Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Better Understanding

John 14 KJV

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (green color for emphasis, my doing)

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


John 15 NASB

Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Strength for My Journey

John is called the disciple whom Jesus loved. Wow, while I was strolling through the garden path of the book that was written by that apostle, I was struck anew by the depth of love therein. I started reading and it was so good to my senses (like I was mesmerized) that I read several chapters without stopping. My usual reading is two chapters, but not today. I read four chapters before I could put the book down. And it was like I was walking through a fragrant garden or orchard with the fruit ripened aplenty for my smelling and picking.

I can tell you that I devoured chapter 14, verses one and 27 with relish. For, those verses tell me that whatever it is that’s going on in my life, if it’s causing me trouble, not to worry about it because GOD‘s got my back through JESUS. So that chapter says to me, "Yes, you’re going to have trouble in this world, but don’t worry about it; you belong to ME because you believed in my SON."  Folks those are shouting words this morning. That’s letting me know that whatever turmoil is happening in my life, my belief in JESUS and thereby my love for HIM has me covered by the love of the FATHER; and I, folks, I step on.

I am the same person that I’ve always been, but I have a new bounce in my step, now! I don’t worry about what has been anymore, nor about what will be because I know that whatever comes up, my FATHER will be with me! Wow! (Actually, HE always has been; HE just opened my understanding a bit more, perhaps strengthening me for some terrain that lies ahead.)

Understanding My Craft a Bit Better


I always knew that I had a deep caring spirit within me and that I wanted to fix with words any hurtful situation that I encountered.  There was something within me that made me want to soothe people's souls and erase their cares if I could. I knew I was like that, but I figured it’s just the way God made me and so I didn’t question that tendency of mine. But now I have a better understanding of some things in my life.

You see when I was driven to write one, then two, three, and now we’re up to five published books with three more at the publisher, I thought that when I finished the writing that was pouring forth from within me then my time for writing would be over. I thought like that because my reasoning was that there’s only so much that I have within me, right? But, when I read chapter 15 verses two and five above, I understood that I won’t be finished until GOD says my job is done.  I understand now that the LORD prunes the branches of my mind and now I know why I always tell people, "It’s not me but the glory of GOD shining through me." Because when I look at verse five it says, "For apart from ME, you can do nothing," I understand.

I mean I always knew that, but to have it written right there in my Bible, this morning as I walked through the garden of John, I really understood that it is the glory of GOD shining through me via The HOLY SPIRIT. And I know you’re probably thinking, "Well, why would you be thinking about something like that? Well, I'll tell you why. During this pandemic and the troubled times in which we live, being the caring person that I am, I felt like I needed to fix some things if I could by saying something positive each morning on my blog, thereby giving my fellowmen something cheerful/healing/encouraging, etc.  to hold on to as they went about their day.  I understand now that it was the will of God that I write soothing words to the masses to assure them that their GOD sees and knows, and has everything in control.  HE had me, a vessel like them, to write words so that they wouldn’t feel like they were thrown away or like there was no hope.

No more wondering, folks each morning when I get up, "What can I say to the people to make them feel better, today that is different from what I said yesterday?"  I knew that lives were being shattered and hearts were heavy because of this pandemic and too because of the troubled times in which we live.

For, as long as the LORD has something for me to say, the words will flow like letters toppling over a waterfall.


Yes, I’m done with wondering how long my words will last

Because GOD had me to realize that my words will last

Until HE says the time for my writing is past.

Yes, I have a better understanding about not worrying as to

 My words drying up or about the troubled times

That we live in because a soothing walk through

John's garden calmed my fears and erased my doubts

Because GOD via, JESUS via the HOLY SPIRIT

Taught me this morning in the garden of John that

My FATHER will always help me out.©

(Based on John 14-15.)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


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