Saturday, June 30, 2018

Never Alone

Any decision we make in life can affect someone else. People make judgments and form opinions about what they see you do or not do. That means that you may influence someone and not even realize it. For instance, if your mail carrier is used to seeing you day after day, picking up your mail each morning, and for several mornings you do not, that will create enough concern in him for him to mention it to someone. He may mention it to the newspaper boy, the old retired gentleman down the street or your neighbor and slight acquaintance from the house next door.

Now the reason for your not getting the mail might be something as benign as having gone on vacation or something as serious as your having fallen in the home. The point that I am trying to make is that we must never think that what we do is our business and our business alone. Whether you have family or not, there is somebody that watches you daily and admires. It could be the paperboy, the pizza delivery person, some neighborhood child or some child at your church, etc.


Whatever your leadership lot is in life, be it great or small, always remember to lead in a positive manner and a positive direction because somebody follows you and holds you in high regard. Here is a poem I wrote with this thought in mind.



You bear not the torch for naught

You bear it for saints long gone

Who for the Savior’s cause fought

In hopes of spreading the glow of His love

To encompass all mankind, yes

You bear not the torch for yourself alone.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, June 29, 2018

In the Wee Hours of the Morn

Often when I first open my eyes to the dawn's light, thoughts of God's love flood my mind with peace. Then I am led to share that peace with my fellowman who may need to hear that God's love still abides. So, this message today is for all who are weary with traveling up and down mountains and tough terrain. This message is to let you know and/or remind you that the trouble will pass and the sun will shine again. As I tell you in Chopping My Row, all things happen for a reason. Be strengthened and know that He is ever working things our in your life. Be patient for a while longer. Things are done in God's time, not yours and not mine. Remember that and learn the lesson that you were meant to learn from your current mountainous terrain. And know that you are not climbing these mountains in vain. So learn the lesson and learn it well because the time will come when you, because of your experience, will be sought out to help another soul through theirs.

And guess what? After a few such requests for advice, you will realize that God is using you!


Enjoy my poem that He has placed on my mind today because He gave it to me to give you Godspeed on your way.



In the wee hours of the morn

Thoughts of God’s love are born.


Thoughts that will keep me 

Grounded day after day

As I help some traveler and myself

Along our appointed way.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fiery Motivation

Two places in the afterlife

Love one and hate the other

One's reward is eternal bliss

The other offers a fiery reward

I'm living my life with the blissful one's accord

Having said that, which eternal destination

Can you afford?


I have to be me

Don’t you see

A fire burns within my bones

That spurs me onward

Never leaving me alone

So that, try if I might

I can not give up my appointed fight

Though heartache and trouble are often my plight

Because I have a Savior, Who is coming again

And He will take me back with Him

To Heaven's fair and happy land

So, don’t you see

I have to be me

I have a date with eternity.


Think on these kind words.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful, Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

From Time to Forevermore

I gave my heart to Jesus for keeping, a long time ago

I had no idea of just how quickly the sands of time would flow

Bringing nearer thoughts of my passing to the other side

That it won’t be as long  as it has been for sure

And the day and hour approach rapidly when it will be time for me to leave

 Exactly when that day and hour is, is not given for me to know

But, I do know that when I depart, there will be loved ones left to grieve.

I will have to tell them now, not to weep for me when I am gone

Because trouble, frustration, heartache, and sorrow will have, at last, been forced to leave me alone

And I will be skipping with saints from days long gone by

And strolling the streets of gold in that City built in the sky.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, June 25, 2018

A Mini Vacation

When I awoke yesterday morning, I began to look upon the day like a mini-vacation. Since I had to do a poem and a song on a program later in the afternoon,  we opted to spend the entire day in Memphis, and that is how I came to spend the day in my city of birth, Memphis, Tennessee.

And I had made some plans to meet an old college roommate of mine at the program. And, too, while in the city, I stopped by to see a favorite cousin of mine, Essie, whom I had not seen in almost twenty years.

I also sold several of my books at the places that we frequented. When I finished my song on the program, one person asked me for my autograph. We had a good laugh about that, but I can say that I had a stress-free day.

