Saturday, March 31, 2018

Keep Going

When you can continue to do

The job that you have been assigned to

Despite the turmoil that's going on inside of you

You have learned to step on, my friend

You have learned perseverance, true.


When you can smile and be kind to

People who have belittled and misused you

You are a warrior true, my friend

Who chose to let bygones be bygones

Determined to remain faithful until the end.


Everything in life won't come easy and the

Whole cosmos does not revolve around you

Bear that in mind on your journey and

That thought will help you to make it through.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, March 30, 2018

Every Time I See

Be grateful for the things that the Lord provides and tell Him so. I did in the poem that I provided for your enjoyment today.

I wanted to tell you, Lord, that I am

Grateful for every time I see an eagle

Lift its majestic wings and soar toward the sky

Every time I see a butterfly flit on the wings

Of the wind as it passes me by

Every spring when I see the hummingbirds

To my patio doors, once again, find their way

Every time I feel a cooling breeze on a hot summer day

Every time I walk upon the green grass

That You prepared as a cushion for my feet

Every time I see the ocean, hear thunder

Or see and hear a towering waterfall

Every time I see the winter snowflakes

That blanket my world in white

Every time I see a new carpet of leaves that swirl

In the breeze to every child's delight

I am reminded to be grateful

For You, the Creator, Who orchestrated it all.

Grateful that You love me enough to tie

Yourself to me through prayer

Grateful that You are always by my side

When I need You there

So, I am proud to be Your serving child

Winter, summer, spring or fall

For, You, are my God, my All In All!


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lord, I'm Grateful!

Lord, I'm grateful

For the multitude of blessings

That over the course of my lifetime

You have sent my way

And Lord, though I  think it

"I'm grateful" are not actual words

I often say.

From the time that I was a

Toddler sitting on her knee

My mother taught me to be thankful

For everything given to me.

"Thank you" and "Please" were words we knew to use -

To not do so was not to be tolerated

And was not something that my momma easily excused.

But when I think back on my life

I think that my "Thank you" was meant for

A particular act and time

And though I would hold the glow

Within me for quite a long while

Because of a service done for me

I rarely repeated a "Thank you" for

My philosophy was that new "Thank you's" go

With new acts, you see.

But to show that I was appreciative I

Would do and say kind things

Even to strangers that I would meet

Because I remembered that my momma

Told me that, "You reap what you sow."

And I equated nice things done for me

To things I had done and said a while ago.

I tried to be a Christian in my daily walk

Even if I were mistreated or put down

I tried to respond to others with kind talk.

You see, I remembered that Momma said

That Jesus died for me

And because He did such a loving thing

I try to show my gratitude by loving His people, humanity.


Today, I felt the need to express my gratitude to the Lord for all of the things that He has done and continually do for me because of His love. It is a good thing to be grateful, a better thing to say it and an even better thing to show it.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

In the Fish Tank

Life gets pretty interesting at times. Take a fish tank, for instance. You can see everything that goes on in the tank. It is all open for the world to see. As Christians, we are living in a "fish tank," so to speak. Allow me to explain further.

Have you ever sat and observed the goings on in a fish tank or aquarium? It is amazing and so true to life. One thing I discovered about a fish tank is that fish are bullies, too. I was so amazed when I saw a bigger fish chasing a smaller fish and being mean to it. (For our illustrative purposes here today, let's call the smaller fish, "Little Fish" and let's call the bigger fish, "Big Fish.")  You might ask, "How can a fish be mean to another fish? Well, what would you call it when you see a big fish swim up to a smaller fish and the smaller fish take off swimming fast to the other side of the aquarium? But wait, I am not finished, yet. Then Big Fish takes off after him and backs him into a corner of the aquarium. Then Big Fish lunges at Little Fish and in his attempt to get away, Little Fish leaps up with enough force to break the surface of the top aquarium water and falls back in still on the run. Then you see Little Fish hide in an underwater castle that the aquarium owner had put in for decoration. Little Fish can exist peacefully as long as he stays in the underwater castle. But trouble erupts again when it is feeding time. Big Fish gobbles up most of the food, himself, although he does allow the other smaller fish to eat a little, too. But, he tries to keep  Little Fish from eating anything at all. But, apparently driven by hunger, Little Fish makes a swimming dart up to the surface for a piece of food. He gets the food but is rammed into by the Big Fish. Little Fishish hightails it back to the castle to discover that another fish has taken up residence. What is Little Fish going to do now?

We could go on and on with the skirmishes between Big Fish and Little Fish, but there is no need as I have made my point about bullies.

The Aquarium Owner

The aquarium owner has seen this little scene play out and decides to intervene. He goes to the pet supply place and picks up an aquarium divider or a separate compartment made to fit down in the aquarium to keep smaller fish from being eater by bigger ones. You have seen the dividers like that, I'm sure.

So what does the owner do? He scoops up Little Fish and allows him to swim, eat,  and frolic in safety without fear of aggression from Big Fish.

I have also seen water plants placed in aquariums for the two-fold purpose of an added source of nourishment and as a place where smaller fish could take refuge from bigger fish.

In Conclusion

When you feel like Little Fish felt in the aquarium, don't despair. The Aquarium Owner is watching your every move. He will place hedges around you for your protection just like Little Fish's owner did for him. And you keep doing and saying the things that a faithful, "fish" should say and do as you remember that God is watching and He sees you remembering that you are an epistle read of men.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Living My Life

I want to live my life so that this world will know that I am proud to be the Lord's child and as such, He is my friend.

Vessell of Clay

I commune with the Father as a vessel

Of clay to its Father

And I know that He listens and that

It is no bother.

When I talk to Him, I tell Him about how

Much I love, adore and thank Him

For loving me in spite of my faults

When my Christian light grows dim.

"From a vessel of clay to the

Omnipotent Artisan as the wheel

Just another one of my rhymes

To tell you how I feel.

You ar4e worthy to be praised

Awesome and all wise

And I thank You for watching over

Me with Your all-seeing eyes."

                                                                                                    - (excerpt from the poetry book, DEI Sub Numine Viget by Alma L. Jones)


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Monday, March 26, 2018

We Need You

Yes, we do! Look around you... There should be no doubt that we do.


If you try to live a 1. righteous life, 2. choose godly friends, have a 3. strong prayer life and have a 4. steadfast faith in our faithful God; then I am talking to you. Allow me to briefly explain each of the four characteristics mentioned in the previous sentence.

  1. A righteous life - Living to please the Lord no matter how you are ostracized.

  2. Godly friends - Friends who hold the same views that you do about living for and pleasing the Lord.

  3. Strong prayer life - A strong believer in and practitioner or prayer daily and in all types of life situations.

  4. Steadfast faith - You have a faith that is so strong that you hope and trust in the Lord no matter how dire a given situation might seem. You are a firm believer in the statement, "I know the Lord will make a way!"

Now What

Now that you know who I am talking to, I want to remind you of a little story in the book of Genesis, chapter 18.
And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. (Genesis 18:26, KJV)

This is the instance where the Lord had determined to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. But when He talked with Abraham because of Abraham's request, He decided not to destroy the city if fifty righteous could be found within it, then 40 and so on, down to ten.

The point that I am trying to make is this: If you have been doing the four things that were mentioned in the first paragraph, then continue to do so. In fact, you might need to step your game up a bit. Whatever you do, don't become so disheartened by wickedness that you feel like, "What's the use?" No, no no, that is just how you must not feel! If anything, when you begin to feel disheartened, pray more and always remember, the "50 righteous."  And, too, that only a mustard seed amount of that faith that was mentioned in number four above is required.

Don't Forget So Quickly

Remember just a few days ago when we "put our pots on to boil," so to speak, in prayer? Remember the result? Yes, well that proves once again that the "Prayers of the righteous availeth much." (James 5:16)

So, keep beginning your day with prayer and keeping living out 1-4. God will because He said He would. We are counting on you; are you part of "The Fifty?"

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Sunday, March 25, 2018

When All of the Fluff Is Gone

Sometimes in life, you are reduced to the bare bones. Time like these make us feel our worst, don't they? Yes, well let's discuss that feeling a moment, shall we? Let's take a look at an earlier blog post of mine.


Poem 1


You don't count on

Being left alone so that

It can be seen

What's in your heart

Yet, GOD did Hezekiah that way

Like things may be done today.

(This poem says to me that, sometimes in life, you go through some things to have your mettle tested. This means how you measure up in critical moments; when situations get rough; when your resources are seemingly dried up. What do you do then?)   


Poem 2


No one likes the twisting and turning

That comes along with the scrubbing

But it's thru the washing

That your true colors show

A fact that I know.

(This poem says to me that as a result of what has happened to you in the first poem, you have been reduced to the bare bones; all of the fluff is gone, you have bare bone rubbing against bare bone. If you suffer from arthritis, then you know what I am talking about and if you don’t, ask somebody. They will gladly tell you what it is like. If you are a bit younger and don’t know anything about such things, then allow me to explain it another way.  If you have ever played sports and have ever torn cartilage in your knee, then that resulting pain can sometimes be because of bone rubbing against bone because the cartilage has been displaced. At any rate, you know that it is a very painful situation.)


“Yes, well get on with it; make me feel better, (if you can),” you might say. Alright, here we go, a few home truths:


  • If you are a person of faith, then you are a person who prays regularly, right? If you pray regularly, then rest assured that Jesus knows about you and knows your name and hears every prayer that you pray.

  1. That means that you have His attention.

  2. That is a big plus for you!

  • People with great faith are tested just like Hezekiah was.

    You don't believe me? Well, look at these scriptures:  Elijah, 1 Kings 19;  Nehemiah 4 - 6; and Abraham, Genesis 22:12.  There are many more, but I just gave you a few of them. During the testing of your faith, you pray more fervently than ever. The trials teach you to lean on Jesus more and less on self because he will take some of the trappings out of the way so that you can realize and fully learn to trust Him. When there is no money in the bank anymore and the proud savings that you used to have and the 401k are all gone when you have been reduced to bare bones and things begin to rub. Bone upon bone… a blessing for you because when sinew begins to form on those old bones, relief from pain is so piercingly sweet that you will tell anybody who will listen just like I am doing right now. Your faith is strengthened because you can now say with conviction like the saints of old, “He made a way out of no way. No, no That's not right! He took what you thought you knew to be an impossible situation and did some Godstuff and now you are stronger because of it and your faith is on its way to being rock solidly built! Another blessing for you, blessed before, during and after the storm!


  1. Blessed before the storm because you got His attention

  2. Blessed during the storm because your prayer life was strengthed in that you developed a closer relationship with Him

  3. Blessed after the storm because your faith is now unshakable and your resolve to tell your fellowman is tantamount

  4. Your telling of your story causes you to Brag on God, like me! Either way, you count it, you win!

So, when your troubles come, and storms begin to rise, just know that this is an opportunity for the strengthening of your faith and for blessing building for yourself and your fellowman.

(This topic is covered in much more detail in the book, Chopping My Row.)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Don't Worry About It

I can still hear my Momma's voice uttering these words, "Don't worry about it; it all comes out in the wash." Then she went on to tell me that if Jesus wanted a thing a certain way, then that was the way it was going to work out, no matter what man thought or did. That was her way of telling me that "If the LORD is for you, no matter what adverse situation you may find yourself in, you will always do like cream and rise to the top." 

She was telling me that since God wanted me blessed, then blessed I would be. She told me to keep praying, hoping, believing, and trusting in Jesus and everything would be alright. Then she explained to me about how a butter churn worked. She said all of that hard work paid off in cream, the best of the best!


What makes the cream rise to the top, the churning. This can be likened to events in life.  Let me explain. Those situations in life that turn your world upside down and turn you all about, may be your ticket to the top.  Think about it. Here's an example, and I go to that good old history book, the Bible. Don't you know that when Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers because of pure jealousy, that it didn't feel good down in that pit? His world had been turned upside down and never would be the same again. I tell you one thing, if his brothers had known that their very actions were going to help to bring more of what they were jealous of Joseph about in the first place to come to pass, they would never have laid a hand on him. They would have put up with their petty jealousies and been glad to do so. Just think about it, their jealousy helped to make him second to the king of Egypt! How sweet! (Jealousy, by the way, will make folk want to kill you, even today, but that is a topic for, perhaps, another day.) 


Did Joseph go through any churning? And how! Don't you know that when he was snatched from the bosom of his daddy to be sold down in Egypt, that it didn't feel good? He landed in a noble's house down there, but trouble was not finished with him yet. He was sent to prison because of an untruth because he would not "play ball" with his master's wife.  Here again, this did not make Joseph feel good. But even in prison, Joseph still had that cream quality. He rose to the top.  You know the rest of the story so I will not trouble you with the details.  The point that I am trying to make is, "Be thankful for your enemies for they bring you more blessings than they know."

"Keep your chin up for it all comes out in the wash." To use my Momma's words, "If the LORD is for you, no matter what adverse situation you may find yourself in, you will always do like cream and rise to the top." 


Now you know one of the reasons that Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite scriptures.

Be blessed and keep the faith.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, March 23, 2018

He Is Not Looking


Sometimes you do things that you know are wrong

To unsuspecting people who give you their trust

All in the hopes of getting ahead of the throng

Of humanity and it matters not the right or wrongness

Of what you do, because after all, you can always confess

But for right now you are going to do what you feel you must do

And if that something happens to affect another, you

Say, "Don't take it personally; it's business you see

A body has to do what a body has to do even if

That doing creates chaos and heartache

Because of my being on the take."


Know that you do not believe that He is watching

You create the havoc that your greed has caused you to

Know that you feel like confessing will erase all of the

Dirt that you have been up to

But a wise man once said that "you will reap what you sow."

And you "have sown seeds in the wind" and they

Have scattered far and wide

And because of your egotistical greed

Many a soul has cried.

Which straw is going to be the one that breaks

The camel's back And ushers in retribution

For the deeds for which you refuse to make restitution?

[Sown the wind and reaped the whirlwind  (Hosea 8:7) and He laughs. (Psalm 37:13)]

"When saw we You and took advantage of you? If you did it unto the least of them, you have done it unto Me."  (Matthew 25:44-45)


We need to be mindful of our treatment of our fellowman. If you have committed a wrong, right it. It is as simple as that.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Thursday, March 22, 2018

Using Words for Good

Those of you that have been reading my blog for any period of time know that I am a strong proponent of using encouraging words to help another along this path of life that we all walk, so much so that I have quoted Isaiah 50:4 many time to you. As I was reading my morning meditation book, Power for Today's devotional for the day, I was thunderstruck that the author's viewpoint was the same as mine on this subject! Therefore, I am going to reprint a good portion of it for you, today.
Apparently, Job had cultivated the habit of speaking kind and encouraging words to others and this helped them to rally their faith, hope, and courage to face the variations of daily living. Cultivating the habit of speaking words of encouragement, words of love and words of faith could equip us to face whatever the future may hold for us and help to silence the negative-talking Nellies all around us. (Edward L. Kirk, Power for Today, 2001) 

Having said that here is a prayer for you today.
Heavenly Father, help me to speak words of encouragement, love, and faith to those around me that they may a sustaining force both to me and to those who hear them. In Jesus' name, Amen. (Edward L. Kirk, Power for Today, 2001) 

Keep seeing the bright side of things and keep trying to encourage your fellowman. God sees and knows your work and applauds it, according to Isaiah 50:4.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"I Will Hear from Heaven"

If you have been living as a Christian for some years, then you are familiar with passages of scripture such as 2 Chronicles 7:14, Hebrews 4:16, etc. All I need to say today is, "GOD will!"

Let us rise and give thanks. And I thank all of you who were willing to "boil water" yesterday.

Prayer works, folks.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Who Am I?

I am just a nobody, who

Doesn't amount to much

But I am a nobody, who

Has experienced the Master's touch.

There is placed within me

This seed of encouragement and creativity

To be used for the good of mankind

By writing inspiring thoughts

That He places upon my mind.

So, no matter what happens

In this world in which we live

Where things often go awry

And sometimes make us cry

Just remember Whose you are

And step on mighty warrior

And your best to Jesus give.

He has everything in control

And sees every slight of hand

So, let's all remember to begin

Our days with prayer and

Ask Him to please heal our land.

If every household in existence

Would put a pot of water on to boil

At precisely nine o'clock

And as the steam rises into the air

Pray to the Lord as fervently as the water

Boils in the pot sending wisps of steam into the air

Blessings would float down across our land

From the God Who resides up there.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Who am I, just a nobody, who uses words to remind folk of the love that the Lord has for us all and that He is as near as our prayer call.  Hmm-m... Like water boiling in a pot. Hmm-m, that would be a lot of pots!

Monday, March 19, 2018

"That Book" Did It Again!

People came back from a recent retreat with renewed enthusiasm! That is the purpose of a retreat and ladies from all walks of life took advantage of it. It is always good to hear of women having a good time in the celebration of their Christianity. And though I did not get to attend this retreat, I benefited from it, as well.


Well, let me make a long story short. At one of the women's conferences that I had attended earlier in the year several people bought copies of my book, Chopping My Row. Well, according to a person who attended the conference that I mentioned in the paragraph above, there were displayed several gifts for people to come up and receive as prizes, etc. One of the prizes that was being given was, you got it, "That Book!" Someone asked if they had ever heard of Alma Jones and several ladies spoke up and said, "Yes." Then one went on to say that I was an excellent speaker. And another piped up and said, "And girl, you ought to read her book!" Somebody else said, "I have read it, and I personally know Alma Jones, and I just love her and that book of hers!"

My Point?

When you give your all to the Lord, He will have folk speak for you, even when you are not around. He had women speaking for me on behalf of my book. Now you know why I said, "That Book" did it again. It was not the book really, but the glory of the Lord shining through me via the writing of the book. You see, when I started on the book all I had was the "want to" that the Lord had placed there. He took my, "want to" and made it work for me so that I could work for Him. Halleluia! What a wonderful God we serve.

That sort of reminds me of Joseph. The Lord had something that Joseph had done (which the Lord had given him the ability to do)  to cause a man to speak for Joseph when Joseph was not even present. The result was that the king sent for Joseph. Y'all know the story:

  • Two men had dreams and Joseph interpreted the dreams.

  • King had a dream and man remembered Joseph and told the king about him.


What I am saying is that if you are working for the Lord, He never ceases in His efforts on your behalf. He is working when we are sleeping. We do not have to be present to have the hand of the Lord working through other folks for us. I just gave you a good case in point if what happened with my book, Chopping My Row.

And I will tell you something else, I am humbled and awed by the touch of the hand of the Lord upon the success of "That Book."

To God be the glory!

Humbled, awed and serving by Chopping My Row in the Lord's vineyard,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Gone, But Never Forgotten


I knew that you had to go away

And that I would be left behind

And made to stay

I just wasn't ready for

It to be your day.

This is the hardest thing that I

Have ever had to do

Trying to live my life without you.


There is a time for everything under heaven. So, make the most of the time that you have with your loved ones. Fill moments together with happiness and love because one day one of you will head to a new home being prepared above. I can tell you that the memories of the unexpected kindnesses that you show now will carry you after your loved one has gone home. Even the presentation of a quart of strawberries - you would be surprised at how much joy that quart of strawberries will do for your loved one and for you, later.

You are building memories, either bitter or sweet., Remember that the memories that you build are yours to keep. So? Spread and show love daily because it doesn't have to be a special occasion, just a loving one.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones



Friday, March 16, 2018

A New Day, A New Way

Mickie had decided and was going to wear her hair a new way. She might even shave it all off except for a shape that stood out in the back. She didn't know. She just knew that she wanted to stand out from the crowd.

In the paragraph above, Mickie decided to do something to stand out from the crowd. As Christians, we have to do the same thing. We are to show the love of the Lord to all people, and that is not always easy. Why? The world, as we can see through their treatment of Jesus, loves to ostracize people who are different.


Be prepared. And remember that anything worth having is worth standing up for. And Jesus and heaven are certainly worth it all.


If you have not done all that you could have to be different or if you have tried so hard to fit in that you let go of some of your Christian values, begin anew today by embracing your new way. Let the glory of the Lord shine forth through you.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Alrighty Then!

Just when you have decided to hold on and wait until when
Better things start to come your way, you get hit again

It might start with a package being delivered

That has nothing within

To hearing the great news that this year

You have to pay in

You take your fist and look at it and want to pound the desk

But then you remember that just yesterday you

Had decided to look for the best in the worst of any test

So you grit your teeth and softly snarl, "Alrighty, then!"

Remember that just because you have decided

To look forward to a brighter day

Does not mean that the brightness will begin right away

You have to be faithful and not let yourself get down

Who knows; the next minute or hour might turn your fortunes around

And then, my friend, you can say with joy

"Alrighty then!".


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Oh, Well

Ever have a time in your life when you feel that nothing turns out as you planned and that you hit a snag no matter which way you turn? If this happens often enough and for a long enough period of time, you become despondent, and you figure that nothing matters anymore. You might say, "Oh, well," and decide to give up.

Not So

All of us have had times of the sort mentioned in the first paragraph to crop up in our lives. For some of us, these times last longer than they do for others. But you know, when I look at the Job of the Bible and Hezekiah of the Bible and several others, I see hope where reason says there is no hope because there is no way out.



You know what I see when I look at the people mentioned in the previous paragraph? I see people who are standing on their belief in the deliverance and faithfulness of their God. That is what we all have to do in trying times, those times when you have gone from being king of the mountain to hardly being able to govern your own life. Those are the times that try your soul.

Think About This

These times "did not come upon you for nothing." There is a reason for everything that occurs under heaven and a time for all things that occur under heaven. (Ecc. KJV) That means that there is a time for the cessation of trouble in your life. You just have to hold on, wait it out. While you are waiting for the cessation of trouble, try to remain faithful and to remember Whose child you are. Also, put your brain on trying to figure out what lesson you are supposed to learn from this particular bout with trouble. (This is covered quite a bit in my latest inspirational book, Chopping My Row, pp 15-36.)

Determine This In Your Heart

Determine that you are going to wait the trouble in your life out. Say like Isaiah said, "I will wait until my change comes."  (Isaiah 40:31 and Psalm 27:14, KJV)

Last Thing to Remember for Today

Sometimes God allows things to happen to us so that we can have our pride moved out of the way so that He can go to work on us getting us to do further work that He has for us to do. All in all, just remember, that you are in the hands of a loving God, Who sees, knows and cares. He made you, so He knows that you are just a clay vessel. He knows how to bend you without breaking you. How does He know? Why, because He made you!

Be blessed and hold your head up.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

When Thunder Roars

When Thunder Roars

It thundered last night

 And the rumble was so loud

That I wondered if it were the

Approach of a funnel cloud

Because I could hear the rumbling as it got near

And it inspired, in me, awe and a bit of fear.

Awe because the God I serve was responsible for it

And fear because of the sheer force of it

As it seemed to rumble along the ground

And seemed to cause the very air to vibrate

Like a mighty "sound quake."

After I thought for a few seconds, this

Is what I said to myself

In times of sunshine and in times of rain

God is faithful, just the same.

(Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8, KJV)

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, March 12, 2018

Your Birthday?

Happy birthday, if today is your birthday, that is. You will probably spend a portion of the day doing what folk usually do on their birthdays. But, for our purposes here today, I want to look upon each dawn that we awaken as a birthday. Each day that we awaken, we have the privilege of seeing time give birth to a new day, in that our lives have been spared for a while longer.


On this new day that we have been allowed to see, what good thing can we do? It may be something that we have done before, or it may be an extension of the work that we have already begun. It could be that we:

  • put stars back in an old woman's eyes

  • gladden someone's dreary existence

  • provide a coat for a child's chilled back

  • buy a pair of shoes to get someone's feet off of the ground

  • donate a package of socks to a homeless shelter

  • or any number of other things.


Remembering that our journey is not complete, we realize that there is so much more that we can do, need to do, and must do. This means that we must work on our habits by accentuating and escalating the positive ones and eradicating and diminishing the negative ones. And as always, let's remember to BYDWP.

Here is a poem that fits in with the train of thought of this piece.

A New Day

Another day closer

To my journey's end

Yet, even then I know

That I finish to begin.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones







Sunday, March 11, 2018

Won't Stop!

Uh, No!

You thought that I would listen to you

When you told me that I could be

Naught but the object of your abject cruelty

But you made a mistake in your calculations

Because you underestimated the God in me.

So, I won't stop until my day is done

And not even then, hon

Because I have written it all down

I will still be sending encouraging words

Even though I am resting in the ground.

And to that person that said

"I need an Alma quote."

So very long ago, I heard your voice

I answered your call

So, dear one, take note.


Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Saturday, March 10, 2018

So, You Want to Be a Writer

The Sandra Robbins Inspirational Award (for published and unpublished authors) might be the writing contest for you. Here's are some reasons why. If you:

  1. Have always wanted to be a writer

  2. Felt that your "stuff" just was not good enough

  3. Often get asked to write themes, articles, blurbs for organizations, etc.

  4. Have wondered what it would feel like having your name on the cover of a book

  5. Worry about people hearing about your entering a contest and not winning

  6. Would like to write a piece in memory of  a loved one who has passed on

  7. Would like to do a piece in honor of Sandra Robbins for the way she inspired you

  8. Would like to do a piece in honor of someone else who inspires you

  9. You say, "But I am not a writer. I only do poems."

  10. But I need some help. I wish that I could find a group of people that would be welcoming and allow me to learn at the same time.

All of the reasons listed above are good reasons for you to try this contest. You will never know until you try.

Here are some answers to the reasons listed above:

  • Answer #1 - Just how bad is that itch to be a writer? Do you want it badly enough?

  •  Answer #2 - If you never start you will never know.

  • Answer #3 - Why do you suppose you are asked to write so many things? Could it possibly be that you have a gift for it that your peers have recognized? You think?

  • Answer #4 - It feels wonderful. It feels like you are asleep and you need to wake up. Oh, and the first time that somebody refers to you as an author, you will just about pass out. How do I know? Been there, done that.

  • Answer #5 - No one will know you entered unless you receive an honorable mention. That, my friend, would still be nice. You just might start to think that maybe, just maybe you are cut out to do this writing thing.

  • Answer #6 - You could tell the loved ones life story as a memorial tribute to them, or you could tell a certain segment of their life's story. Still, it would be a beautiful tribute.

  • Answer # 7 - Several people have talked about how Sandra inspired them, I included. Her touch was far and wide. If she inspired you, then do a piece in her honor.

  • Answer # 8 - If there is a person in your life who inspires you, then give them their flowers while they can yet smell them. It would make a gift that will last them a lifetime. And, who knows; you might find that you have a writing itch that will not go away.

  • Answer # 9 - Some poems are stories. All you have to do is put it in prose form. Of course, you don't know much about writing. That comes with practice, learning and time.

  • Answer # 10 - That is exactly what we are here in the KenTen Writers, a caring and motivating group of writers from Kentucky and Tennessee. You can live your life just wishing, or you can try this easy contest.

All of the reasons and answers listed above are good reasons for you to try this contest. You will never know until you try. I did. Sandra inspired me. And here I am inspiring you. That is a little bit of the testimony that I can give as far as the inspirational effect that Sandra had on my life as a writer. If I had never had the courage to ask her to read a piece of mine, I might still be wondering what it would feel like to have my name on the cover of a book. And you know what? I have had that pleasure five times!

And you could, too. But, you have to enter to know.

You can find the rules for the contest on our webpage,

Information for our annual retreat will be on our webpage, as well. Plan to attend the event with us. You will have a blast and be glad that you did.

Doing What I Can to Inspire Future Writers,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, March 9, 2018

One Day

Some of us have a little jar that we start at the beginning of the year, and we place in it extraordinarily good things that happen to us during the year. Those little slips of paper that we place in the jar represent "moments in time." While receiving extraordinarily good things is nice, let us turn that thing around and let's see how many moments in time we can enrich someone's life to the extent that if they kept a jar of their own, your good deed would be placed in it.

We talked about a moment in time in the paragraph above, but you know, there will come a moment when moments in time will be recorded no more and we will meet our Savior over on the other shore. And the books will be opened and the records that have been recorded about the lives that we lived will be read. At the great opening of the book of life what we have done here will determine what we hear said. So, let's live each day as the precious moment that it is, while good deeds are still being recorded.

One Day

One day the final chapter will be written

One day the books will be opened and read

And you will be called upon to give an account

Of the things that you have done and said

So, try to live life so that the things that

Are written will not, at the judgment

Cause you to be filled with dread.

In light of the verse above

It is not asking too much

To ask you to show love.


Peas in a Pod

...For all men are like peas in a pod

And will have the pod cover of clay

Peeled back one day

To reveal every footstep that was made

To show every soul for whom or against

Whom they did trod.

           (excerpt from Chopping My Row, p. 135)

The Other Side

As we grow older, life has a way of letting us know that we cannot skip with alacrity anymore. It makes us cautiously sit up and see what parts have decided that they might ache today. But that's okay because one day there will be no more pain, on the other side. Here is a little poem to that effect:

There Is a Little Girl

There is a little girl

Who lives inside of me

And she is as happy as

Any little girl can be.

She is not bothered by the posturing

Of men with their threats of war and such

For she knows that she has a loving

Father, Who loves her very much

And she knows what it is to be reassured

By His tender loving touch

When she is unsettled by life's pushing and shoving.

She is not bothered when life makes her cry

Because of the callous treatment that she

Receives from the bitterness in some folks' hands

She just keeps her little face turned upward

With her eyes on God as she follows the

Path that is laid out for her so that she

Makes it to her glorious homeland.

And she is not bothered by

The body of a woman

Who has grown old

Because she knows that one

Day she and the old woman

Will skip on streets of gold.

If we live for the Lord in showing love to our fellowman, what great joys we will have afterwhile!

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Morning, Noon and Evening

Morning, noon and evening are three time periods of the day. We arise to greet a new day in the morning, stop to eat lunch at noon and go home to rest in the evening and to make preparations for the next day. That pretty much is an average person's day. It is pretty much the same day in and day out.

The Bigger Picture

Those mornings, noons and nights make up days and days make years and years add up to life. Think about it. When you are young, you could be said to be in the morning of your life. The middle-aged years could be said to be the noontime of life. And lastly, the years of old age can be looked upon as the evening of life. The body has gotten weary and the signs of the evening are approaching.

A Day, A Life

Made it through the morning

Of life

To make it through the noontime

Of life

And now we are moving over into the evening

Of  life

Time is winding up and rest awaits

Come on young folk; pick up the torch now

It is soon to be your time on the stage of life

So, step forward and take a bow

And begin to understudy your mentors

So that when you have to fill said shoes

You can walk with confidence though

Saddened by the news that another from the evening

Of Life

Has ceased struggling with toils and with strife

And can say

"I made it through the days and through life."

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Everything I Need

"According to His divine power hath given all things that pertain to life and godliness...virtue:"

Everything I Need

When my God placed me in this world below

He made available to me everything that I need

He gave me water to drink to quench my thirst

He provided a smorgasbord of protein for me

Along with a wealth of vegetables and seasonings seeds

When I give in to the natural desire to feed.

He placed within me the tools to aid me

In moving, thinking, being happy, and going on

And chopping my row while heading toward home.

I have my Bible, my trusted guidebook, for when

He lets me try my hand at soloing a bit in this

Thing called life that, if I live it right

Will land me in a place of rest and bliss.

We have all we need to make it to our, "Afterwhile."

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wonder What It Will Be Like?

The island of Socotra is located in the Indian Ocean. Madagascar is known for its unusual flora and fauna. But when I saw some pictures on the Weather Channel of Socotra, my awe was taken to a new level! The thought that ran uppermost through my mind was that if the Lord could fix wonders that transfixed and awed me like this, how great Heaven must be. Even though those pictures that I saw on the Weather Channel wowed me to jaw-dropping awe, Heaven will be beyond this! How beautiful it must be!



Note in Passing

All of my life folk have tried to stop me from doing what I must or being who I am. I have been ridiculed for being too smart, praying too much, being successful at whatever endeavor I took on and now, for writing about God's love for you and me. It is not my intention to offend anyone with my posts. I post what I post on the general feed. If my posts offend you, I am sorry, but I do not apologize for who I am. I am just sharing the good news of God's love through His Son. I hope it brings you joy and peace. And remember, when I look at mankind, I see God's creation for which He died. That means that all of us are precious in His sight.

In Appreciation

I received a beautiful apron from a member of the congregation where I attend, and I was taken aback. It was not my birthday; it was not Christmas nor any other special day. She said that she did it for me because I was always willing to do for others and rarely thought about myself. I accepted that gift with a gracious, "Thank you," and humbly thanked the Lord for the gift later. It just goes to show you that you never know when your life is having a positive effect on someone. So, what will I do? I will keep telling my story and bringing God glory because one day, I am going home.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Monday, March 5, 2018


The cares of this life will be over one day the storm ravaging and all the flooding will be no more, and we will meet with saints of God around His throne. In the afterwhile, what a mighty good time that will be! I am going to relish having heard the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant...joys of the Lord." (Matt. 25:21, KJV)

When I get to that place that the Lord has prepared for me, I will express my joy, gratitude, and my pleasure. My exuberance will make itself known in ways that it never has before.   To get to that great gathering place in the afterwhile, all I have to do is to stay faithful. Did I mention that when I get there, I am going to sing, "Trouble's Over?" I tell you what else I am going to do, I am going to peep into the Throne Room if they allow me to. Then I am going to add my little song of thanksgiving and praise to the others that I imagine are circling my Father's throne. And, and, and, well you get my drift. There is no need for me to say anything further.

Folks, when we get home we are gonna have a good time around the throne. Umph! Umph! Umph! People from all corners of the globe are gonna be meeting for a celebration around God's throne!

Oh, what a glorious time we will have in that Great Afterwhile in that place that has been prepared for us. And you know, it will all be worth it...afterwhile.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Book?

Having the gift of using a pen to sing praises to God is something to be grateful for. Also, the knowledge that a place is being prepared for my habitation one day is something for which to be grateful.   Yet, I find myself still somewhat amazed periodically during my writing efforts. The fact that there are five books already published by me and a sixth nearly finished is mindboggling.

My serious writing took off at a slow pace in the form of a trimester blog. From that, it moved to monthly, and now it is a daily blog. Through the years, I have been writing on this book day by day,     and now that book is being prepared to be placed in a museum, (Alex Haley Museum, Henning, TN) for display and sale. Yes, "Chopping My Row" has been contracted for just such!

And Then

In a moment of epiphany, I realized that I am writing a bigger book day by day and have been doing so all of my life. Yes, my every word thought, and deed that I have had while down here on this earth is being recorded. And one day, my portion in the Book of Life will be read. That is a pretty deep thought, isn't it? Yeah, sometimes I have some deep thoughts that are so deep that they make me do a doubletake. Then I remember that it is not me but the glory of God shining through me that directs my creative efforts.


What I have to do and you, too, is to make sure that the good outweighs the bad in our book by getting forgiveness for all of our sins and by using each moment in time for the good of mankind.

A Book?

Since I have retired from teaching

Writing books is what I do a lot of

As  a writer, I am always reaching

Out to my fellowman, beseeching

That we show lovingkindness to one another

That is of the same caliber as the love of self

And about which the clergymen of

Our day are always preaching.

Bear in Mind that we do indeed write a book

That at the end of time, all will have a look

Let's hope to shine like a new star when

The book is opened, and a look is taken within

But, we will be alright if we have made sure that

The blood of Jesus covers us from all of our sins.


When My Day Is Done

When my day is done

And my life script is read

These are the words that

I want to hear said

"Well done, Alma, well done

For those old ladies that you

Helped to cross the street

Those little children whose

Tears you wiped from their eyes...

My angel was the one that you

Did those thoughtful things to.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Friday, March 2, 2018

A New Home

There is a certain amount of excitement involved in preparing to move into a new home, isn't there? Yes, you have done all of the packing and preparations are complete. Then comes moving day. Ah, the anticipation has built to a fevered pitch, and you are ready, oh, so ready.

Now, Let's Go Back

When you first decided to move your soul into a better position to live for the Lord, if you have made that decision, that is, there were certain of your friends that ostracized you about it, remember? The ostracizing got to the point that finally, you and the friends parted ways because you would not compromise your Christian values for them. Yes, the ridicule hurt, but that's alright. You made it through, didn't you?  Uh hmm-m.

Just as it happened when you decided to move your soul into a better position with the Lord, you reflect back on the friends that you lost when they heard that you were moving to a new home in the suburbs of an upscale community.  But you are making the move anyway, right? Of course, you are!

A Harder Shell

Not everybody is going to be happy when you make a move to better your soul or yourself. Get used to it because that is just the way that people are. Sometimes, we have to develop a hardened shell because that is what it takes to make it through this life. People just will not like you if you try to live for the Lord. That is something that I had to learn, as I am sure that some of you had to, as well. I have heard some people justify their unreasonableness or cruelty under the guise of, "The end justifies the means." What the previous statement implies is, "As long as I get my way nothing else matters." That is the mentality of a two-year-old or certainly a non-Christian. What you have to decide is whether to please God and yourself or folks.

The Worth

But when you count up the cost, every barb, every insult, etc. is worth it all just to be looked upon with favor when He makes that final roll call. None of it will matter, and we will have peace forevermore!

Hence, my poem for the day:

Ya' Know

Ya' know? It just doesn't matter what folk think about me

Sure, like most everybody else, I'd like to enjoy popularity

But not to the extent that I would choose folk over Him

Not even when they make my smile wattage go dim.

He has heaven to put me in and folks, well...they

Cannot even save their own souls, truth be known

So, why should I give in to them, because when

They die, their souls will be gone

To meet their Maker to live in their final home.

So, they choose for themselves, and I choose for me

For I want to rest easy in the land of my finality

They are just not worth the cost of punishment for all eternity.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones

Thursday, March 1, 2018

In My Veins

So That You Know

There is something that runs in my veins

That, try though I might, I cannot change.

There is this desire, this will

That permeates through me

And it is there for all the world to see.

I am like Jonah, in that, I can't deny

What I was given to do

So, fellowman and friend alike

I write encouraging and inspiring

Poems and prose for you.

Was I ridiculed and put down because I wanted to write a book? Yes, I was. Did I allow that ridicule and put down to stop me? No, I did not. I stepped on.  I have looked at this burning desire within me from all angles, and you know what I have concluded? It must have been meant to be. And it didn't take a dunking at the bottom of the ocean to make me realize that God's will must be done. Uh hmm, and that goes back to one of my favorite phrases, "If the Lord..." That phrase says it all. If the Lord is for a given thing or person, then whatever His will is, will be. And it doesn't matter who or what you come up against, either.

So, I said that to say this to you, if you have a strong desire to do something positive for the Lord as far as helping your fellowman, then do it. If it is starting a new service for the benefit of a certain segment of folks such as starting a nursing home visitation, a hospital visitation, collecting clothes for the used store, volunteering for a local food bank or kitchen, conducting a reading hour for children, etc. Just do it in the name of the Lord.

Gave you a little food for thought today. Be blessed.

Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,

Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones