Monday, November 30, 2020


So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. (Romans 14:19, NASB)


In life, people come and people go

But the GOD of Heaven has always

Taken care of me, I want you to know.

Bosses come and bosses go

But the God of Heaven has always

Taken care of me, I want you to know.

Things happen that fill us with woe

But we have to remember that

Sometimes, the greatest thing to

Happen in our lives comes in a form

That we cannot readily discern

And one thing that I have had to learn

Is that I must trust God through

Whatever changes happen in my life

As I remind myself, “ Alma, God

Knows best don’t you know?!”

What am I saying? I am saying that

I’m not going to allow the happenings

In my life to fill me with woe overlong

Because I know that God expects me

To have faith and be strong

Even when it’s hard for me to do,

So, I go to God’s word and read so that I can

Be encouraged, have peace within myself

And exude peace to my fellowman.©


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Sunday, November 29, 2020

In Disappointment's Wake

Have I been disappointed before

Yes, mightily so

But, I didn’t allow my disappointment to break me

Instead, I allowed it to continue to make me;

You see, to quit, to stop, that is always the easiest

But to continue, to persevere

Is what makes a true hardened winner

Because “hard winner” carries

With it, a story to tell

And such a story can only be fashioned

By having walked through !#@!*#,

So, the thing to do is learn

Disappointment’s lesson well

Because the telling of your story

May just be the catalyst that causes

Another not to fail.©



In Disappointment's Wake 2

Being disappointed, hurt, or crushed

Are things that we all have been privy to

But the thing is, to not allow that

Disappointment, hurt, or being crushed,

To define the lasting you

But to use that avenue to reach

Heights never imagined, as you

Work on getting close(er) to GOD

While you walk the pathway that

That others before you have trod

And always remember to mark the pathway

That you trod because you just might be

On a work detail appointed to you by GOD.©

(Based on Romans 12:12.)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


A Message Written in the Eyes

Today is the 29th of November

And as far back as I can remember

This begins this season

Of strong anticipatory joy

As can be attested to by

The parents of every girl and boy.

Yet, the children of today have had

To eat a slice of wisdom‘s pie

Because they have had to look

The evidence of the COVID-19

Pandemic right in the eye.

They have had to learn what

Hoping and praying for a vaccine means

They have had to grow up fast

Though they, like everyone else, is

Longing for this pandemic to be past

So that they can live with

The carefree abandonment of youth again

Meeting with friends, shopping

And having fun...

Yet when you look into their young eyes

You will always be able to see

The evidence that they ate a slice

Of wisdom‘s "wizenedberry" pie

And learned from their slice

A deeper appreciation and love for

The GOD of heaven who answers prayer;

Yes, that is one of the things that you will

Find in the eyes of today’s youth

Should you take the time to look there.

And you and I both know that

Once you eat a slice of wisdom‘s pie,

There remains a faith that will

Be several generations strong

Because the impact of the telling of the story

Will last, at least, that long.

And what about you and me

When the world takes a good look at our eyes

What will be there for them to see

Will it be a renewed discovery of the

Importance and practice of family prayer

Along with a resilient faith and heartfelt joy

Oh may it ever be, fellowman, may it ever be!©


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones




Friday, November 27, 2020

Joy on Your Way


Good morning, fellowman

And how do you do

It is a joyous day that I wish for you

As you and I together work to do what we can

To make our way toward the Promised Land.©

Glory to HIM in the Highest

The poems that I pin

The books that I write

Even my blogging insight

Are all given by God

So that I can do what I might

Thus, "Glory to HIM in the highest,"

Has become my battle cry

As for the strengthening of

The souls of men I wage my fight

Because sometimes a few

Encouraging words are all you need

To help you stay strong

So with joy, I pen these words

Upon which your soul, you may feed.

It is an honor for me, you see

To serve the God of all humanity

As I make my way down this row

That I was given to chop several years ago

And chop I will until my day is done

And I'm called to that land beyond the setting sun.©

(Based on Romans 11:36.)



For Me


26 And it shall be that in the place where it was said to them, ‘you are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”



For me
From God
By Jesus
For me!©



Never forget that GOD loves you! You see, fellowman, sometimes you have to take a simple but inexplicable truth and hold it to your heart. And when you do, the holding will build up trust and then faith. When you do that simple thing and make it repetitive, you are building perseverance. And that pleases the LORD!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To The Greatest GOD That Ever Was

To the greatest GOD that ever was

And ever will be

It is with gratitude that I say

FATHER, thank YOU for YOU

And for YOUR provision for me.

Thank YOU for the knowledge

That no matter what I go through

Everything will be OK

Because I walk with YOU.

My gratitude is such that I

Can never tell YOU all of

The things that I am thankful

To YOU for because I do not have

The mind to know them all

But I wanted to list some of them

As best as I can recall.©

My List That Goes on to Infinity

  • Thank YOU, DEAR GOD, for the "indwelling of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT."

  • Thank you for "teaching us how to pray as YOUR SPIRIT intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

  • Thank YOU for causing "all things to work together for good because we love YOU."

  • Thank YOU for "calling us according to YOUR purpose."

  • Thank YOU for "being for us."

