Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Saying "Thank You"
Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice honor me;
to those who go the right way I will show the salvation of God.”
If you will look at other versions of the Bible and how they word this same passage, it might be helpful to you. So, this shows you how the Lord likes thanksgiving or showing and saying that you are grateful for His love and care. You get more blessings by being grateful. Why, because He loves you anyway and wants to have cause to bless you.
Most people never give it much thought, but think about it. When there is something that we want from the Lord, we ask Him repeatedly don’t we? Sure we do, and what do we do when we get it? Yes, we thank Him in our prayers maybe once or twice, maybe a few more times, but then the novelty wears off and we rarely mention that particular thing anymore.
But you know just like the Lord told us in Jeremiah 9:24 that He likes for us to brag on Him; here again, He is telling us what He likes.
Jeremiah 9:24 but let those who boast, boast in this, that they understand and know Me, that I am the Lord; I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.
It’s a simple thing to delight the Lord, especially after all He has done for us. Think about it. Bragging on Him and thanking Him delight Him and He will respond accordingly.
Isn’t He great, Y’all? And now you know why I will not stop talking about His love for us and will not stop thanking Him. He is my all and I am telling the world just that. You do the same and curry more favor with Him. You know that He loves you, so show Him and the world that you love Him.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Carr-Jones
Christian Poet & Author
Monday, July 30, 2018
To God Be the Glory Finale - Order My Steps
As I told you in my book, “W.O.W. created w.o.w.,” God does not do things by half-measure. I had several epiphanies throughout the writing of this book. During one such epiphany, when I was enthralled by my Father’s workings, I penned these words:
When I think about the favor that God has placed on my life, I can’t help but
marvel at the fact that the GOD, Who orchestrated the cosmos; the GOD that initiated this thing we know of as time and placed a limitation thereon; the GOD that one day will usher in eternity; takes the patience and places HIS omnipotent eyes and ears on a tiny speck of dust called Alma, I am agog! ‘What am I that THOU are mindful of me?’
He has shown His love for me in so many ways and I just want to love Him back. When He gave me the words to write in my inspirational book of verse, He didn’t stop there. He gave me scriptures and questions for each poem in the book. And you are correct in surmising that He didn’t stop there with the book. He gave me a design epiphany so that I had a breathtaking cover. Little did I know it at the time, but He had planned for me to do an inspirational book based on this book of verse after I finished the next inspirational book that He had me working on. That book was Chopping My Row. There is no need for me to put a picture here because it is already listed in my list of books on this blog of mine. I did not think that I had anything else in me to write about concerning His love for us and my love for Him after I finished “W.O.W. created w.o.w.” But I was wrong two more times.
So, Now
As I work the work that He has for me to do, I realize that with each phase of my life, my life mile marker moves a little closer to my final trek that will take me to Jesus' throne. And when I get there I want to hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord.”
Because I want to be pleasing to Him in my work, I ask Him to, “Order My Steps.” I ask Him like the writer of the 119th division of Psalms did in verse 133.
133Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
With those words, I am asking the Lord to touch me so that all that I do will be pleasing in His sight.
If you get the chance, go to YouTube and listen to a favorite song of mine. The name of the song is, “Order My Steps.” Here is one of my favorite verses:
Bridle my tongue, let my words edify
Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight
Take charge of my thoughts, both day and night
Please order my steps in Your Word
Please order my steps in Your Word
Then the song goes on to say, “I want to walk worthy, Jesus, according to thy will.”
The verse above is one of my favorites because I have been given the gift of using words. I want to speak and write to the good of my fellowman about the generosity of and the love that our God has for us.
Be blessed, Y'all and remember, you are never alone because He cares for you.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Carr-Jones
Christian Poet & Author
Sunday, July 29, 2018
To God Be the Glory (cont.) - I Don't Know Why
I bow my knees and give Him thanks and praise for His continual love for me. And I know that I can do nothing alone. It is God that makes me be productive as I travel this life road.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
To God Be the Glory
May your joys be as deep as the ocean
And your sorrows as light as its foam
Any may you always have the wind at your back.
I have not always had joys nor have I always had the wind at my back but by the grace of God, I have come a long way from that little teenager who sat so full of excitement in that guidance office so long ago. I remember being looked at with a bit of disdain by some of the other college freshman. But, not for long because they discovered that I could write a pretty good essay. (smile) Yes, the Lord allowed me to find a niche group. Some of us finished together and are friends to this day.
As I think back over my life, I realize that the Lord has shown me favor in that He has allowed me to become a successful teacher, a minister's wife and an author/poet. People tell me that I did well as a teacher and do very well as a preacher's wife and as an author/poet. When people brag on me, I am quick to give God the glory. I tell them that anything that they see me do well, is not by me, but it is the glory of God shining through me. God is the only reason that I have been able to accomplish the things that I have.
As we are reminded about in Psalm 49:18 and Jeremiah 9:24, I brag on God for His goodness. But, you know, because of His goodness, I strive to give back to Him in whatever my hands find to do. (Cont. tomorrow)
Friday, July 27, 2018
Lessons You Learn
Now, I realize that anything that the Lord allows me to learn is for the good of myself and for the good of my fellowman. Therefore, I share. That is why I do a daily blog. Jesus taught me to share when He taught me to care. Now you know why I sign my blog, "Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care."
As I am doing my meditating each morning and as I live each day, my mind is like a sponge soaking up lessons to use for my blog. If something astounds me, then in some way it will sooner or later be featured in my blog. Yesterday and the day before, I did my blog on snippets of my Momma's life. But, I was not satisfied with the cap that I put on it so, I thought that I would add a couple of things to it via the way it impacted me.