Yep, just one day away from the usual grind and I felt like a new person. I really must say that I was not prepared for people's reaction to the poem of mine, a portion of which, I had set to music. (No, I do not read nor write music, but I hummed that song of mine and hit the corresponding keys, to my ear anyway, that sounded like what I sang.)  The end result was a catchy little tune that the audience grabbed a hold of. Y'all, they sang along with me and stood and clapped and clapped.

I had a very enjoyable day, and I thank God for providing it for me. God's grace in providing a one-day mini vacation. His providential love knows no bounds.

The poem that I did was my poem, Ultimately, from pages 31 - 34 of my book, Chopping My Row. I won't bother to type the whole poem for you because you can look it up in the book, but I will type the introductory verse that I wrote for the poem on yesterday.
Imagine the dead of winter with no lights, water or gas

With a charcoal bucket as the only way of heating and cooking

Imagine grass two-feet high in the frint yard in the summertime

And nothing you could do about it but heave a sigh

Now imagine a loving mother's words always saying to you

'Baby, always reach for the sky.'

That was my life from about eleven years old to 18 years old

And since those years, y'all, I have traveled a winding and mountainous road.

In the poem, I talked about my years after turning 18, graduating high school and heading off to college. I told the audience yesterday that it was on that winding and mountainous road that I became acquainted with ultimately.

When I finished that poem and my two snippets of songs, as I told you earlier, the applause was deafening and almost every heart in the place, I held for a few moments in my hand. God's grace.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones






Friday, June 22, 2018

For Allowing Me to See

People come to me for encouragement and advice
And always have done
But I couldn't see the magnitude of the gift in me
Until I was approached by my only son.

Thank You, Lord, for allowing me to see the gift that you have placed in me and for allowing me to use it for all folks, including self and family. I am grateful, honored, and humbled all at the same time.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, June 21, 2018

That's Just the Way It Is

My Mother, bless her heart, had a matter-of-fact way of saying a thing was what it was. When she had done all she could to work a thing out and could see no other way to try to work a thing out, that is when she came out with those words. For instance, when it was time for school to start back and all of my friends would be going school shopping, my Mother and I would be so thankful when a neighbor or church member brought over a bag of used clothes.

It meant that I would have new clothes for school! My Mother had been reduced to private home-work by then, so often the people that she worked for would give her clothes for me. Some of the things were practically new. That is when I began running seams up the sides of garments to make them fit my 105-pound frame. The generosity of people kept me in new clothes year after year for my junior high and high school years.

After All These Years

Even now, I find myself having that same attitude of making it through until change comes by wearing my rose-tinted glasses of faith. Folk that don't know my story have often ridiculed me for having such an optimistic attitude, but I don't mind, well not enough to make me change who I am. I am who I am by the grace of God, and I proudly stand on that fact. The mountains, hills, and valleys that I have had to traverse have made these old battle-scarred and weary legs of faith strong enough to carry me the rest of the way home. Yes, have been made strong enough to keep my connection with the Lord through prayer, thereby ensuring my triumphant entry to that wonderful City of God.

Do you remember the pendant that I wear around my neck that says, "DEI Sub Numine Viget?" Those words mean, "Under GOD's Spirit, She Flourishes." That is the way it was:

  • at the beginning of my life

  • and when I fell from a two-story landing as a less than two-year-old and landed on my brothers back

  • when a mean old teacher whipped me with three platted willow switches and my screams made another teacher come into that old one-room schoolhouse cloakroom and get her off of me at four years old because I wet my pants because she would not let me go to the outhouse

  • when a car careened across three lanes and spun completely around going in the opposite direction, just barely missing me when I was seven years old

  •  when I stuck a pen in a socket at eight years old

  • and when I got straight, A's in my junior high class, and a girl wanted to cut my neck off with a razor in a fit of jealousy, etc.