  • Thank YOU for "JESUS CHRIST who died, was raised, and WHO sits at YOUR right hand and intercedes for us."

  • Thank YOU for immediate family, church family, friends, health, livelihood, etc.

  • Thank YOU for being mindful of this vessel of clay
    And giving me the hope that
    YOU will return for me, one day.

  • Thank YOU for giving me the wherewithal and desire to share the knowledge of YOUR love with my fellowman.

  • Thank YOU for ridding us of the Covid-19 Virus that is about to go away.

  • ...

-In gratitude, I pray, Amen!

(Based on Romans 8.)


Be strong a little while longer, my friends, for vaccination is on its way.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Holding on to My Joy


I am able to hold on to my joy

When I read scriptures like

Romans chapter 6 verse 23

That tell me that JESUS is coming back for me.

"For the wages of sin is death but the

Free gift of God is eternal life

in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

Scriptures like the one above

Tell me to keep working

In joy and love

Because JESUS is coming back for me.

Yes, payday is coming after a while

So it behooves each of us to behave ourselves

As if we are GOD’s child.

Yes, I get joy down in my soul

When I read of HIS coming back

Like the Bible has foretold

And I keep stepping with joy

Because Heaven is my goal.

So, fellowman, if you get

Discouraged from time to time

Just read the manual that GOD

Provided when HE chose us to employ

And hold on to that (Manual) Bible

Where we can hear JESUS say

"I will be coming back for you one day."

Y'all, that means that I will

Be lighter than air

And that I will ride the fluffy cloud

That grabbed my attention

As a child, by being so high up in the sky

It means that I will ride past all of the clouds

On my way to glory

Where I can rejoice and tell

All who will listen about how

Jesus wrote the end of all my heartache and pain

In short, I will get to skip

Around and tell my story

While shouting with glee,

"I made it in, Y'all; I made it

And that is payment enough

Because JESUS came back for me!©


Y'all, I took a bit of fanciful license with my poem, but the joy in it is sincere. We all know how jubilant we will be when we get home to Glory to GOD's Land and it finally hits us that this is as good as it gets! This is the be all end all and we don't have to worry about

  • shedding any more tears

  • something or somebody taking our joy because they are jealous because we are so happy

  • pain invading our body

  • the bills being due (light bill, heating bill, mortgage, rent, food bill, etc.)

  • disease attacking us (cancer, Covid-19, etc.)

  • leaving our youth behind

  • or any other worldly cares because we will be at home with JESUS in HIS Land!

In short, let me make a final bold point. Getting to go home with JESUS will be like every payday that you have ever had in your earthly life, every moment of joy, every smile...all wrapped in one, but even that does not compare! The LORD has said that it has not entered into the hearts of man the joys that the LORD has for those that love HIM! Now that, Y'all, says it all! Does it not? Don't you want to go? And that is one line I won't mind standing in, waiting for my name to be called.

Oh, and by the way, if you see something flit by you like a kangaroo, rabbit, joyful child, etc., that will be me...spreading my joyous smile while skipping for all of Heaven to see!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones



Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Going for the Gold


"Going for the gold," makes you think of the Olympic games, doesn't it? Yes, it does, but it can also refer to something that is a most highly desired accomplishment with reference to other aspects of life.

"Going for the gold," yep, that brings to mind a definite struggle to attain something that is not easily attained. That might be like having brotherly love exist between races of people. You might be thinking, "Now, lady, you know that is not possible! Ya' think? Well, I think it is possible. Listen to this; just because something has not been generally done does not mean that it cannot be done.

You remember that the Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans, right? Well, JESUS stopped that when HE asked for a drink of water from one of them. Uhm, hmm. Well, I can see that you did not like that example so let me take you on a different route. Do you remember what Ezekiel was asked in the valley of dry bones?
Ezekiel 37

Son of man can these bones live?"

Y'all know the story of how the bones got to rattling and shaking and moving and lived again. Old dried dead bones!


Uhm, hmm, and when we read Romans 4 the latter part of  17, we see something similar for it reads:
Romans 4:17

...even God who gives life to the dead calls into being that which does not exist

And right behind that thought comes the scripture that asks if there is anything too hard for GOD. (Jeremiah 32:27)


Somebody said that brotherly

Love was dead in our land

That love between races could not exist

But Jesus said, "Let brotherly love continue"

So can there be love between races,

Yes, there can, even if a thing is dead

Wizened to the core

GOD's power to give life to things dead

Means that life, HE can restore.

We've already established the fact that

With nothing being too hard for HIM,

HE can call into being that which does not exist

So, is there anything too hard for HIM

No, there is not

Now fellowman, what we have to do

Is put back into hearing some words

That some of us forgot

And "Let brotherly love continue..."

So is brotherly love impossible in this land

No, it is not my friend

Because God will do what only God can

And make us mindful of our fellow man.

So, each day as I work

I go for the gold

As I live by faith in the words of God

Which have already been told.

So I walk by faith

As onward I go

With a living message that says

I have love for you, brother

Don’t you know?

And while the love that

I have for you may not be reciprocated

That's okay by me

Because I have a payday

That's already been slated

On the other side of eternity.