Here is a verse from a poem that I wrote in memory of my Momma back in 2016:
$35 dollars a week is not very much
That is what the lady lived on
And she took care of three kids, with such
Meager earnings as this -
Life in her household was anything but bliss.
I think back at various times in my life and I see where I get my resilience from and my perseverance. Look at the lesson that the Lord allowed me to learn through my Momma:
- She made most of my clothes. And she cut some of her old dresses down to fit me.
- She made my slips from the twenty-five-pound flour sack that she bought the flour in. She dumped the flour up in a lard can and voile, she had material to make me a slip.
- We had a container for meal as well. We did not keep meal in as large a quantity because sometimes the meal would go bad and have those little black bugs crawling in it, weevils I think. Anyway, that batch had to be used. I just had to sift the weevils out and keep stepping.
- Fatback was bought for frying as breakfast meat and boiling meat for seasoning the dried beans that we would have nearly every day. The fatback had to be boiled first to rid it of the excess salt that it was packed in. Then that water was poured off and it was fried. Oh, such popping there was as the last of the water was fried off of the fatback. When the fatback was fried, it tasted just like the chicharrones that you can buy in packages in the potato chip aisle at the grocery store. Uhm-Uhm, such good crunching there was! I never really cared for the boiled fatback though, so I would cut the skin off and eat that. It was quite tasty, too.
- She never wasted anything. She used everything until it was used up.
My Point
Why did I tell you all of this about my early life and growing up years in my Momma's household? Simple, we are leaving a legacy daily. Are we teaching our children how to make do? If you don't do anything but tell them stories of how it was done, do that. Better yet, write it down. That is what I am doing. I am writing down how my Momma had the grit, determination, and faith to keep going. And you know what? She got to accomplish her goal of seeing her daughter settled in a fine job as a teacher. She got the chance to see her dream realized through me, as well as make sure that I was able to stand on my own two feet, with the help of God, if my situation in life should change for whatever reason. And I have shared her legacy with you for yours...
Be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Carr-Jones
Christian Author and Poet
Thursday, July 26, 2018
A Marvel of a Woman (cont.)
She and my daddy had to move out of the new home that they had just bought. They moved into a farmhouse provided for share-croppers. This is where you work the land in return for a place to stay, a charge account for foodstuffs and other things needed on the farm and for a small settlement at the end of the growing season. Momma had thought to go back to teaching the next school term, but a year of college was needed by then. Again, an offer was made to her so that she could afford college, but she had no one to keep her child.
Daddy decided later to move his family to northern Mississippi, which happened not to be so close to her Daddy. Life went pretty well for them for a time, but daddy started to go to juke joints on Friday nights and to hook up with various women. Momma stayed at home with the babies, of which there were two by this time. Momma had two boys. I was still nestled in heaven getting instructions for my sojourn to earth, I suppose. Fifteen months after my brother was born, I made my entrance into the world at a little hospital called Collins Chapel Hospital.
And now, many years later, I am here telling you my story about my Momma. My Momma was a strong believer in God and she passed that belief on to me. She taught me that things happen in life according to God's will. She taught me the value of prayer and taught me to depend on Him. She taught me that no matter what mankind says that you cannot do, it is up to the Lord. She could have let the situation with my daddy sour her on life and on God, but she didn't. Instead, she elected to teach me in word and by example, to always lean on and have faith and trust in God.
I embraced that teaching and now move from day to day as I try to lighten folk's loads with my living. I know that the woman, who I dub, A Marvel of a Woman," would be proud to see what I am doing in my second career. I am living my life for Jesus and my fellowman. And I tell you this, if you have had your setbacks, and who hasn't, don't let that determine your new boundaries. You keep stepping like my Momma did and like she taught me to do, and watch the Lord make your mountains into molehills.
I hope that I reached the person that I was supposed to reach with this post. Be blessed, Y'all.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Carr-Jones
Christian Author & Poet
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
A Marvel of a Woman
My Story
She began her life in an affluent home in rural Mississippi near a place called Pace. Her daddy was well-placed in life due to the singing and sharp business acumen of his parents. I understand that they were touring musicians who saved their money until they earned enough money to buy some land. I further understand that they settled down to farm.
My mother often told me how her Dad (my Grandaddy) raised hogs, vegetables, and some cows to feed the family. She told of having steaks many times during the week. She said that there were very few things that they went to town to buy. There was a peddler that used to come by selling some wares and sometimes they would be treated to some of his wares. But mostly, they ate what they raised on the farm.
She told of the idyllic days she remembered as a little girl when she and her sisters would make mud pies in the lead-crystal dishes that her mother did not care for. She often grieved over the crystal plates and bowls that her mother let them break up because she said she did not like them. We loved hearing about the days when our Momma would sit down and tell us about the way life used to be for her and her sisters. Then she would finish her reminiscing by saying that was the way it was then, but this is the way it is now. Then she would launch into her favorite tirade about falling from sugar to *!x*! The last sentence of her tirade was always, “That’s why you stay in school so that you can be somebody and have something one day, so help you God.”
I think she talked to me the most because I was always at home with her and because I was her only girl. At any rate, I digress. Momma's days as a carefree girl came to an end when she met and married my daddy against her Daddy's wishes, and lost her mother within three short months after the marriage. She told me that her mother had been suffering from gallbladder trouble and that the last attack left her motherless.
Nevertheless, she carried on, doing the housewifely things that farmers wives do. She told me that it was a big day for her when her old principal drove to her house to visit her. He had come looking for her because they needed a teacher and he remembered how smart she was. After much him-hawing, she told him that she would talk it over with her husband (my daddy.)