That's the way it was then, and that's just the way it is now. In spite of it all, I know that "Under His Spirit, I Flourish." I know that He is able and that He will smooth out all of my adversities and level my mountains. I named some negatives that stood out in my life, but there have been, oh so many positives, a few of which are:

  • being given a student loan and a small scholarship for college (first time student loans were given on the basis of need)

  • having a Mother who instilled in me that I could and would be somebody because I had a God, Who loved me and came to my aid time after time regardless of the fact that the world would have me understand that I was not good enough

  • the countless benefactors that came to my aid over the years until I could stand on my own two feet and even now

  • coming to the realization that this life of mine is not all about me but about what I can do in service to the God of eternity.

That' just the way it is, y'all.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Change Is Definite (cont.)

Sentence 1 Continued

The Apostle Paul went through a jarring change that blessed him into getting his soul saved and blessing millions of people down through the ages, to include you and me. You see, the Lord was mindful of us way back then. Paul's life change was necessary because of God's purpose.

On yesterday, I told you that the Lord orchestrated the jarring change in Job's life. Some scholars would differ with that statement. Let's take job's situation and break it down a little bit. When we read in Job, chapter 1, verses 8-12, we see the beginning of change being discussed for Job and the reason.

It seems that the Lord was proud of Job and was bragging about him to the adversary. And of course, like people so often do today, the adversary had a pat answer to try to take some of the satisfaction from the Lord because of His pride in Job. Something was said to the effect of, "Well, no wonder he is serving You so well. You have blessed all of the works of his hands..." The conversation continued, and the Lord gave the adversary leeway to touch all that Job had, assuring Him that Job would curse the Lord to His face.

You should read the first chapter of the book of Job if you haven't in a while. So, even though the adversary was the one to suggest the change in Job's life, it could NOT have happened if the Lord had not given permission for the change. (When you read the chapter, you will see that there limits placed upon what could be done to Job. That is a reassuring fact for us, too.)

Sentence 2

Abraham was told by the Lord to move away from his kin. That was a big change for him, but he did it and received manifold blessings by being faithful during the move and subsequent events.

Yes, change is definite in this life, and some of it is smoothly ushered in, and some of it jars us to our very souls. What we have to remember is that "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord." (Romans 8:28, KJV)

And as you can see with Job, Joseph and Abraham and many others, staying faithful through changes will garner you blessings from the Lord. Joseph was made second in command in all of Egypt; Job was blessed with twice as much as he had before and Abraham was blessed with a child in his old age and was told that his descendants would be as innumerable as the sand on the seashore.


Even if I never understand some things that occur and have occurred in my life, I will still love and trust my Maker, Who has carried me this far on my life's journey and who is preparing a place for me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Change Is Definite

On Sunday, I gave you two sentences to look at. I asked you to decide which of the two was written in a softer tone and I asked you to tell me why you thought so. So, let's take a look at the two sentences that I gave you, but bear in mind that, as the title states, change is a natural part of life. By the mere laws of nature, we know that change is inevitable. We know this because we are born as babies, we grow up to grow old, and then we die. That is change.

  • Sentence One - Change, though sometimes jarring, is necessary. This sentence could be the more stern of the two. It could be saying,  "Change is a deadpan fact of life; deal with it." It could be saying, "So, you got rattled by the change; get a tougher skin. Get over it already. Go with the flow and live to see another day. Contrary to what you might think, life is not all about you and does not revolve around what you wish or want."

  • Sentence Two - Change, though necessary, can sometimes be jarring. This sentence could be saying, in a softer tone, "Yeah, I know you got jarred, but remember that all change is not jarring. It will get better."

Sentence One

Joseph, Job and the apostle Paul all went through jarring changes that the Lord had orchestrated. Joseph had a good relationship with the Lord and maintained it.

Apostle Paul did not have a good relationship with the Lord, in fact, just the opposite. But when he was struck blind on the Damascus Road, he developed a strong, faithful relationship with the Lord. (to be continued...)



Sunday, June 17, 2018

Change, Though

Here are two sentences that say essentially the same thing. However one says it with a little bit of a softer touch.

Sentence 1 - Change, though sometimes jarring, is necessary.