Can harmony between races exist, fellowman

The answer is yes because God says it can.©

Monday, November 23, 2020

One Day When the Trumpet Sounds

There will be happiness and joy galore
When the skipper lands on the other shore©


Y'all know by now that I liken my Bible reading to strolling along a garden path. Well, this morning, as I strolled through the garden of Romans, (one of my favorite books)  the second chapter caused the skipping joy of GOD's payday to envelop my heart, yet again. Here are the verses that grabbed my attention today:

Romans 2 NASB

WHO will repay each person according to his deeds:

to those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life;

10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who does what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of mankind through Christ Jesus.


After reading the scriptures, I started thinking about writing a poem about those verses that had spoken to my heart so strongly this morning. But then, after I wrote the first two lines, an inkling of something that I had written before came to my mind.

So, I looked back through my work, and what do you know

Up popped material from Chopping My Row!©


Excerpt from Chopping My Row

In essence, let us wrap our little selves in His love and make plans to meet Him in glory for a blessed reunion at the judgment, hm-m-m?

You see; one day the work of peacemakers and "troublemakers" will cease and somebody will relate the news that we have from this earthly plane found release. There will be no need for peacemakers because we will be residing with Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Troublemakers will be allowed to wreak havoc no more and as I have said before, they and all their "kin" will not be allowed inside heaven's door!

It will be grand! - Got up before the chickens to get my Sunday dinner done. After worship, all that I need to do is cook cornbread. A job satisfactorily done. That is what I want to hear at the end of my time here on earth when I stand before the Lord in the judgement, "Well done, Alma. Enter into the joys of the Lord."  Won't that be a grand day, folks? But, until then, we will keep pressing forward as we work our way down the row that we have been assigned to cultivate in the vineyard. And we will do it with joy, hm-m?

Case in Point 2 - Can't you just imagine when you have been hard ridden all the way to the other side and those old denizens think that they can sail right through the city gates with you. Ha ha ha, I have told you before that I am a skipper and that is true. What I am going to do is fall out laughing when trouble, heartache, disappointment, and all of the rest of that crowd are stopped cold at the gate. They cannot say, we are with her. Ha ha ha ha! That won't wash and I will lie down and howl with laughter, then I will hop up and do what I have told you that I would do, start my skipping. I'm gonna skip high and skip long, if they let me. But I know I won't be the first one to go berserk with happiness, so they will all probably say something like, "It's okay; she just arrived from below." Tee hee

Actually, I don't know how it will go, but I tell you this, whenever He wipes my final tears and turns me loose in the streets of glory, I will skip! It's as simple as that. And I just might howl with glee, too. One thing for sure, no matter what form it takes, I will rejoice! You too?

We are moving toward an ultimate destination. We have a date that has been set on the other side of time. The title for this lesson is a fitting title because it implies that nothing is over. It won't be over until the end of time. It reminds us that we must keep going, no matter the stormy sessions we have, and no matter the pain.

Dried Her Tears

That will be a great day

For us Christians, one and all

For if, we have remained faithful

We will eagerly await the roll call.

Yes, the best is yet to come

Just you wait and see

There will be untold joy

If we stay faithful 'til eternity.

As I have told you before

I am going to be beside myself

When I get through heaven's door.

I had a lady in the hospital

Giggling quite a bit

When I stood around her bedside

And told her what I would do

Once I got inside.

Y'all know that I have told you

That I have always been a skipper

And when I described my joy to her

I told her I would be quite the quipper.

I told her that in my mind's eye

I could see old trouble and old pain

Peeping through the gates of heaven

Itching to, but not able to get at me.

I told her that if I had arms, hands

Legs and feet, in a body of some kind

That I would lie down on the ground

And with glee, my fists I would pound

The turf while pointing and laughing with glee

At old trouble and old pain saying

"I'm rid of Y'all for eternity."

She snickered in earnest then and gone

We're the tears that she had had in her

Eyes when first she called me near

And asked me if for her I would pray

I'm glad she beckoned to me from her bed

I'm glad that she felt better for something I said

But how could I not try to lighten her load

When she, bless her heart, was such a dear?

No, I am not a comedian, just a child

Who is willing to do all that I can to

Help fellow travelers as we make

Our way back to our homeland.

For one day, He will make the final choice

And we, dear friends, will get the chance

To shout in jubilant voice

Along with the angels as we all rejoice.


I am thankful to be given one more day for building for Him as HE prepares a home for me. When I get there, I can enjoy the things that HE has prepared for me that cannot enter into my mind and my heart because it surpasses my understanding. Don’t you know that nothing that this life has thrown at us will matter then? Ah, in the hands of my JESUS, that will be enough for me. Ah-h-h, how sweet it is and how sweet it will be!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Listen to the Reign Rain

The sound of death and

The agony of despair

Were common sounds

That could be heard there

-During Covid-19's reign.

Yet, there was a resilience

That could be heard as

The poets got busy

The writers got busy

Trying to buoy their

Fellow man's spirits

As the scientists got busy

In deep thinktank sharing

And working in their labs

And the prayer

Warriors asked GOD

To stay the hand

Of the virus that was

Decimating the world's lands!