Daddy was against the idea of her teaching but they finally came to an agreement and she became a teacher. She taught for three years until she gave birth to my oldest brother prematurely. She said that she blamed herself for the premature birth because her sister was at her house and was teasing her unmercifully because she would not pick up the churn and pour my daddy some milk. She said that her sister said to her, "Child if that was my man done come in from the field all hot and tired I would pour him some milk." So, she did. She started hurting the minute she set the churn down and my oldest brother was born that night, a preemie. (Cont. tomorrow, if the Lord wills. word count already 582)
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Poet and Author
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Just Want to Say, “Thanks”
Dear God, my Father, my Friend
Thank You for Your love
Without which I would be lost.
Thank You for the tender mercies
That You employ when dealing with me
Thank You for Your arms of protection
That have made this world leave me be.
Thank You for not dealing with me
The way that I deserved
Thank You for, instead, allowing me to serve.
Doing What I Can While I Can, Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author and Poet
Monday, July 23, 2018
Timber Close
I said it once and
I’ll say it again
You can’t be close to God
And neglect your fellowman.
Who, besides your family
Did you pray for today
Did you pray for the sick
Or homeless, jobless, and orphans
And anybody else that needs
Help along the way?
The bigger the shoes, the harder they are to fill
So be sure to pray for the one who wears the shoes still.
Have a good night and it is still not too late to pray for your fellowman.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author & Poetess
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Behind the Scenes Finale
My 2nd Account
I had wanted to be a teacher all of my life, and the Lord allowed it to be so. He worked behind the scenes to assure that our high school guidance counselor looked upon me with favor and allowed me to work in the guidance office. She was instrumental in my obtaining a scholarship and a student loan to go to college. (God working behind the scenes)
I will never forget the feeling that I had when I arrived at the college dorm and looked out of the second-floor dorm room window. My life had just taken a turn for the better. I didn't have, but one dress and one pair of shoes but that was alright; I was there. God had sent me to college...
My First Classroom
When you have carried a dream around inside you for so long, the actual obtaining of the dream will bring a euphoria of happiness that is indescribable. I remember walking up to my desk and running my hand over it and marveling at the fact that it was mine. I remember relishing the sound of my opening and closing the drawers in it.
This first job was a special education classroom, but that didn't matter. I knew that it was just my getting my foot in the door. I had that optimistic belief that God would get me a regular classroom, after all, He could do anything. Couldn't He? And to be a regular classroom teacher was what I had wanted to be my entire life. So, I labored through that first year, that second year and on and on with my optimism about getting a regular classroom waning more and more with the passing of each year until I awoke one day to the realization that I had been teaching for 15 years!
That was exactly half of my teaching career! What was taking so long for that regular classroom? I had prayed and prayed and prayed and still after 15 years nothing happened. I remember thinking back to the fact that I had always wanted a third-grade classroom. That was never to happen. (Allow me to say this at this juncture: When we don't get what we want we have to trust God and know that He has His reasons. We have to know in our hearts that God has a better plan.)
Then one Friday morning toward the beginning of the next school year, during in-service training, I received a phone call that I needed to drop what I was doing and go to see the principal of our local junior high school. I had paint in my hair and on my clothes because we had been putting a fresh coat of paint on a table in our special education room. I remember that I was concerned about the paint on my hair and my clothes. I was emphatically told that if that principal wanted to talk to me, then I had better go right then just like I was.
It was just a bit across town to where our junior high was, and I had butterflies all the way. My mind ran from a to z about what this man could want. When I walked into that school's office and was ushered into his office, I was tongue-tied. The principle seemed to glare at me for a second or so. I got the feeling that he was sizing me up. I started to squirm, and I could not hold his stare, so I let my eyes dart around his office and out of the window and finally back to him. He still had that implacable stare. There was a social studies book on the desk in front of him, and he slid it to me and said, "Be here Monday morning to teach sixth grade Social Studies. Then he nodded his head toward the door. I left his office on winged, but frightened feet. I did not go to my room that I was going to have, I just took that book and flew! I prayed all the way back to my special ed classroom, which wasn't mine anymore. I was in a fog the entire weekend. The next week I received two phone calls from two very influential people. I was told what to do in my new job and how to comport myself. I did that and, of course, stayed on my knees and the rest is history. ( I will say that during one of those phone calls, I learned why the Lord had never given me that third-grade classroom. You can think what you will about the reason, but some things you just do not divulge.)
The Lord did not just drop me at the junior high school and leave me. He made sure in big ways and in little ways that I knew that He was with me in my teaching efforts. He made sure that I knew that I did not walk alone and never had. I finished my teaching career in the regular classroom and was named to Who's Who Among America's Teachers each of those years.
I had some rocky hills to climb
During those years in the regular classroom
But I did not walk the rocky crags alone
I had help from my Lord
Who sits on Heaven's throne
He was with me all the time.
There are some things that He did for me
That I am not at liberty to say
But I was blessed, enamored and awed
As I did His will, at the end of the day.
With this series of posts, I have been made to look within and back and have indeed seen that the benevolent God that I serve is working behind the scenes all of the time. I have found that throughout my life, God has been mindful of me and has been moving mountains for my good.
I can tell you now, that the more adverse your situation, the bigger blessing you will receive if you just remain faithful to God. Somebody just thought, "Say what?! Say again." And I will repeat the gist of what I said. The tougher the trials(s) that you go through, the bigger blessing you will have if you remain faithful, through it all. Remember Job. (Job Chapters, 1, 2 & 42, KJV) Remain faithful when you don't understand, and when it seems the whole world is conspiring against you so that you cannot smile, smile anyway. There is no problem that you have that the Lord is not aware of, but you keep praying and keep stepping on.
And one day you will find that you have stepped from the craggy rocks that you had been climbing to smooth and cooling stairs of marble and from there to a moving stairway as you make your miraculous climb to the top. You will find that just like you could not seem to catch a break for anything, the breaks will fall into your lap at every turn. You will be overwhelmed with gratitude, and you will turn to the God of heaven and thank Him for working for you all of the time and for opening your insight further so that you could recognize that fact.