Sentence 2 - Change, though necessary, can sometimes be jarring.

Tell me which of these sentences you think is softer in tone and why.

Explain each of them using an example for each.

That's all for today.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Never Forget

Never forget that He is in control. Sometimes we tend to forget that we are not in control of our own lives. We have to be reminded that we live, we move, and we have our being, by the grace of God. You know, there are some people that we meet who are destined to do great things for the Lord. Sometimes, these people who are destined to do great things for the Lord do not even know it themselves. Think about all of the great inventors, and statesmen in history; think about Moses, Joseph, David, Abraham, Noah, David, etc. in Biblical history.

I wonder if they felt different from other children when they were young. And I wonder if they were often ostracized because of being different. We know that Joseph was.

You might be thinking, "What is your point?" My point is that when you see someone who is different, be careful how you deal with them. They may have been hand-picked for whatever by the Lord.

On the Other Hand, If You

If you are one of those people who does things a bit differently from others, don't sweat it. Don't put yourself down or hold yourself back for others to like you. If you have been picked to do a job, then go about doing it gladly. Others will come around or they won't, but you, my friend, will know that you have fulfilled the dream that was driving you - that dream that just would not go away no matter how hard you tried to ignore it. There is a reason for the persistence of your dream. Think about it!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Today, I want to talk to those of you who use words to make folk feel good, or at least feel better, no matter what circumstances they find themselves in, in life. There are many professions or hobbies that fall into the category mentioned above, writers, speakers, and singers, just to name a few. I wanted to take the time to tell you that you are special. You have been given a gift of using words to uplift your fellowman. (Isaiah 50:4)

If you do any of the above-mentioned things very much at all, you probably have a dream about where you are headed and have had it for quite some time. You probably also have people that try to dash your hopes in that dream. Don't let it bother you overmuch; it comes with the territory, success. Remember how Joseph was ridiculed and hated because of his dreams? (Genesis 37)


In spite of what others do and say to you in a negative way regarding your dream, do not stop dreaming. You hold on to that dream because it is precious and because you are special. And remember this, a good book, song, or speech,  causes the body to build endorphins, a feel-good hormone.  Thus, when you do your writing, speaking, singing, etc. you are doing the thing that you were meant to do, making mankind forget their cares for a while. If God is behind your dream, there is nothing anyone can do to keep you from fulfilling that dream. Be blessed.

DWICWICBIC (Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care)

Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Hurt? Disappointed? Don't Understand?


That’s alright. Take it to Jesus. Leave your hurt, disappointment, and your "why" with Him. This blog today was placed on my mind to help you today if you are wrestling with pain, disillusionment, or perplexity about your situation.


As you might know, I decide each day what I am going to write about, unless a topic needs several days to finish.  I remember something a good friend said to me several years ago. “Everything happens for a reason.” Those words became my lifeline and they will yours, too if you let them.


Today is the Lord’s day and, as such, is a day that we need to go to worship. What better way to let go of your hurt, disappointment, and perplexity than among people of faith in worship service? When they sing, you sing, too. When they pray, you pray, too. Have a reverent, prayerful attitude during the worship service.



Do you think that you are the only person who has been so hurt badly that you just know in your heart that you will never be “whole again?” I can assure you that you are not. Words penned about Job, about David,  and so many other Biblical characters attest to this fact. And so does this pen of mine. But, what do we all have in common? Exactly! The faithfulness of God.  1 Corinthians, chapter 1 verse 9, Psalm 89:8, Isaiah 25:1, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hosea 11:12, and Deuteronomy 7:9 all talk about the faithfulness of God

I stand here today to tell you that the hurt will heal and the pain will go away. And as far as never being whole again, you will be. However, you will not be the same again. (Sometimes we have to go through trials, tribulations, let downs, etc. to come forth as pure gold or as vines that have been pruned by the Lord. John 15:2, KJV) You will be better, and you will use those lessons to help others just as I am doing for you today. Blessed one, you will be okay if you keep your hand in God's hand.