And now listen to the rain


For HE ended COVID-19's reign

And instead, let peace be

The order of the day again

In all the worlds lands

When HE gave us a vaccine that

Saved the lives of man.

And now the poets, writers, scientists,

And prayer warriors, and most every man

Are looking to The GOD of Heaven

In thanksgiving for saving man

As only HE can!

And now, the sound of death

And the agony of despair

Are not common sounds

That can be heard there

Because the CREATOR declared

"MY people have humbled themselves

So, their lives shall be spared!"

Yes, indeed! Gone is the sound

Of any new Covid-19 pain

Instead, if you listen with care

What you will hear is life-sustaining rain,

One of the cycles that GOD

Set in motion way back in

The beginning, and it reminds us

That only GOD says, "When."©




GOD saved us and we ought to thank HIM again, again, and again. Oh, and did I mention again?!


From The Tallest Mountain in My World, walking and talking by faith in the Mighty, Loving GOD that we serve,

Alma L. Carr-Jones




Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Good Day

People come into our lives

And we don't know how

Long they will stay

Some move on along

And some pass away.

But the best thing that

We can do as we work

And sometimes play

Is to live a life such that

Of us, they will say

"The day that I met you

Was a mighty good day."

So, let's all live for GOD

In a manner that when we move

Or when they move

We'll be missed in a good way

Because our influence will be

Left with others to stay.©

(Based on Acts 20:32)



Some people you meet once in a lifetime; others you become acquainted with, and they stay in your life for a short time, and then others walk with you through most of your life's journey. But be it a short time or a long time, the most important thing to remember is that they will have something positive to say about your being GOD's child. Let's strive to do our best to make others say or think, "Thank you for that; you have made my day. I'm so glad that I ran into you today."

Let's work on how we leave people feeling. Be blessed, Y'all, and thank GOD for the vaccine!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones



Friday, November 20, 2020

"GOD of All Flesh"

Jeremiah 32:27, NASB



I hang my hat on this scripture, for therein lies the answer to all of my cares.


I put myself in my FATHER's  hands

And therein I lie

And all the cares of this world

Seem just to pass me by.©


(Below is a song from my childhood that I have used to carry me through the years. I hope it blesses you as it has me, for I have used it to walk through various situations in my life.)
If this World from you withholds
Of its silver and it’s gold
And you have to get along
With meager fare
Just remember in HIS word
How HE feeds the little bird
Take your burdens to the LORD
And leave them there.

Leave them there
Oh leave them there
Take your burdens to the Lord
And leave them there.

If you trust and never doubt
He will surely bring you out
Take your burdens to the Lord
And leave them there.


Walking by faith in thankful gratitude,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Thursday, November 19, 2020


It’s simple, really
He made you
He made me
Loving each other is what
We are commanded to do.©

(Based on Acts 17:26)



Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

GOD's Bounty in Taking Care of Man


When I see the gentle rain

Fall to this earth here below

I am reminded of my FATHER's provision

From the nourishing water

To the fruitful trees that grow.


When I see the rain-fed rivers

Rushing to and fro

As they lace this land here below

I am reminded that it is

By my FATHER’s hand

That I am held steady as I go,

And I am filled with awe each time

I get to behold a rainbow

Or take  a bite of a juicy piece of fruit

Because I am reminded that GOD

Fixed this earth just so

IN order that me, it would suit.©

(Based on Acts 14:17.)


17 yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.”


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Peace That the World Doesn't Understand

There is a peace
That I have within me
Given by God
- Ahh, serenity.©

Acts 12:1-11 NASB

1Now about that time Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church, to do them harm 

And he had James the brother of John executed with a sword.

When he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter as well. (Now these were the days of Unleavened Bread.)

When he had arrested him, he put him in prison, turning him over to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending only after the Passover to bring him before the people.

So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made to God intensely by the church.

On the very night when Herod was about to bring him forward, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison.

And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly stood near Peter, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.” And his chains fell off his hands.

And the angel said to him, “Put on your belt and strap on your sandals.” And he did so. And he *said to him, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me.”

And he went out and continued to follow, and yet he did not know that what was being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision.

10 Now when they had passed the first and second guard, they came to the iron gate that leads into the city, which opened for them by itself; and they went out and went along one street, and immediately the angel departed from him.

11 When Peter came to himself, he said, “Now I know for sure that the Lord has sent forth His angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.”

Right now, we are we’re still in the grips of the Corona Virus (Covod-19) pandemic, but we can begin to see an end to it through God‘s blessing. But did you ever stop to think about how you’ve made it this far? I mean, how did you manage to go to sleep at night and get up the next day and keep putting one foot in front of the other during this pandemic? How did you manage to keep going when the money got funny, and your family looked to you? How did you do it?!

That Peace

Most of us were able to do that in the darkest of times (shine like a beacon set upon a hill)  because we had that "peace that surpasses all understanding," which is given by God. We need to talk about that peace when this pandemic is fully over. We don’t need to go back to life as it was before because we’re not the same as we used to be! We have had a life-altering experience in that we have experienced something that several generations did not have not to. We have experienced a pandemic and survived it, by the grace of GOD, ALMIGHTY.

