessings come.
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