Disappointments come because we have our minds set one thing and then something else happens. Remember those words that I painted in the color green back in paragraph one? Take them to heart and know that, "All things work together for good for those that love the Lord." (Romans 8:28) Hold on to your faith and trust Him to work things out. (You would do well to get a copy of my book, Chopping My  Row, from the library and read the section on storms. If your library does not have a copy of it, maybe they will order a copy for you or if you will send me the address of your library, I will be glad to gift them a copy.)

Don't Understand

Our minds are not the minds of God. His ways are higher than ours as are His thoughts. I used to wonder why certain things happened to me until I read the 38th chapter of the book of Job. I don't wonder anymore. I just trust in Him and I keep that green statement from above among the uppermost thoughts in my mind, and I keep stepping.

You see, I don't understand how and why a bridge holds me, but I trust it to do so. And never let it be said that I have more faith in a bridge than I do the God of Heaven. I have learned to trust Him in all things and to know that there is a reason for everything that happens in my life, be it good or be it bad. I enjoy the good and thank Him for it. I ask His help in making it through the bad while praising Him and thanking Him for the good that is in my life and for my ultimate deliverance by a faithful God. And then what do I do? Yep, you got it. I keep stepping.

Be blessed and have a soul-reviving time in worship today. God loves you, and so do I.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful and Stepping On Carr-Jones


Friday, June 8, 2018

A Rainbow!

Give Thanks for the Metaphysical Rainbows!

Give thanks for the metaphysical rainbows!

Because it means that you traveled and 

Triumphed through the storm not alone

But that the Creator had angels with you

And limited what harm your enemies could do.

He brought you through by His powerful hand

To again see and feel the sun-washed land

So give Him thanks and praise, oh beloved human

As time ticks on and you still can.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Will and Grace

Will and Grace

Do the best you can as you chop your row,

But you cannot count on thanks from others you know,

Some will plant cockleburs, Johnson grass, and other

Weeds on your row, thus making it hard to hoe.

But one thing I have learned in my days

Of chopping, hoeing, and tilling in this garden below

Is that it is by His will and His grace that I thrive

In this garden, in spite of the sowing of weeds by the foe,

And I do not waiver in my resolve or my zeal

To that eternal, blessed, and placid place to go.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Don't Coddle It

Whatever we want to grow, we nurture it and coddle it. Mothers do that for their babies. Gardeners do that for their plants, etc. Yep, if you want something or someone to thrive, nurture and coddle it. This is a law of nature.


When you apply nurturing, coddling, and positivity in general to a person or plant, the end result will be more of the plant or a hearty growing and a showing of well-being. However, just the opposite is proven true as well. If a child lives with negativity and constant putdowns with no source of nurturing or positivity, that child in all practicality, will become nothing or a neer-so-well because it was not given what it needed to thrive.

Making An Application

Have you ever seen someone have justifiable anger about something or someone? Sure you have. If you think about it for a moment, you will realize that people handle that type of anger mostly in one or two ways: 1) they either batten it down and starve it or 2) they nurture it and feed it.

  1. In number one above, the anger, though justifiable, will slowly wilt and die. Why, lack of nourishment.

  2. In number two above, the anger will grow and fester to become something way out of proportion, more than likely, to the original cause for the anger.  Before long, a person can become a prisoner of that anger. (How do you think that feuds are passed from one generation to another? Remember the Hatfields and the McCoys?)


However, holding on to anger, justifiable or not, is not the Christian way. 1 Peter 4:8 says that love covers a multitude of sins. If we apply this scripture to our lives, then there will be no seeds of anger festering and growing in our lives. Instead, we will have a garden full of the, "...Peaceful fruits of righteousness." (Hebrews 12:11, KJV) Oh, how sweet 'twill be at harvest time!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A New Day (Concl.)

Told you yesterday that we would finish the thought of, "A New Day, this morning and so we shall. Wanted to talk to those of you who feel like you have had enough of stormy times for a while.

So, I want to take you on a, “What if,” scenario trip. A scenario that will help you during those times that you feel that you have been in the storm too long. Ready? Let’s go.

Do you remember when you got your first place of your own? Nothing quite like that feeling, is there? You felt like the whole world was out there waiting for you to make your mark upon it. You felt invincible, didn’t you?

Yep, there was nothing that you could not achieve. Finally, you were an adult and out of trade school or college and ready to start living the life that you had planned since you were a kid. Ah-h, remember that carefree feeling, that feeling of invincibility?

Hmph, then life had a go at you. But you were optimistic and weathered most of your storms, which seemed minimal at first. There were ups and downs through the years, but you persisted. You kept going. No matter what happened, you kept your faith in the God that your mother had talked to you so much about. Yes, that same God, Who you talked to so much as a child and learned to lean on and trust, kept you going through the good times and through the rough times.

You learned to bend without breaking, and in general, to be flexible. You learned to trust in God to help you make it through. People began to marvel at your faith, and you, you kept moving doggedly forward, your only goal to make it to Jesus and heaven. Somehow, determination, grit, and persistence had become your allies.

You did well. You learned to take life one day at a time. You learned to climb the mountain that you were on, one small step at a time... And then, one day you awoke with the knowledge that you had reached the top of the mountain whose rough side you had been climbing for years. You awoke to know, just know, that things were going to be different. You didn’t know how you knew and you didn’t care. You just knew that your years in the storm and of climbing that mountain were over.

Scenario Over

Tell me, how do you feel? Do you feel exhilaration, relief? You feel like that because of a “what if” scenario that we walked through today. Then here is what I want you to do for each day of your life for the rest of your life. With each new day, hope that today might be the day that your storm ceases. And then, my friend, you step on because one day your stormy season will end and perpetual joy will reign. One day your happiness will be so great that you will scarce think it is real.

Just Think About It

How do you think that Job felt when his captivity was turned? Such joy, oh such joy! And you, too, my friend if you remain faithful.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, June 4, 2018

A New Day

I am posting very late today, but I am posting nevertheless. I have had this thought in my mind all day long and am just now getting around to it. Life happens, but if we are persistent enough, we usually get things done.

What we have to do is take things one day at a time. That is like taking one step at a time. How are mountains climbed, one step at a time, right? Then you and I must do the same thing with those pesky life situations that threaten our joy. More on this subject on tomorrow.

GOD Specializes


When you come to the river that seems

To be uncrossable and you pray, and you pray

And it seems there is no hope for you

You ever think that GOD is saying, “No

You stay on this side of the river

I have other work for you to do.”

Did you ever stop to think that HE is saying

“Don’t worry about the mountain and

The valley that you go through

Just remember that I am GOD

And that I have plans for you.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Grateful Carr-Jones

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Times change and seasons do, also, but some things remain the same. Had the desire to be a positive example of forbearance, patience, kindness, etc. and still, do today. Though we often are bruised by the tentacles of hatred, jealousy, envy, and mistreatment, we turn our face toward heaven, and onward we go.


I write, sing, and do what I will

Others do the same

But I don't write, sing and do

For fortune nor for fame

Yes, you heard me, I don't do things

For you to remember my name.

I do what I do to encourage my fellowman

By sewing seeds of encouragement

Inspiration, and kindness wherever I can.

For one day, seed time will be over

And harvest time will be ushered in

I just want my legacy to read

She was the best that she could have been




When people, situations, and life, in general, frustrate you, just remember that you belong to the One in heaven Who laughs. And you step on.

You keep writing, singing, worshiping, and doing what you can.


Keep Doing

You keep doing what you always have

Done for Him, Who sits on heaven's throne

Because one day, as David said, your enemies will

Be made to leave you alone.


Still Doing What I Can, While I Can Because God Cared First,

Alma L. Stepping On and Grateful Carr-Jones



Saturday, June 2, 2018

Said, "No."

Nobody likes to be told, "No." You don't, and neither do I. Remember when you were still a child and you wanted to do something very badly, and your parents said, "No."? Remember how you acted? Uhm-m hmm-m and remember how relieved you felt when something unfavorable came to light, and you were so thankful that your parents had not allowed you to go to a certain event or participate in such-and-such? If you think about it, I imagine that there were several times in your life that your parent's intuition had proven to be right when it came to something that you wanted to do. In the latter part of your teenage years, you probably had become resigned when you asked to go someplace or to do something, and they said, "No,"  to such an extent that you did not throw a fit as rapidly as you used to. (I know you probably did like most of us did back then and thought that you would be glad to go to college or get your own place because nobody could tell you what to do then.) But, all in all, you had learned to trust your parents as if they had some inner radar for sticky situations where you were concerned.


We have learned to trust our parents, but not God? Well, yes, those are some strident words, but I believe that they hold some merit, for some of us, anyway. Here is why I said what I did. When we pray for something, and it does not happen, we have been given one of three answers, which are, "Yes, no or wait a while."  How long is a while? It might be soon or not so soon. It means that we have to live, work, and carry on with our daily lives. If a thing is meant to happen, it will. If it is not God's will, then it will never happen, and we must learn to live with that. Look at things like this:

If it is meant to be, it will be

And if it is not meant to be

We just have to take it personally

And think, "God said no because

He knows what is best for me."


And remember, our parents, in their limited vision, told us, "No," and we still respect them today. How much more does God, who sees the total picture big and small, deserve our obeisance and subjection?

So, if you did not get an affirmative answer to your prayer, you cannot justify yourself by being angry because you, the thing created, cannot chastise the Creator, the Master Planner. (Job 38, and Philippians 1:6) If He did not answer your prayer in the affirmative, trust Him and keep stepping.


Friday, June 1, 2018

In Thee

Whew! This week has brought back memories of when we first had a new baby in the house and had to do everything around its schedule. Sleep when it sleeps, do chores while it is awake and occupied with its rattle, swinging in the swingset, etc. We have our daughter, who is special, back with us and finding time for writing has been an arduous task. (You might not think that having an adult daughter who is special, but can read, is verbal and is mobile is a problem. I stand before you to say, "Oh yes, it is!" Why? Well, when I write, I go into a zone and see and hear, basically, nothing. I had gotten used to doing that since we had had an empty nest for so long. Suffice it to say that you don't go into any type of zone with my special daughter in attendance! That is a no, no!  We will leave it at that. But, by the grace of God, I have still managed to get some writing done.

Empty Nest

It was fairly hard for us when we first allowed our daughter to go to a group home. If I had not been a faithful Christian, I would have worried night and day, non-stop. We had to get used to not having someone underfoot all of the time who needed our attention and monitoring. It was particularly hard for me in my role of protective momma bear.

As it was, I managed to back up and leave everything in God's hands, and things worked out nicely, until... Yes, things went nicely until a new person moved into the girl's home. Then trouble began in earnest.  My daughter became the target of this other lady, and we were having a time of it. The daughter that was so proud to be on her own was not so proud anymore.  She stayed in a state of turmoil quite a bit of the time. There was usually a major flare-up each week involving this other lady.


After the last flare-up, we decided to go and bring our daughter back home until something could be worked out as far as keeping the two of them apart.

The writing this week has welled up from

A stream that runs deep within my soul

To remind me that tilling and weeding my row

Is the way to reach my heavenly goal.

No matter how men may posture and rage

Is the part that I play on this world’s life stage.

Have had to remember to Whom I belonged

When I was being thrust under the

Microscope of this world's throng.

I've been done right and  been done wrong

But I maintained my trust in Thee and waited

For Your intervention in my life  as I extolled

Your praises by telling my story and singing my song

And say to You determinedly, "In Thee, oh Lord, I put my trust."



You already know that I sing a lot around my house, right? Well, one thing that I did not tell you about my singing is that when my daughter is having one of her super mad sessions, I can start singing and she will calm down after saying a few choice words more. So, you know that I have been singing quite a bit this week. Oh, another thing about my singing, I had to learn not to use certain words in the songs that I sing and have learned to sing some of the songs she wants to hear, too.  Its called trusting while being flexible and surviving.


Doing What I Have to Do, While I Can and Stepping On,

Alma L. Caring and Grateful Carr-Jones