A Story to Tell

That means that we ought to have a story to tell. And if our story doesn’t do anything else but say, “God will,” that’s enough for some. Because if you say, “God will,” somebody is going to ask you what you mean by, “God will,” and then you can explain “the peace that you had that surpasses all understanding.” You can liken it to the peace that Peter must have had when he was chained between soldiers down in Herod's prison. GOD's child shackled to soldiers to be sure that he didn’t go anywhere because they were planning to kill him the next day, I believe.

Everything that happened to Peter down in that jail was becoming a part of the story being built for Peter to tell. And what a story it ended up being!  Peter ended up with a story of his miraculous rescue to tell. (Acts 12:1-11, cited above)

And so, I say again, be willing to share that story you gained from this pandemic with somebody else. Talk about those moments that you had that you didn’t know how you were going to make it. But, look at you now; you’re almost on the other side of this thing. Tell folks about the peace that passes all understanding that now fills your soul after going to the LORD in prayer.

Talk about the God that you serve and how HE kept you through this pandemic because, I can assure you, if you talk about it and tell that story, about all of the grips that it had you,  This story will go down in generational history, and perhaps there won’t be a need for another pandemic for several generations. So let’s tell our story and tell it well! And I’ll leave you with these words and if you don’t do anything else with your story, you can begin it with, "GOD will!!"

There is a peace
That I have within me
Given by God
- Ahh, serenity.©

Note - For time's sake, I did not cite the entire chapter of Acts 12, but you might find it interesting reading and it may figure into your story somehow.

Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Monday, November 16, 2020



God said, everyone
That includes you
That includes me
That’s just the way it is
And the way it’s going to be,
For those words will judge you
At the end of time and
As stated before, fellowman
The book of remembrance is open
And ever vigilant, too
So that all deeds done in this body,
Each one of us will have to answer to.©️

(Based on Acts 10:28-35 and 11:14-18)


Acts 10:28-35 NASB

28 And he said to them, “You yourselves know that it is forbidden for a Jewish man to associate with or visit a foreigner; and yet God has shown me that I am not to call any person unholy or unclean.

29 That is why I came without even raising any objection when I was sent for. So I ask, for what reason did you send for me?”

30 Cornelius said, “Four days ago to this hour, I was praying in my house during the ninth hour; and behold, a man stood before me in shining clothing,

31 and he *said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your charitable gifts have been remembered before God.

32 Therefore send some men to Joppa and invite Simon, who is also called Peter, to come to you; he is staying at the house of Simon thetanner, by the sea.’

33 So I sent men to you immediately, and you have been kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here present before God to hear everything that you have been commanded by the Lord.”

34 Opening his mouth, Peter said:

“I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality,

35 but in every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him.


Acts 11:14, 18 NASB

14 and he will speak words to you by which you will be saved, you and all your household.’

15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as He did upon us at the beginning.

16 And I remembered the word of the Lord, how He used to say, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’

17 Therefore, if God gave them the same gift as He also gave to us after believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?”

18 When they heard this, they quieted down and glorified God, saying, “Well then, God has also granted to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.”


Vaccine coming soon, so hang in there a bit longer.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sowing Hatred

Sowing discord and hatred among brethren,

Tsk, tsk, tsk, not a thing to do

Because the day will come when

GOD will require an account from you

About all of the turmoil and strife

You put others through.

The next time that it thunders or

You see the flash of lightning

Think about all of the fightings

And bickering that you caused

Among brethren, just so that

You could feel like the person in charge;

Just how big is your debt, for

It must be pretty large

For you have the called out group

Year after year, jumping through your hoops;

Umph, umph, umph, fellowman

What is your answer going to be

When before GOD, The LIGHTNING MAKER,  you stand,

Hmm-m, wonder if you will be like

The rich man mentioned in the Bible

Who wanted to come back to earth

And tell his brothers about the horrible place

That he was in, all because he had no

Regard for others (the human race).

GOD is looking, don't you know

And you are deciding even now

Which way, after death, your soul will go.

Me? I am just a chosen vessel

Who opens her mouth when she sees

Things that just should not be;

Say what, "Why do I care

What it to me?"

Well, JESUS said, "Love others

As myself," and I do love me

So, I have to love you, fellowman

Because I'm unwilling to risk going to hell

Just because I did not tell

You about the wrong that I see,

And furthermore, the hoops

That I jump through

Belong to GOD and not to you.©

(Based on Luke 16:19-28, Acts 9:15, Acts 5:29)


Luke 16:19-28 NASB

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:

28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.


Note - Thank GOD for Phizer in that we have a vaccine that looks promising!


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sometimes I Wonder

Do you ever wonder what

A person would do

If a voice out of the blue

Spoke to them when

They did wrong to you?

That is a comical imaginative thought

But, it is not funny when

You are ostracized because,

For JESUS, you have fought.

This thought ran through my mind

When I read about how they treated

Stephen, in kind

And what had he done wrong,

Nothing at all, but be good at

Singing the gospel's song

And that lets you know, fellowman

That you and I will be treated

At times with disdain

On our life's journey long.

