Saturday, October 10, 2020

The SHEPHERD Carries Me


And She Said, "The SHEPHERD Carries Me."

The words that you see above have

Carried me for many a year

I have used them to wade through danger

And to toss away my fear

I told you yesterday that at first, I was my daddy‘s baby

Then I was my Momma's baby

After she became a single parent

But she told me that no matter

What happened in my life

I was and always would be GOD's baby.


So, I learned The 23rd Psalm

That she taught me to recite

And understood that I would never alone, be,

So, no matter what life put me through,

I pasted a smile in my heart,

Though tears flowed from my eyes,

And thought on the words,

"The SHEPHERD carries me."


Yes, I learned to know that the SHEPHERD

Always had my back and that

I did not have to worry because

HE had ammunition enough to handle any attack

And so, fellow man, that is why

Though you may see me cry

You will always see a sheen of joy

Glistening within my eye

And I want you to get used to thinking

And "The  SHEPHERD carries me."

If you learn to lean on the SHEPHERD

You will find that trusting HIM

Gets easier with the passage of time

And one day, people will look at you and see

The trusting contentment on your face

That says, “The SHEPHERD carries me.”

In short, when you look at me, you might see

A trusting daddy's baby,

Or a petted Momma's baby

But I stand to tell the world

That I am GOD's believing baby

Because I know the end of the troubles

That HE has allowed me to see

As I have made my journey

Over the plains, hills, and mountains of life;

Yes, indeed, The SHEPHERD carries me!©

(Based upon Matthew 19:13-14)


MATTHEW 19:13-14

13 Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.

14 But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (NASB)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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