And then you will be like an announcer with a mega horn or a news commentator with a new piece of broadcasting equipment in that you will shout the goodness of God from the tallest mountain in your world. You will tell everybody, and you will not be ashamed to do it. In fact, you will talk so much about it that folk might not want to listen. But, that's okay, keep an upbeat outlook on life and be ready to tell all who ask about the goodness and faithfulness of the God that you serve.
Be blessed, and it has been my pleasure to share this series of posts with you. I hope that you went to worship today and gave praise to God and showed love to your fellowman by praying with him and for him.
Remember, if you are His child, you are never alone, never. Umph, umph, umph, working behind the scenes...
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma Jones
Christian Author & Poetess
Enjoy this post? Then you might enjoy my latest book, Chopping My Row. Available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Behind the Scenes (cont.)
Working Behind the Scenes
I inserted the graphic again because it may have needed a bit of explaining to you. I hope that you were able to ascertain from it that the two circles are intersecting and are spinning at right angles to each other. I hope that you can see the arrows that indicate the directional flow of their spin.
Beauty of the Design
This graphic is ingenious in its message and theme. Okay, this is the way that I mean for you to interpret it. The pink colored circle and the message it carries is a way of looking at life (for me, anyway) in general – ever keeping the rose-tinted glasses on. I like to call them glasses of faith. The green colored circle is a way of reminding one’s self of the fact that the Lord is ever mindful of His children and is always behind the scenes working things out because He is in control and because He cares for them. So, the message that the green circle is meant to convey is that no matter what kind of adverse situation you might be in, never lose your faith and never give up on God. Sometimes, it might take years for it to work out, but when it does…oh, the beauty of discovering His longsuffering love for you. Umph, umph, umph, even when you were complaining or whining, He was working things out for you anyway, all because you are His and He loves you. Have you ever had a time like that in your life? I have had many, but I will only share two of them with you today. (Hmm-m, I try to stop writing at 500 words in a post. I have already used 295. Wordage really flies when you are having fun.)
1st Account (cont.)
Yesterday, I stopped my narrative at the point where I was in the midst of an almost cynical pity party. I just didn’t understand why this book was not being snatched up by the publishers. I just didn’t get it. But, after talking to several authors and learning that poetry was a hard sell and learning that people did not want to read inspirational poetry and further learning that new authors are looked at as having to prove themselves, especially poets because the world is saturated with poets. I found out that it takes quite a bit of marketing, too which was another huge expense.
It has been six long years since I began my author/poet journey. I have learned that writing is a continuous learning venture and have been fortunate enough to be asked to join a local writer’s group. I have since published five books, one of which, has been dubbed “one to watch,” (Chopping My Row [inspirational prose]) and will be featured in a nationally known publication. I can see the hand of God in all of my working as an author. But I can tell you this, I have learned that if I write a book that blesses one person, that is a job well done.
There is something big pending and I am not at liberty to say any more about it. It will be the biggest thing that has ever happened in my life as an author, I can tell you that. And while in the beginning, I was wondering where God was, He has allowed me to learn that He was working behind the scenes all of the time! Who do you think gave me the graphic for this series of lessons on faith? Umph, umph, umph, all of the time!
Well, I have reached 639 words so I will give my other account to you tomorrow if it is the Lord’s will.
All the Time
Be blessed
And don’t stress
Paint it green
For God ever worketh
Behind the scenes.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author/Poetess
"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Behind the Scenes
Working Behind the Scenes
Good evening! I thought that today I would be able to finish our theme of being able to maintain your faith through it all. That will not happen. However, we will keep working on it to finish it. Before I give you two of the many times that the Lord worked behind the scenes for me, I wanted to talk about Joshua and Jericho for a moment.
I will give you the short version here. You can go to Joshua chapter 6 and read the entire story of the collapse of the wall. The children of Israel had to conquer the City of Jericho so that they could occupy the land that had been promised through Abraham about 500 years earlier.
Jericho was surrounded by a great earthen rampart, or embankment, with a stone retaining wall at its base. The retaining wall was some four to five meters (12–15 feet) high. On top of that was a mudbrick wall two meters (six feet) thick and about six to eight meters (20–26 feet) high.4 At the crest of the embankment was a similar mudbrick wall whose base was roughly 14 meters (46 feet) above the ground level outside the retaining wall (see diagram). This is what loomed high above the Israelites as they marched around the city each day for seven days. Humanly speaking, it was impossible for the Israelites to penetrate the impregnable bastion of Jericho. (Ernst Sellin and Carl Watzinger, Jericho die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, Osnabrück, Otto Zeller Verlag, p. 58, 1973 (reprint of the 1913 edition)
You see how impenetrable the city seemed to be, probably much like some of the problems that you have had in your life. They all worked out, did they not? The Lord was working behind the scenes for Joshua and the Israelites. He had already determined that He would give the city over into their hands before they began their trek around the wall for seven days. They had to act on faith, which they did and God came through for them. Do you know what scientists have discovered about Jericho? It suffered a massive enough earthquake that the wall fell flat. Uhm-hm-m, God working behind the scenes.
In My Life – First Account
Like I told you yesterday, I have become accustomed to praying to God about problems and having them worked out. So you can imagine when I really wanted to write my first book that I was gung-ho. I knew Who I served, and I knew that He would take care of any problems and situations that arose. Again, like I told you earlier this week, yes, up to the time of the writing of my first book, I had had my share of ups and downs, but had learned to accept whatever His will was for me.
But this was different. This was a book, and it was mostly poetry about Him, so I knew this was a winner. I mean He had brought me through so much, hadn’t He? Ha ha ha, I did not have a clue. I had written several poems and finally let myself be talked into writing a book. I labored through the process of amassing enough poems to put in a book, took the time to put them into categories, came up with appropriate titles for them, bought a dictionary of rhyming words, purchased a new computer, etc. It seemed that the writing was always needing something, either paper, ink, folders, notebooks, pencils, ink pens, etc. But I knew that my book was destined to do great because it was a labor of love for me about God.
Writing was so expensive, and when I got ready to have it printed, nobody much was interested in a poetry book! Nobody much wanted even to take the time to read it. I could not believe it. Of course, I prayed about it. Then one day a friend of mine told me about crowdfunding. I found out that people will pay to have your book published. All you had to do was ask. So, I started my crowdfunding campaign. I put aside my thoughts that I was begging, I mean this is the way authors got published I was told. (I could laugh loud and long on that one.)
Y’all, that crowdfunding campaign was a hot mess. There I had gone and put my name out on the web begging (what it felt like to me) and everybody knew it, and I did not raise enough to get the little bit that was donated. It was a pittance, and I was a pitiful wreck of a mess. I had succumbed to begging, and everybody knew it. I felt like a failure because I had put myself in a position where people could see me sweat and gloat about it. (In my mind, I kept wondering where God was.)
I still didn’t understand why I could not get my book published. Well, I managed to scrape up funds and have my book self-published. I used to be embarrassed about that until I found out that that was the way that some of our most successful writers got started. And anyway, my book was a good book; it really was, and people would want it if only they knew about it. Ha Ha Ha (cont. tomorrow)
I did get the graphic done that I mentioned to you. It is rough, but maybe you can make it out.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author & Poet
Thursday, July 19, 2018
I have a lesson that I sometimes do for ladies’ days that is entitled, “If the Lord...” I take those last few words of the preceding sentence from the scripture Romans 8:31 which says, “If the Lord is for us, who can be against us?” I paraphrased that a bit, but you get my drift. We will come back to that statement in a moment.
But, first I want to ask you something. Why do you suppose that we have trouble? I figure like this:
Christians have trouble because they have given their allegiance to God. And you know the scripture says that all who live Godly shall suffer persecution.
- Why was Daniel thrown into the lions’ den? (Working behind the scenes because He had already talked to the lions and made sure they knew what was what. Either that or He locked the lions’ jaws and crippled their claws or immobilized them. We do know that the lions were hungry because of the fate of the men who were thrown in later.)
- Why were the three Hebrew boys thrown into the fiery furnace? (He was working behind the scenes because He was already in the fire waiting for them and suffered them to come to no harm.)
- Why did David have to hide from Saul? (Working behind the scenes when He had Jonathan, Saul’s son, to tell David to flee because it was not safe for him any longer at Saul’s place.)
- Why did Pharaoh tell Moses to see his face no more because on the day that he did, Pharaoh would have him killed? (Working behind the scenes because He had already said that He would show His powers in Egypt. Had already arranged for the angel to go to the homes that did not have the blood on the doorposts.)
I could give many other examples, but the ones listed above are enough for our lesson today. Here’s the thing. All the people mentioned in the bullets above were in trouble because they all were trying to carry out the will of God. So, that ought to tell you that if you are trying to carry out God’s will for your life, you will suffer for it.
Why didn’t they stop when they were threatened with death? What drove them to keep going despite mortal peril? Why would God let them go through so much when all they were trying to do is serve Him? Remember yesterday in the poem at the end of the blog; I talked about how things from my past had been worked out when I prayed, and that fact has me moving steadily on in my quest to do my work for the Lord.
Oh, but wait a minute! We can see from the people above that, though they had some hard knocks and some trials while trying to do their work for the Lord, God had them in mind all of the time. He had a plan and was working on it all the while, sort of like behind the scenes. Say what? Yep, that is correct. Now you know why it is necessary to have faith and how it can make you feel like a million even though the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders. I told you yesterday that 1 Peter 1:5-7 says that God cares for you.
I am going to tell you tomorrow about two times in my life that He was working behind the scenes, even though I did not know it. When I finish my stories, you will be like me and give new credence to the words of the scripture, Romans 8:28 and Romans 8:31. To me, those two scriptures go hand in hand. One supports the other, and the other supports the one. I am going to do a crude drawing of how they play out in my mind. It will give you something to think about concerning your faith in God and continuing to step on.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author and Poetess
Will post my crude graphic sometime tomorrow if the Lord wills.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Oo-wee! Glad That’s Not Me
What’s Jealousy Got to Do with It
Y’all know the story, so I won’t prolong it. (Genesis 37, 39, 40 & 41) But I will tell you that Joseph has a special place in my life and always has. Why? Well, I can identify with him. He had dreams at night as a child, and so did I. He was the victim of jealousy, and so was I (and some of it still exists to this day.) The names and faces have changed over the years, but the problem of jealousy still exists. But that’s alright because I know that God is. (Romans 8:31)
Joseph’s brothers were so jealous of him that they planned to kill him. But, it didn’t happen like that because God had plans for him. He was sold into slavery, but that was God’s plan all along. I remember being oh so sorry that that had happened to Joseph. But so, so glad that it was not me. I was so glad to have a Momma who loved me that I ran inside from playing one day to tell her that I was glad she was my Momma. (She looked taken aback, but I found out later that she puzzled over things I said and did quite a bit.)
Remember Joseph had dreamed of life down in Egypt before it ever happened. Yes, folks, I was like Joseph in that I dreamed things happening before they did. How? Why? I told y’all my Momma often told me that something had been trying to get my attention all of my life. I don’t understand it, and that’s okay. I just accept the fact that I am a bit strange. That is why I am driven to write for you. There is something on the inside that is like fire, and it is lessened when I encourage you by my writing about the goodness of God.
Joseph was thrown into prison unjustly. But that worked out as well. God used some of the dreams that he had while in prison to get him out. Never forget how he got the ability to dream of the future in the first place. God was in the plan, and He made Joseph do like cream and rise to the top.
Have I had my trials, tribulations, and troubles? Yes, I have. I cut my teeth on folks being jealous of me, but I never thought that people would go to the lengths that some of them have. But God is in the plan, and sometimes He uses what man has determined to be your undoing to make you stronger and more adept at the job that He planned for you all along. If you believe that God loves you, you can take some heat. You deal with the trouble and keep going just like Joseph did because you know that God cares for you. (1 Peter 1:5-7)
My Attention
God has my attention now, and I use my life to inspire and encourage my fellowman. I do it by writing, speaking, being friendly, doing philanthropic acts, etc. I have learned through some of my troubled times that my life is not all about me. It is about learning the lessons that I am taught and applying them as I live my life for Him in doing my work toward encouraging humanity.
If you seek God daily, then your faith will grow during your trials. Can you ever have too much faith? No ma’am and no sir, you cannot. Remember, I told you that faith is priceless.
Tomorrow, we will take a look at Moses, Daniel, David or the three Hebrew boys. You can read up on their stories tonight if you would like. Be blessed! And I will end up discussing one of the many times that the Lord has shown me favor just when it looked like all was lost. I learned that with God, “All is never lost.” He just does things in His own time. So, until tomorrow, I will be holding on to my faith and stepping on. Have a great day.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Jones
Christian Author/Poetess/Motivational Speaker
The footsteps of faith from the past have charted
My course from which I have grown
And have made me into a wiser being than when I started
And have me looking toward the future...
All from the past that I've known.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Trust Him
"That's just the way it is." I heard those words often as a child, but I never gave up on something I really wanted without asking the Lord about it. I never told my Momma that I had prayed about an impossible situation, but I often did. I prayed and then I waited on the Lord. If the situation worked out, and it did often enough, I knew that the Lord had answered, "Yes." If the situation did not work out, I knew that the answer was, "No or not right now." I had enough seemingly impossible situations to be worked out so that my faith and trust in God grew by leaps and bounds.
I hope that when this series of lessons is over that when you are confronted with an impossible situation that seems to have no solution, that you try praying to God and see if your faith does not grow by leaps and bounds when He delivers you. If the Lord wills, we will begin a three or four-day study tomorrow.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Hold on to your faith at all costs! It is priceless!
- That statement means that you can go to sleep at night when your world has been turned upside down.
- It means that you don't have to wring your hands in despair because all hope is gone and there is nothing that you can do about it.
- It means that folk will look at you and marvel at how you can still smile in the face of adversity.
Yes my friend, it means that you have been running your race for the Lord long enough to know that He begins where our possible ends. And you know that all things are possible with Him.
If I don't change my mind, I think that I will work on this theme for a few days:
He does His best when we are tapped out.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Causing God to Smile
Now for the next question, do you love your fellowman? Really love him? Uhm-hmm, well here is a quick thought. How often do you pray for your fellowman? As often as you pray for your family?
No, folks do not pray for their fellowman as often as they do for their family. But you know, quite a few folks pray morning and night for their fellowman. That is admirable.
Do you remember the boys and coach in Thailand that were trapped in a cave? Uhm-hmm, caring people prayed for their rescue several times a day. I know I did! Wasn’t it a thrilling relief when they all were rescued?
Here is another hypothetical question for you. How do you think that God felt with so many prayers coming up from all over the globe for those boys? Do you think that it made Him smile? We don’t know but I can imagine that it did.
Let’s make God Smile some more. When you go to worship today (and I hope you do) make it a point to really concentrate during prayer time and pray for your fellowman the world over. If all of you that read this blog will do that we can cause God to smile. That, my friend, is an awesome thing to do. You might mention in your prayer that this was suggested by a blog post that you read this morning.
You might ask, “Why mention that?” Well, to my way of thinking, we know that God knows everything. But, when He sees that you read a blog that was suggesting prayer for your fellowman in worship today and that you actually followed through with it, that fact will cause Him to smile more. I think the fact that, because of love for your fellowman, you followed through with a suggestion from a blog post, will go a long way toward endearing you and your future prayers to Him, should trouble arise in your life.
Then too, the fact that there are those among His creation, who hold Him dear and near just might make Him brag on you.
Anyway, go to worship and be blessed. Your fellowman does include your preacher and your President, you know. Well! They need prayers being sent up for them, too.
Well, that’s my thought this fine Sunday morning.
Be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care
Alma Jones
Grateful and Stepping On Poetess/Author
"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
You Are Special...If
Up the mountain and through the valley I go
Undeterred because I am special don't you know?
Though assaulted by enemies time and time again
I keep walking by faith because Jesus is my friend.
He loves me and shows me that He does by saying of me, "She is mine."
I tell you, folks, there is no better friend that anyone could find.
I’m special, you know why
Because the Father’s love dwells within me
And He has given me gifts to share with all humanity.
You are special, too
Why, because there is also a loving gift(s)
Summarily placed inside of you.
You may have a tender ear
Coupled with a loving heart
Or you may be gifted with the
Power of persuasive speech
It really does not matter
What the gift is that you possess
Just use that spark within you
To brighten somebody’s day
And help them find their own path
As they travel on their way.
Just think about that the next time that you have the opportunity to make somebody happy or to make them sad. And choose the higher road by calling on the love that He has placed within you to brighten another’s life. You can leave that person thinking that they were so lucky to run into you on that particular day. And you can think to yourself and say to them as well, "It’s not luck, it’s love - the love of God, that is."
Be blessed and have a happy Saturday.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care
Alma Jones
"Chopping My Row," is a spiritual guidebook meant to help Christian women bear their enormous responsibilities. Christian mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts are charged with raising the next generation of believers, and women must work hard to ensure that the new crop carries the same steadfast belief in God.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Glorious Wednesday Finale
Momma sarcastically said, “And just what would you do, Miss Smarty?” I told her what I thought was a solution and it worked. She got to where she would often ask me what I thought about certain things and I would tell her.
Years later she would laugh and tell me, “Child, when you “squinched” those eyes together like that, I knew to get ready because a loo-loo was coming! Umph, Umph, Umph! Something’s been trying to get your attention all your life. Umph, Umph, Umph!” Then she would look at me like I had grown another head or something. Ha, ha We laughed about my strangeness then.
And Now
On this birthday of mine, I have given you a snippet out of the life of Alma. My Momma has passed on to the other side, but she left me some valuable assets. She left me with a love for people and a love for the Lord.
Now y’all know I always try to make an application to situations that I bring up. So, today’s application could be one of the following:
- Trust in the Lord at all times. He knows where you are going before you get there. And He will guide you.
- When trouble comes hold on and learn whatever lesson you can from it. It will pass.
- Everything happens for a reason and God knows what it is.
Be blessed, y’all. I’m going to take the rest of the day and read a good book because I did not get to read my book yesterday. (Tee hee) If I were able, I would probably go on a safari ride in Africa, travel to see the Holy Land, go to watch glaciers calving in Alaska, or go to visit the Grand Canyon. (Tee hee) Since I cannot do either, read a book it is. After all, that's just the way that it is. (smile)
Do you see what my daddy walked away from and my Momma's little girl grew into? That is why you will often hear me referred to as a rose tinted glasses wearer and I do not mind. It's the wearing of the rose-tinted glasses of faith that has kept me close to God, the source of my strength and of my blessings.
Final Point
Daddy left me by choice; Momma had to go, but God kept little Alma through it all and He is keeping me still as He orders my steps. And He will keep you, too dear friend. Until next time, be blessed.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Glorious Wednesday (cont.)
I remember crying because I wanted my Momma. And crying and crying and crying, until daddy took us to find our Momma. (Actually, it was only three days, but to my little child’s brain, it was forever.) I learned later that the dirt road that I remembered running across was in a little town in Mississippi called Lake Como. My Momma had run away to Memphis to her sister’s house. -
Where’s My Daddy?
I remember telling myself that if I cried and went to sleep my daddy would come cause he always came when I cried. And he did. Momma and daddy went back together, but this time in Memphis. Things did not work out, though. Momma finally left daddy after so many missed paychecks, women and crying children. (She said we cried because we were hungry and that she had to use Vaseline and the last of the meal in the house to cook cornbread and feed us because there was no other food in the house. For her, that was the last straw.)
I do remember daddy coming around a couple of times and begging Momma to take him back, saying that he would stop the drinking and women chasing. She gave him an emphatic, “No!” And that was the last time I saw my daddy.
That’s Just the Way It Is
I heard those words for the first time when my Momma told me with tears that my Daddy was not coming back anymore. She said that he was not going to live with us anymore.
But, I had a plan. I knew what I would do. I would cry. I knew that if I cried my daddy would come. He always did. Yeah, right! I cried until my nose ran (and I didn’t wipe it either); I cried until I had a headache, but my daddy still didn’t come. I cried until I went to sleep, but when I awoke with eyes practically swollen shut, my daddy still was not there.
He never came back.
My mommy told me years later that she used to have to go to his job to get his paycheck so that he would not spend it on wine, women and gambling. She told me that the last time she had gone to his job, she ran up on his girlfriend, who was pregnant with his baby and was there to get his check, too! Momma got the check that time, but then he started taking off early to avoid giving Momma the check, or not coming in on Friday at all, which was his usual payday. As I told you earlier, the Vaseline bread was the last straw for Momma.
Who’s Going to Help Momma
My Momma was a preacher’s daughter and had been a teacher in Mississippi. She knew she could make it and she did because of her faith in God. She would never accept welfare. She said that as long as there was a God and she had her health and strength, we would be alright.
And we were. We went without new clothes, lights, gas and water (sometimes in the dead of winter) but we made it.
It was during my growing up years that I learned to put my brain on problems that Momma had and to try to help her figure things out. I remember the first time that I tried to help her think about a problem that she was worrying over and she told me that I was a child and to stay out of grown folks business.
I remember hearing her hum. She had a certain tune that she hummed when she was worried. I got pretty good at figuring out what was bothering her. And I remember thinking, “Why does she have to worry when I have an answer inside me, but she won’t listen because she thinks I am a child." I remember thinking that though I was a child, I thought like an adult.
Then I had to think of a way to help her without getting a spanking because I was stepping out of a child’s place. And I did. This is what I said. “Mommu-uh?” Yes, y’all, I had to drag her name out that way because if I just flat out said how I thought she should work some problem out, it would be licks because I was getting out of a child’s place. So, here I went, “Mommu-uh? Ain’t trying to get out of a child’s place, but I know what I would do if I had that problem.” (The last of this particular walk down memory lane will be published tomorrow.)
Glorious Wednesday
Memory Lane
Y'all know that I like to, every once in a while, take a stroll back down memory lane. Walk with me, if you will, as I begin my perusal with my first memories, those of myself as a toddler. Life for me was pretty routine for a little one who was the only girl and the apple of her daddy’s eye. I remember some things that happened, even at that age. My mother often exclaimed to me that I couldn’t remember certain things because I was just too little at the time they happened!
But I Do Remember
I remember my Momma showing me my daddy going into a house down the road. I remember the resulting row that followed when he did come home. (I was only a year and nine months old at the time.) Nevertheless, I remember.
I remember running to the house across the road that had a dirt floor screaming because I thought that daddy was going to kill Momma. (Of course, he wasn’t; he just took the axe away from her.) And yes, I remember my daddy raising his fist in a threatening motion to stop my brothers from crying and screaming because “Daddy was fighting Momma.” I remember my Daddy picking me up and shushing me gently to quieten my sobs and eventually to stop my crying. -(to be continued tomorrow)
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Another Trip Around the Sun
I talked for a good while early this morning to my son, so my day is going great! Be blessed, y'all.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Monday, July 9, 2018
Y'all, I remember a moment back in time when I was 18 years old. I was traveling on the Continental Trailways Bus. As I rode down the highway on my way back to Memphis, my hometown, I remember thinking that when I got to Memphis, I didn't have to collect but one piece of luggage, yep, one footlocker.
That was the sum of my worldly possessions. In that footlocker were my two dresses, my school shoes, and a pair of boots that I had bought with my work-study money.
I had several thoughts back during that time, but the thought that remained uppermost in my mind was the fact that the one footlocker was all I owned in the entire world.
Fast forward several years -
I'm sitting in the living room of my modest three bedroom home pinging away on my computer as I do this blog post for you. As I take a glance out of the window, I can see the U.S. flag that hangs on the front porch waving in the air as the breeze causes it to rise and fall. I look at the petunias in the flower bed in the middle of my front yard and am glad that they come back every year. If I take a stroll out of my back door, I will enter the garage that houses two cars.
As far as clothes and shoes, let's just say that I have some for every season and leave it at that,
So, I have been blessed, and I know it. Have I had troubles, problems, etc.? Yes, I have, but I am focusing on being grateful for God's bounty in my life.
In A Nutshell
Yesteryear I had a footlocker; today I have two children, a husband, a home, and two cars. But, you know what? I had God then, and I have Him now. He carries me still. And I...I'm grateful for the favor He has placed on my life. (sniff)
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Friday, July 6, 2018
My Gift
God sent me to earth with a valuable gift
The ability to dream and to give folks' spirits a lift
Many people have had a go at me
And try though they might
The Lord did not allow this intrinsic gift
To be removed from my embattled sight.
If I helped you once or many times, down through the years
Perhaps by making you laugh or by wiping your tears
It was my appointed duty to do so
And it is with joy that I see that you are remaining steady as you go.
If you have been and are one of the angels sent
To cross my path or stay a while to keep me
Focused and shored up regarding my life's intent
To you, I say, "Bless you and thank you and I
Make mention of you often in my talks with the God of eternity.
Each time that you run across me
The continuous working on my dreams of motivating humanity
Is what you will see
As I look to the hills toward my destiny.
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
"The dream you gave me, Lord, I tried to keep," is what I say to my Lord, ere I go to sleep.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Miniature us's is what we create
With the new, the young replacing the old
God's creative genius and wonder to unfold.
Interpretation of Poem
Seeds sown are akin to seeds grown.
We are planting seeds each day of our life. What is the key message that will be left in the garden of your life?
I would like for mine to read, "She tended her garden in faith with optimistic joy coupled with
perseverance, ever mindful of the ones who might one day follow in her footsteps."
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Happy Day!
There will come another day when all of God's children get together and the time that we will have will be the greatest that we have ever known. Why? It will be the greatest because all of our heartaches will be gone and trouble will no longer rest upon us, but peace and joy forevermore. Oh, what a happy day that will be, y'all. You and I just have to remain faithful until then. My, my, my, how sweet twill be to live with our Lord throughout all eternity!
Doing What I Can, While I Can As I Await that Great Day,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Monday, July 2, 2018
Hold on to This Thought
- "...But God meant it for my good." (Gen. 15:20, KJV) God used the storm to make me that my enemies thought would break me. According to my Father's will, I walk on.
- "If the Lord be for you, then..." (Rom. 8:31, KJV) The Lord is my fortress of a rock.
- God is... "By Him, I live and move and have my being," (Acts 17:28, KJV) and I keep stepping on.
This morning, I felt the need to tell the world why I do what I do. I gave you some thoughts to hold on to as you make your trek through this land on your way home to Him.
I am serious about mine
I don't have time to play
Because I will be going home one day.
Have you prayed to your Father today? He cares, you know. Remember that the Apostle Paul said, "Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7, KJV)
Doing What I Can, While I Can Because I Care,
Alma L. Grateful Stepping On Carr-Jones
Surprise, Surprise
Yesterday we celebrated the 43rd anniversary of the Old Fulton Rd. Church of Christ located in Martin, Tennessee. There were people there from out of town who were members before life caused them to relocate. It was good to see all. God is good.
As far as the title of this piece, I was asked to sing a song yesterday and I managed to hide my surprise and was not much nervous at all. I took myself on up front, made eye contact with my audience and connected my heart to theirs through song.
I have always wanted to sing, and people have told me often enough that I can sing, but it didn’t settle into me until yesterday when I had to sing a song on the spur of the moment and didn’t have the words written down. And, as I mentioned above, there was very little nervousness. What exactly were my two surprises, you ask? Well, as a husband and wife team, my husband and I have an agreement that he will never ask me to sing or do anything in public before he has forewarned me. He totally ignored that rule yesterday. And my second surprise was that I was not nervous much at all about having to sing without having my song written down. Y'all, usually, I am so nervous, that I will forget the words if I do not have them written down. Yes, I enjoyed my two little surprises.
No, I am not the best singer around, but the Lord didn’t say that I had to “be” the best, He just said do my best. And that is what I attempt to do each day of my life.
Y’all be blessed.