Just as men didn’t understand

What they were dealing when

They fell upon and stoned Stephen,

They make known their disdain for you and me

Because when they look at us

They think, "You ain't nobody special,

Just a human being, like me," because

A human being is all they see.

But, in Stephen's case, I sometimes wonder,

Had they known that he was a true servant of GOD

With GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT working within

Would they have humbled themselves

And behaved as mere mortal men

Or would they do as some men do today

And wave that thought away?©

(Based on Acts 7:59)


Acts 7:59 NASB


57 But they shouted with loud voices, and covered their ears and rushed at him with one mind.

58 When they had driven him out of the city, they began stoning him; and the witnesses laid aside their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul.

59 They went on stoning Stephen as he called on the Lord and said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!”


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones


Friday, November 13, 2020

When GOD: Alma L. Carr-Jones

What do you think will happen

When God means a thing to be,

That thing will happen and happen with finesse

For all the world to see.

A man once said

"What good thing can come out of Nazareth?"

But I stand to say that good

Can be wherever GOD wants it to be

And it doesn’t matter the, should be’s or should not be’s

According to you nor me.

GOD sent HIS SON, JESUS, to earth as a Nazarene and

Forgiveness for all of man’s sins

Is what HE did bring

Not according to what men thought

That things are to be,

But according to HIS ordained will,

Salvation was brought to you and me.

Therein is a lesson that men

Have refused to learn of old

In that, they forget to remember that Jesus said,

"I have other sheep, not of this fold."

There is a segment of men

That cannot see past the tone of a person’s skin

And people of color are deemed

Not worthy and not capable of any worthwhile task

Well, WHO fashioned the vessels of color

And placed knowledge within

So that they could bring advancements, inventions, etc.

To better the lives of all men?

There is so much more that I could say

Along this line of thought

But, suffice it to say that

“All pigments have worth,”

Is what JESUS taught.


So, you bring forth your best

To help humanity

As I, in turn, put forth the best

That GOD created in me.©

(Based on Acts 4:10-12 & John 10:16)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Carr-Jones

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Sky: Alma L. Carr-Jones

Do you remember when you were a child that

You would lie down on the grass with your hands

Behind your head and look up at the sky so blue

Do you remember how fascinating

The sky seemed to you?

Remember how you could find different shapes

Among the fluffy majestic looking clouds

Well, have you ever pondered as to why the sky

Held and still hold such attraction to your eye?

As I was reading a passage this morning in Acts

I was held spell-bound by one undeniable fact

And that is that JESUS is not the only one

To tell of HIS returning visit on a cloud

But that the angels said the same words

To JESUS's disciples out loud.

Look at the passage that is listed below

And see if you don't find what I said to be so

For you will find that Acts 1:9-11

Points your mind to the sky and Heaven.

Who knows, one of these days you may

Be looking at the sky to behold a cloud formation

That cannot escape your eye

And can you imagine the wow factor that will

Hold you entranced

As that cloud formation toward you advanced?

And better still, what would you think if you

Saw a figure standing upon the cloud

With a regal air, looking proud?

Would you think to remember that a coming

Back on a cloud was foretold

And would you hope that your life

Was not dross, but gold?

Just a little thought that wrapped itself

Around my mind as I walked through

The first chapter of the garden of the

Book of Acts, just a sweet reminder of

An undeniable fact

That one day, our LORD and SAVIOR

For you and me, is coming back!

And if you are like most folks, when

You go back outside again

Your eyes are going to want to study

The sky for a little bit as you recall

A little poem that you read that

Reminded you of a coming rollcall.

Do you know HIS voice and would

You know what to do

If JESUS came back on the cloud today

And called for you?

I am not a child anymore, but I dare say that

I will not soon forget this sweet little poem of mine

And when I go outside, what am I going to do,

Look up, fellowman, and probably so will you.©


Acts 1:9-11 NASB

And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were watching, and a cloud took Him up, out of their sight.

10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, then behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them,

11 and they said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

At the End of the Day: Alma L. Carr-Jones

When I think of the joys that

I have in this land...

For joys great and joys small

I am thankful to GOD for them all

Yes, thankful for the provision

Of my FATHER’s hand

For it is under that provision

That I continue to stand.


And so, I say to you

When you’ve done all of the praying

That you can do

And life still threatens

To overwhelm you

Take a prayerful walk along

The Bible's garden path

And allow our FATHER’s peace

To take away the world’s wrath;

You'll be renewed and assured again

That GOD directs your steps

And protects your walk

No matter how men act and

No matter how they may talk

About the things that you should

And should not do or be able to do

All according to their logic

Or according to the things that

They think to be true.


Just remember who strengthens you

And WHOSE SPIRIT guides your way

And know and be reminded

That you belong to JESUS

At the end of the day.©️


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Better Understanding

John 14 KJV

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (green color for emphasis, my doing)

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


John 15 NASB

Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Strength for My Journey

John is called the disciple whom Jesus loved. Wow, while I was strolling through the garden path of the book that was written by that apostle, I was struck anew by the depth of love therein. I started reading and it was so good to my senses (like I was mesmerized) that I read several chapters without stopping. My usual reading is two chapters, but not today. I read four chapters before I could put the book down. And it was like I was walking through a fragrant garden or orchard with the fruit ripened aplenty for my smelling and picking.

I can tell you that I devoured chapter 14, verses one and 27 with relish. For, those verses tell me that whatever it is that’s going on in my life, if it’s causing me trouble, not to worry about it because GOD‘s got my back through JESUS. So that chapter says to me, "Yes, you’re going to have trouble in this world, but don’t worry about it; you belong to ME because you believed in my SON."  Folks those are shouting words this morning. That’s letting me know that whatever turmoil is happening in my life, my belief in JESUS and thereby my love for HIM has me covered by the love of the FATHER; and I, folks, I step on.

I am the same person that I’ve always been, but I have a new bounce in my step, now! I don’t worry about what has been anymore, nor about what will be because I know that whatever comes up, my FATHER will be with me! Wow! (Actually, HE always has been; HE just opened my understanding a bit more, perhaps strengthening me for some terrain that lies ahead.)

Understanding My Craft a Bit Better


I always knew that I had a deep caring spirit within me and that I wanted to fix with words any hurtful situation that I encountered.  There was something within me that made me want to soothe people's souls and erase their cares if I could. I knew I was like that, but I figured it’s just the way God made me and so I didn’t question that tendency of mine. But now I have a better understanding of some things in my life.

You see when I was driven to write one, then two, three, and now we’re up to five published books with three more at the publisher, I thought that when I finished the writing that was pouring forth from within me then my time for writing would be over. I thought like that because my reasoning was that there’s only so much that I have within me, right? But, when I read chapter 15 verses two and five above, I understood that I won’t be finished until GOD says my job is done.  I understand now that the LORD prunes the branches of my mind and now I know why I always tell people, "It’s not me but the glory of GOD shining through me." Because when I look at verse five it says, "For apart from ME, you can do nothing," I understand.

I mean I always knew that, but to have it written right there in my Bible, this morning as I walked through the garden of John, I really understood that it is the glory of GOD shining through me via The HOLY SPIRIT. And I know you’re probably thinking, "Well, why would you be thinking about something like that? Well, I'll tell you why. During this pandemic and the troubled times in which we live, being the caring person that I am, I felt like I needed to fix some things if I could by saying something positive each morning on my blog, thereby giving my fellowmen something cheerful/healing/encouraging, etc.  to hold on to as they went about their day.  I understand now that it was the will of God that I write soothing words to the masses to assure them that their GOD sees and knows, and has everything in control.  HE had me, a vessel like them, to write words so that they wouldn’t feel like they were thrown away or like there was no hope.

No more wondering, folks each morning when I get up, "What can I say to the people to make them feel better, today that is different from what I said yesterday?"  I knew that lives were being shattered and hearts were heavy because of this pandemic and too because of the troubled times in which we live.

For, as long as the LORD has something for me to say, the words will flow like letters toppling over a waterfall.


Yes, I’m done with wondering how long my words will last

Because GOD had me to realize that my words will last

Until HE says the time for my writing is past.

Yes, I have a better understanding about not worrying as to

 My words drying up or about the troubled times

That we live in because a soothing walk through

John's garden calmed my fears and erased my doubts

Because GOD via, JESUS via the HOLY SPIRIT

Taught me this morning in the garden of John that

My FATHER will always help me out.©

(Based on John 14-15.)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Monday, November 9, 2020

Hey Old Friend: Alma L. Carr-Jones

Hey, old friend, I had heard

That you were back in town

It’s good to see you, man

But tell me, what brings you around?

I heard that you were

A part of the big league now

I was out of town last year

When you came to put your brother away

And I am so sorry for your loss

But man, it is good to see you, today.


You look to be doing fine

I am glad that your corporate

Job worked out for you

Oh, that’s not what you were meant to do

Ha, ha, I heard that…

But really, man, if that didn’t work out

What is it that you have been up to

Well, whatever it is, it seems

To have served you well

Say what! You mean to tell me that

You are a pusher with pills to sell!?

Somewhere, brother, you got on

The wrong track

And as a child of the KING

It is my duty to try to steer you back.

No, no, no, I am not better than you

You know me better than that

But as God‘s servant, there are some things

That I just will not do

And you and I used to think alike

Man, what happened to you?

Oh, so you lost that big job

That promised to do so much

For you, but you replaced it with

Something that means damnation

Before it is through.

Yeah, I know that this world can be mean

But the best thing that you can do, man

Is to turn your life over to Jesus

And make your slate clean.

So, you say you wanted to get

Me in on a good deal

Man, that’s not the way to go

I may be coming down hard on you

But I’m just trying to keep it real.

Yeah, it was good to see you

And I’m glad to hear that

You’re back in town

And I hope to be able to get you

To turn your life around.

Oh, so you gotta go, I understand

But do me a favor as an old friend

Think about what I’ve said to you

For old time's sake

And remember that I’ve

Always had your back

And so I’m trying to share Jesus with you

To fill the void in your life

With the things that you lack.

Yes, we still meet at the same place

Though a newer structure is there

But we are still lifting one another up

In the name of JESUS in prayer

So, come by this LORD's Day morning

Because, as always, the best I have

With you, I always share

And trust me, brother, when I tell you

That Jesus can and will

Make your life brand new

What?! You see me don't you, man and

You know some of the things I used to do!©

(Based on John 12:43)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Sunday, November 8, 2020

When You Hate Another

"For GOD so loved the world..." (John 3:16)

16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice; and they will become one flock, with one shepherd.


GOD did not die just for you and me

But HE shed HIS blood to cover

All of humanity and that

Means all ethnicities.

What do you do, when you hate another

Because he doesn’t look like you,

Are you loving others as GOD told you to?

Well, one thing about it

HE’s coming back one day

And I am making my preparations

So that I can go home with HIM to stay.

Just like HE called and Lazarus

Got up from the dead

HE will do the same for us

And we will be judged by the lives

That we have led.

And so I ask you, fellowman

The hatred that you harbor

Is it worth risking the welfare

Of your soul;

I think not, fellowman

For, today you act the way you do

To please others in your pack

Forgetting about the graces

That the SAVIOR told us not to lack.

If this little poem has made

You feel uncomfortable in the things

That you have decided to do

Then ease your conscience by

Loving others as yourself

Like JESUS told us all to do.

You know, it is strange how

Things sometimes work

You get a message from a

Source that seems to float on the air...

Well, I have long since learned

Not to worry about how

Such things could be so,

I’ve just learned to put GOD first

In everything, everywhere I go!

So, you feel guilty and have

Been doing so for a while,

Then start doing the things

That you know are right

And start putting the love of GOD first

In and out, of your compatriot's sight

For, the guilt on your face

Speaks volumes about how you know

That you are failing in the

Running of your race.

So, you feel that I am talking to you

Well, high and mighty fellowman

Since these words of mine

Coincide with what your conscience

Has been saying to you

Then take heed and do what

GOD would have you to

Because I can tell you this,

Your visage was implanted in my mind

As my fingers typed these words to/for you!

Why you; why me

I don’t know and I don’t care,

Maybe it’s like the virus

And travels on the air

All I know is that my work

On this poem is done

And it’s up to you fellowman

To think about what the Book of Remembrance

Will say about how, your race,

You continued to run.©️

 (Based on John 3:16, John 10:16, Malachi 3:16-18)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Equipped for the Journey

An Address to a Fellow Warrior

The things that you have been through

Have equipped you for the journey

That was destined for you.


The hardships that you will face do not fear

For you have what you need in

Your road-traveled gear

Your faith has been built to a point where

You are ramrod strong

So, take up your cross, Christian soldier

You never have and never will walk alone

And if you falter here and there

Because your journey has made you weak

Just remember that you have

Been prepped for this trip

With qualities that many others seek

But they were crafted for you and you alone

Because your GOD knew

What you needed to be made and kept strong

So, put your hand to the plow

And seek to do right and undo wrongs

For you are GOD‘s warrior and

You sing Heaven’s song!©️

(Came to me during my morning meditation and prayer.)



You went through

What you went through

Because GOD has plans for you!©



Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, November 6, 2020

Disappointment Handed to Me

I believe in JESUS and

Trust in what HE said

That when HE comes back

Even if I am gone

HE will raise me from the dead

To take me back to Glory

Thereby completing my part

In the age-old story.

So, when this world

Hands me disappointment

That shakes me to my core

Remembering the promise of JESUS

Helps me to put things back

In proper perspective

And I am not bothered much, anymore.©

(Based on John 6:40)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Seed That I Sow


The seed that I sow, I sow

That you may reap

Just as I from my predecessor

Gathered wise words to keep.

I am happy with the harvest

Planted for me because I know

That if I remain faithful,

With my LORD, I will one day be

I sow for others with joy,

So that with our LORD,

They, too, can live eternally.©

(Based on John 4:36)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

GOD So Loved Me

 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life." (I am putting this portion in green writing and in italics to emphasize the fact that this was not a part of the quoted text. But I want to make three quick points and then I will leave you to enjoy the poem that I penned for you this morning.)

  1. Loved the world - This means me, too, as I am a part of HIS creation, HIS world, HIS child.

  2. Everyone who believes in Him - Here, again I am included, as I have given my life to HIM

  3. Have eternal life - I get to go home with HIM when HE comes back and dwell with HIM throughout all eternity!


GOD So Loved Me

In the garden of inspiration

As I pondered over my reading in prayer

An application for John 3:16

Came to me while there.

You see, as inconsequential as the world

Might deem my life to be

I am my FATHER‘s child

And proud to be me

For, He orchestrated the

Events of my life just so

Because there were places that HE

Knew HE wanted me to go.

HE could have made my daddy

Stay with my mom

But HE did not order it done because

HE knew of my future, in

That I would become

A mustard seed that would grow into

A huge tree whereby others could see

The God that dwells within me

When they nestled among the

Boughs of my faith tree,

The latest of which is

The Tallest Mountain Trilogy

And I, all I can say is, “Look at

What GOD hath wrought through me!”

And so, in humble gratitude I say,

“Thank YOU, DEAR GOD, for the

Privilege to serve, by YOUR using me

As a part of YOUR plan to keep

Blessing all of humanity.©

(Based on John 3:16, NASB)


Be safe.


Walking by faith,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones