Monday, August 31, 2020
A Lasting Touch
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Fret Not
My Motto for Today's Times:
When problems arise, I tell myself
That I am in GOD’s hands, and
That if HE wants to, HE can.©
Fret Not
For WHO has the greater determination
A mere man or the GOD who sustains us generation after generation
And though, like Esther, I am the descendant of slaves
My GOD gave me the preacher’s daughter as my Momma
And she taught me how to behave
And how to use the available avenue of prayer...
And so, I make prayerful solicitations
For you, me, and people everywhere.
The plans of evil men don’t matter
So concern yourself with the work of GOD, rather
For, step upon step, HIS plans will be accomplished
And there is no such thing as coincidence
The will of GOD will be concrete;
It will come into existence.
Often Christians allow hateful people to
Deter them in the work that they were given to do
But, that is not a wise choice, for, as Christians, you
Should have determined follow-through
As GOD gives you the wind to raise your voice
Of faith in HIS magnificent providential provision
That you will have occasion to rejoice!©
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Saturday, August 29, 2020
To My Friends
For those of you who called (call) yourself my friend,
For those of you who took (take) the time to be kind,
For those of you who sent (send) smiles my way,
I thanked you then and I thank you now
Because you gave me the impetus to be strong
And I used that push to help another
As I walked along.
You made it possible for me to do what I could while
I could in my service to GOD, and for that I thank you -
For the great things that, so many years ago,
You planned on my behalf
Though they did not come to fruition,
Just know that I appreciated the thought
And walked forward with the mindboggling
Kind words and plans uppermost in my mind
That you had wrought.
And so, dear friends, it is my wish and prayer
That you are blessed today
For the true kindness that you,
With abandon, gave away
And that you will always find peace
And GOD's help with your every care.
So, folks, if you are of the caliber that gives smiles
And kind words away
Keep doing those things that you do
Because your acts of kindness
Are appreciated by weary souls, but most of all
Will bless you during rollcall on that Great Day.©
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Friday, August 28, 2020
Moved the Mountain and Made It Mine
FATHER, YOU have lifted me past the level
That men thought I should go
And I just want to say, "Thank YOU to the utmost.
FATHER, for YOUR wondrous works and awe-inspiring deeds
I thank YOU, for you moved the mountain and brought it to me
So that I could climb it, I thank YOU
And though I may find a crevice or two
On this mountain, I’ve been presented to climb
That make me wail and want to stop
I will remember that the mountain was brought to me
And I will climb it until I reach the top
With the help of DEITY, YOU, my FATHER
As I remember that I am assured of victory.©
Different Poem - Same Sentiment (Sequel to Moved the Mountain and Made It Mine)
When I am tempted to give up on my quest
I remember that I have been given a job that
Could have been allocated to the best
But, instead was handed to little ole me
And I intend to work hard because of HIS
Faithful lovingkindness to me, thus, my posterity.©
Poem Three of the Set (Sequel to Moved the Mountain and Made It Mine)
I am yet climbing my mountain
That, by now, seems little more than a hill
And I have almost reached the top
What say you, fellowman
Are you striving to do HIS bidding, still?©
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Work That You See Me Do
The work that you see me do
Is not done, in and of myself
But by the GOD of Heaven WHO
Has provided all manner of help.
HE kept my spirits up when
It seemed that my work was
The envy and target of men
Yes, this penchant for writing that drives me so
Is the way that my FATHER would have me go
So I bid you not to hate me
For my work's sake
For, this is the only road
That GOD would have me take
In order to keep my fellowman
From being discouraged and down
And wearing a perpetual frown
Yes, folk, the job has been given to me
To help keep my fellow man encouraged
On their trek to meet eternity.
And though I meet with disappointment and hate
I do the work that has been given me of late
And make no mistake about it
I will continue to do my job
Because I want no errors on my plate
As I follow JESUS's footsteps to Heaven’s gate.
And, for the record, I don't know what
Else the LORD would have me do
Before I leave this place of my sojourn
But, make no mistake about it
I'll be caught doing that, too
For I follow where JESUS leads me
And I trust HIM to keep me safe
On my trek to Glory.©
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Mind to Work
If you have a mind to do a work
For the LORD, you will get it done
And even if you are beset by trials
As you work through the day
And discouragement by night
Just hold on and keep going
And never give up the fight
For GOD is aware of your plight
And will save you according to HIS might.
Just follow the example set by
Nehemiah and the builders of the wall
And work hard to do your best
And never forget that JESUS
Is ever ready to answer your call
For HE made HIS way from Heaven to Earth
To do the work of HIS FATHER
To save mankind because, to GOD,
Mankind was a creation of worth.
And JESUS set it up so that we could
One day be taken, by HIM, back to Glory
There to tell our salvation‘s story
Of how we were led by JESUS from Earth to Glory.
We have been given the blueprint
That can get us from Earth to Glory
Of which, forgiveness is key
And never forget that JESUS is in Heaven
Interceding for you and me
For one day our journey here will end
And we will no longer inhabit the world of men
As Christians, we will have left a legacy
That tells the age-old story
Of how JESUS came to earth
To lead mankind back to Glory.©
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Safe Journey
I remember when I was a little girl, every time I got into a car, I always asked the LORD to allow me to make it safely to the destination. Yes, I prayed every time I got into a car, but then not only that, I prayed a prayer for help every time I took a test in school. Anything that I had to do, I always prayed that the LORD would help me through it, and make me do well.
Let me say that not only was I a praying child then, but as I look back over my life and take inventory of where I've come from, and where I am now, I realize that I’m still a praying child. I’m just not as young as I used to be, but I’m still GOD’s child and I’m still praying. Prayer was with me at the beginning of my life, and my prayer is with me at this juncture. And yes, my prayer is still is for safe passage. I've just taken an eternal view of my destination.
I request the Lord to guide me on the rest of my journey so that I can make it safely Home (Heaven), and you know that kind of makes my life almost full circle. When I was a child and got in a car, I prayed for safe passage to where we were going, and now here I am in the twilight years of life still praying the same prayer but with a different destination in mind. That’s something to think about, isn’t it?
I got this thought from my morning Bible reading, as is my habit. You know it’s just mesmerizing the way you can pick up the Bible and have a certain verse just jump out at you. Of course, that happens to me often enough that I should not be surprised when it happens, yet I still am, at times.
I just thought I would give you something else to think about as we make our way to our journey's end as we pass through this pandemic valley.
"FATHER, I started this journey in YOUR name
Requesting safe passage for my journey
And I’m ending my journey much the same
Requesting YOUR presence as I
Make my way toward eternity."
When I started out in life I didn’t know
What I was going to be confronted with
But I put the LORD in the forefront of my life
And I got to see HIM step into the battle fray
And for this little child, make a way
So I can tell you from experience
That there is no better WARRIOR
Nor PROVIDER for you
So, take HIM with you wherever you go
And invite HIM into everything you do
For HE will defeat your adversaries in battle
And HE will open doors and
Bring you safely through.©
See you at the finish line. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Monday, August 24, 2020
GOD's Favor
I benefited many times from
The favor that GOD sent
To me, through the benevolence of men
And that favor went with me
Everywhere I was meant
To go to work in HIS plan for Christianity.
HE didn’t do that just for me
BUT for all of HIS children, who were willing
To do HIS work, don’t you see?
To GOD’s faithfulness, I can attest
And other Christians can, too
So, if you are a Christian, are you
Willing to tell the world
What HE has done for you, too?©
(Based on Ezra 7:27-28, NASB)
To Ponder - After this pandemic is laid to rest or conquered, I wonder what stories of HIS deliverance will be told?
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Sunday, August 23, 2020
When the Storm Is Over
When the storm is over
And the rain is done
I will thank GOD Almighty
For the shining of the sun.
Today is the day that
We assemble in worship to praise
Our GOD and thank HIM for HIS goodness
In guarding us all of our days.©
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Loud Ping
There seems to always be some kind of story
That a Christian has to tell
So I will add what happened to me yesterday
As one of my stories and let it swell.
Yesterday, there was
A series of storms coming our way
And as is my usual habit
I got in the bed to wait the storm out
Why do that, well, I will help you understand
What it was about.©
I have always had a fear of lightning as far back as I can remember. So I always get into a quiet place, which happens to be in front of the television in my bed. Whenever a storm rolls in, I always watch the television to keep my mind occupied and help keep my fear of lightning at bay. And I have my cell phone handy so that I can see the radar screen and know when it’s time to get in the bathroom that is in the middle of our house because that is where we go as a storm shelter since we don’t have one.
Well, yesterday I noticed that there were
Storms converging on the city
Where I live from three directions
All according to radar detection
Storms were approaching from the north
From the east and the south
But, much wind, there didn’t seem to be
So now you know why I was in my bed
Watching television, while waiting the storms out
I have to say I was amazed at the fact
That three storms in the red were converging on McKenzie
But I didn’t think that convergence
Had anything to do with me
Besides, I knew that GOD had my back
In any contingency.©
The storms seemed to be pretty much run-of-the-mill storms. I could see the red on the radar get larger as more storms formed. I watched the storms as they met, it seemed, at the blue dot that represented the city where I live and then grow into a large red blot at that spot. And then they moved off to the southwest. As I was watching the radar I noticed a light yellow or golden spot that was approaching the other clouds from the east. I figured in my mind that this little lightly colored cloud didn't pose much of a threat; after all, it was not dark red like the others. And since I noticed that this was the last of the clouds, I began to feel a sense of relief and had just told my daughter that the storm was about over.
Ha Ha Ha, Let me tell you something, folks. From yesterday forward, I will always be very mindful of a light yellow cloud that converges with others on the place where I live.
When that light yellow cloud got to the blue dot that represents my city, and I had put my cell phone down, there was the loudest pop of lightning that I'd heard in quite a while! And it had the distinctive ping; you know that sound that lightning striking something makes.
At the same time, I yelled, "Woo!" and ducked down in the bed with my head under the cover as my daughter came from her seat in the hallway and asked, “Did that hit something?!” I said, “Yes, I think it did.”
Well, that was the end of the storms for the day, and there was no damage as far as I could tell.
In the meantime, I received a phone call that lasted about 20 minutes or so. Then I hung up the phone and proceeded to go about the rest of my day.
Oh boy, when I went to get up from the bed, the room started spinning, so I sat back down and wondered what in the world was going on.
Well, I managed to slowly get up and walk to
The window and back while holding onto the bed rail
But I can tell you that my stomach was rolling
The walls were spinning, and I did not feel very well.©
I thought to myself, "Perhaps my stomach is empty and I need to eat something; perhaps that is why I’m not feeling well." I managed to walk slowly and the room began to right itself and the spinning to stop. Then I raised my head to look at the wall where it meets the ceiling and my world started spinning again.
Y'all, I dropped my head in puzzled thought. I was really beginning to be alarmed by then.
I staggered back to the bed,
Sat down on the side, bent down to adjust my sock
While in thought and almost fell
To think, "My oh my! What was going on?"
I definitely I was not feeling well!
The spinning had come back in full force and
Was accompanied by a slightly nauseated feeling
And I remember thinking to myself
"Don’t bend over to look at the floor
And whatever you do,
Don’t look up at the ceiling
Because this spinning has not finished with you.
I puzzled over my condition for the next several minutes or so
And you know how we often do
I went back through my mind
And thought about when I first began to feel unwell
And I remembered it was right after that lightning ping
And phone call as far as I could tell.©
So y’all know me, and probably know what I did next. I looked up the effect of what a lightning strike was, and this is what I found:
"There is such a thing as an indirect strike where lightning strikes something near you, and you may get some of the jolt from whatever it was that was struck." I really don’t know, but I do believe that I may have gotten a bit of a lightning strike, don’t you know!?
I say that because one of the symptoms of an indirect lightning strike is dizziness and it works like vertigo.
So, today I had my husband go outside and look on that side of the house and look all around the yard and see if there were anything that looked like it received a lightning strike. I do know that when there is a lightning strike such as a tree being hit, it leaves splinters of wood. Well, he found no such evidence in our yard. But, he said that what happened to me could have been caused by a strike that happened a ways away since I had been sitting beside the window. (Didn't think the window mattered because it is such a high window and only the top of my head was showing.)
Well, I said my prayers and the dizziness, which
Was still present this morning has gone away
Lightning strike? I don’t know if this were so
But I want a storm shelter in the worst
Way possible now, don’t you know?!
And I will always be uncomfortable whenever
I hear the approach of a thunderstorm and its lightning.
Yes, for me that will always be a bit frightening
Though it would be a lot less so
If I owned a storm shelter. (sigh)
Can't Y'all just imagine how it will be
My daughter and I, both at the hint
Of a storm will be scrambling
For that shelter with alacrity!
Oh, and one last thing about the lightning and me
At a house in which we used to live
When the lightning would flash, I would
Get into the closet in the center of the house
And everybody in the family
Would laugh at me.
Well one day, we had a humdinger of a summer storm
That caught me in the restroom
So, what did I find when I scrambled
Out of the restroom to my place of safety
My daughter sitting up in my chair
That everyone knew was in that closet for me!
And let me tell you, she was wild-eyed
Biting her lips and stuck like glue
(I couldn't get her out of that chair
And I imagine neither could you)
With her legs wrapped around that chair
So much so that we all just fell out
And had a good old laugh at how she
Beat me to my storm chair in that
Tiny closet of safety.©
I am fine this morning, thank the LORD. And if I have managed to make you forget your troubles and chuckle a bit, then good!
And, yes, I know that the LORD is aware of me and where I am, but try telling that to my addled brain when the lightning pings! You know what I think? That's what I get for sticking that pin in that socket all those years ago! My brain may still be somewhat electrically charged! Ha, Ha, Ha! Well! I can laugh about it now; the storm is over; I am fine, and the socket was years ago. Be safe.
And to answer your next question, nope, I will not be sitting beside that tall window anymore.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Friday, August 21, 2020
It Is Well
Though I didn’t know how things were going to be
I’ve always gone wherever GOD led me
No, I have not always known the outcome of things
But, I’ve walked with the assurance
That faith in GOD brings.
HE has given me confidence and
I have proclaimed
To the world that I walk and work
In HIS glorious name.
And as I have said many times before
When my days of proclaiming
HIS goodness are o’er
I will walk in peace on that other shore
But until then, I can say,
“It is well with my soul,”
...I reach for that heavenly goal.©
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Perplexing Things
So, if you remain faithful to HIM no matter what happens around you, then you can do like I read this morning in 2 Chronicles 20:15 & 17.
You don’t have to worry; you don’t have to fear, for this battle that you’re up against, is not yours, but GOD's. All you have to do is "Stand still and see the salvation that your God, WHO you own before men, will perform on your behalf."
I have relegated this virus to the said category mentioned above. And I am standing still waiting, with assurance while GOD, my FATHER, wins the battle.
And you, fellowman take heart and whatever you do, make sure that you stay close to the LORD, for deliverance is on the way! Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
When You Have Prayed and Then Gotten Up and Worked As If...
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As you can see from the markings and highlighting around the passages of scripture above, these passages cemented themselves within my soul for future reference and use. They made enough of an impact upon me that I thought to share them with you for your pandemic struggles.
Momma Said
I was taught by my Momma to pray hard to GOD and then to get up from the prayer and work as if everything depended on me. So, I developed the attitude that, though I had asked GOD for a given thing or for a given situation to work out, I had to work hard at solving the situation to show the LORD that I was not just waiting and not working. I always wanted to show HIM that I was trying.
And there are probably some of you out there that labored under the same or a similar self-spun rule. If you are out there and I know that you are, then this pandemic has driven you to the point where you felt that there are times when you cannot even begin to work a situation out! I have been there and done that before, but to a limit never before, during this pandemic.
Here was my dilemma. How can I show the LORD that I am not just whining and waiting on HIM, but that I am willing to work on this thing? In other words, "I am not lazy about it, LORD," is what I felt that I needed to say to HIM in a dire way. I mean, this problem is bad, and HE needs to know right now that I am willing to work on this thing, but there is nothing that I can do. It is impossible.
Oh, dear!
Oh, my!
I have to let HIM know
That I am willing to try.
Oh, dear!
Oh, My!
Hold on; wait a minute! If you have prayed about a given problem or situation, then you have already begun the process of working it out. "Say what?!", somebody just thought. Yes, you heard me correctly. You see, there will be times in our lives that we will feel totally helpless, but as Christians, that is just not so. As a Christian, you are GOD's child and as such, under HIS protection and tutelage. (training) That means that this pandemic, as horrid as it is, has a lesson(s) for us.
I already told you how the pandemic speaks to us, so-to-speak. Today its message is, "You cannot do anything about this, so give up." But GOD's message is, "You are MINE, and I'll take care of you for I know the good quality of work that you are doing for me." Those are not HIS actual words, but here is how the Bible phrases it:
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In other words, what we have to do is keep GOD first, and everything else will fall into place, and I do mean everything else. HE often does things with such a flair that HE takes care of little details that we scarce even dare to think about. (Actually, I don't know why that should surprise us; HE is after all, a detail-oriented GOD. And we know this by now!)
On my Tweet today I put these words:
Only God can turn a
Mess into a message
A test into a testimony
A trial into a triumph
A victim into a victory
Jesus is the answer!!!
This pandemic has put us through all of the paces mentioned above.
This pandemic, umph! I am so ready for it to be over with (big sigh) but not as I will, but GOD’s will be done. Besides, I am in HIS hands, and there are no better ones to be in!
I left you with the task of looking up Romans 8:18. It will be sweet nectar to your soul. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Blessings Realized
The following poem is a testament to GOD and HIS answering prayer; you see, as a youth, like Solomon, I asked for wisdom.
Father, when I was a child
That you give me wisdom and knowledge
Was my prayer each day
And you gave me both of them to such an extent
That I am able to use those blessings
Toward humanity as I say
“The God we serve will show nuf make a way!
And I say that my Momma's teachings
About HIM and my personal experience
With GOD live inside of me
And my legacy can be, and my epitaph can read, “She
Lived for and talked about GOD wherever she went! “
When the books are opened, that
Is what I want to hear read
And "Well done my good and faithful servant,"
Is what I want to hear said.©
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Young folks, getting close to GOD in your youth will pay off for a lifetime, for the blessings that I have realized are too numerous to be numbered or told. I, however, do like trying!
Monday, August 17, 2020
That's What HE's Done for Me
I can tell you what God has done for me and that HE is my All in All, but I can’t tell it in any better fashion than what David did! I read 1 Chronicles 29:10-17, and the reading pealed like sweet chords or recognition in my soul's song.
I was so moved by this scripture that I went to one of my favorite commentaries to see what they had to say about this scripture. You see, what got my attention was when David said, "Bless You, Lord." That had me scratching my head because I know that we can bless others and ask GOD to bless others, but what in the world does it mean to say, "Bless You, Lord"?
Here is what Matthew Henry had to say about this passage of scripture:
(v. 10): Wherefore David blessed the Lord, not only alone in his closet, but before all the congregation." This I expected when we read (v. 9) that David rejoiced with great joy; for such a devout man as he would no doubt make that the matter of his thanksgiving which was so much the matter of his rejoicing. He that looked round with comfort would certainly look up with praise. David was now old and looked upon himself as near his end; and it well becomes aged saints, and dying saints, to have their hearts much enlarged in praise and thanksgiving. This will silence their complaints of their bodily infirmities, and help to make the prospect of death itself less gloomy. David’s psalms, toward the latter end of the book, are most of them psalms of praise. The nearer we come to the world of everlasting praise the more we should speak the language and do the work of that world. In this address,1. He adores God, and ascribes glory to him as the God of Israel, blessed for ever and ever. Our Lord’s prayer ends with a doxology much like this which David here begins with—for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory. This is properly praising God—with holy awe and reverence, and agreeable affection, acknowledging, (1.) His infinite perfections; not only that he is great, powerful, glorious, etc., but that his is the greatness, power, and glory, that is, he has them in and of himself, v.11. He is the fountain and centre of every thing that is bright and blessed. All that we can, in our most exalted praises, attribute to him, he has an unquestionable title to. His is the greatness; his greatness is immense and incomprehensible; and all others are little, are nothing, in comparison of him. His is the power, and it is almighty and irresistible; power belongs to him, and all the power of all the creatures is derived from him and depends upon him. His is the glory; for his glory is his own end and the end of the whole creation. All the glory we can give him with our hearts, lips, and lives, comes infinitely short of what is his due. His is the victory; he transcends and surpasses all, and is able to conquer and subdue all things to himself; and his victories are incontestable and uncontrollable. And his is the majesty, real and personal; with him is terrible majesty, inexpressible and inconceivable. (2.) His sovereign dominion, as rightful owner and possessor of all: "All that is in the heaven, and in the earth, is thine, and at thy disposal, by the indisputable right of creation, and as supreme ruler and commander of all: thine is the kingdom, and all kings are thy subjects; for thou art head, and art to be exalted and worshipped as head above all.’’ (3.) His universal influence and agency. All that are rich and honourable among the children of men have their riches and honours from God. This acknowledgment he would have the princes take notice of and join in, that they might not think they had merited any thing of God by their generosity; for from God they had their riches and honour, and what they had returned to him was but a small part of what they had received from him. Whoever are great among men, it is God’s hand that makes them so; and, whatever strength we have, it is God that gives it to us, as the God of Israel our father,... "(Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible, {1 Chronicles 29, 10-17}) (I took the liberty for emphasis sake of underlining and using bold print to call your attention to certains portions of this quotations.)
Now, I understand that the phrase that caught my attention means to acknowledge GOD for HIS Omnipotence, Omnicience, etc. This is the way that I sum it up, "Bless you LORD, for YOUR great lovingkindness and YOUR great mercy, for we are just tenants in this world, sojourners on our way home, and we ask YOUR mercy and help as we travel. For YOU, GOD are my HELP and my HOPE all the days of my life. Without YOU, I am nothing for I would not even exist! Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Sunday, August 16, 2020
“Do good unto all men especially those of the household of faith.” (The Bible)
“If your enemy hungers feed him." (The Bible)
Doing the will of God
Is what is important to me
That’s the way it’s always been
And the way it’ll always be
Because I have to be mindful of the fact
That deeds done here determine
Where I'll spend all of eternity.©
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Saturday, August 15, 2020
No matter what trouble besets you,
Don't you forget to pray
Because if you do you will be throwing
A golden opportunity for help away.©
"Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble." (Job 14:1 KJV) But Job made it through his troubles to be blessed tremendously in the end.)
“And the LORD helped David wherever he went.” (1 Chronicles 18:6, NASB)
Trouble was here before you were born
Trouble was here before you knew you were you
Yet Almighty GOD always kept you
And when trouble and you became acquainted
Almighty GOD brought you through.
The word trouble covers every contingency,
Be it, pandemic sickness or what have you
The same God that kept David
Knows, and keeps you, too.
You see, sometimes trouble comes in
The form of men, who can be so mean
But I don't long despair because I have
The GOD of David working behind the scenes
-Working for whom, for this little old
Christian called me
And I don't care what you think or say
My FATHER, my GOD, tells old trouble
To let me be.
And I will shout, "Trouble over, free at last
All of that trouble is long past
And I can tell you, world, that the GOD
Of David holds HIS children fast!"©
I don’t care what your brand of trouble is; If you are GOD’s child, HE is aware of it and is making plans to take care of it just as HE has always taken care of you, that is if you are prayerfully living for HIM.
And another thing, some folks on Sundays do not collectively meet for worship because of the pandemic, but they still meet in prayer via phone calls, videoconferencing, etc. Down through the ages, GOD's children have prayed whenever and wherever trouble found them or drove them. When you read your Bible, you will find that some prayed from dungeons, prisons, caves, etc., but they still prayed!
Pandemic seems to say,
"It's too hard to give thought to pray
Don't worry about it; your GOD's gonna
Help you anyway."
But I lift my voice to say
"Liar, pandemic, for my Bible does say
'You have not because you ask not.'"
So children, keep the faith and hold on
And ask GOD for help in carrying on
For help is on the way and it won't be long.©
For whomever, this blog post was penned, be blessed by it. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Friday, August 14, 2020
A Happy Shout
As I was reading my Bible this morning about David, I found three verses that touched my heart and they are: 1 Chronicles 17:16, 20, 24. The humbleness and joy in those verses touched the joy that resides in my heart. Then I thought about Joseph and how he kept his joy because he knew GOD had a plan for his life. And I too, keep my joy because I know WHO my FATHER is, where HE has brought me from, and that HE has a plan for my life.
Oh my soul gives a happy shout
When I think about
The goodness of GOD
And HIS being mindful of me
My soul magnifies HIM to the point of overflow
And words of praise run down my lips
And from my fingers so
Much so that joy leaps all around me
Makes me want to skip high
And sparkles from my eyes.
Men sometimes want to take me to task
Because of my view
But oh, what they don’t understand
Is that when you have been
Sheltered, brought, and taught
By GOD’s powerful hand
The joy within you is so overwhelming that
You have to tell it because it will
Not let you stand silent because you
Are of that group that includes
David and Joseph, to name two.
The joy that you have just cannot
Be contained inside of you
And you lift your eyes toward heaven
With amazed and wondrous praise
And thank God almighty for
The voice in you raised.
So sometimes you just half to let it out
And when you do it comes forth
In a jubilant shout
"GOD is the GOD of gods, WHOSE
Lovingkindness is legendary
Of that fact, there is no doubt."
And Y'all will forgive me as I proclaim
That HE is my GOD and of serving HIM
I have no shame
For HE saved me and continues to do so
Under the stamp of HIS name
For HE adopted me a long time ago!©
(1 Chronicles 17:16, 20, 24
Psalm 126:2)
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Thursday, August 13, 2020
When Whimsy Visited Me
I have toyed with the idea of doing a children's book at a friend's request, and yesterday, I got to meet two of the main characters, so to speak. This is what happened.
Yesterday as I was preparing dinner
I looked out of my kitchen window
And what did I see
A tiny Robin looking back at me
I said, Hello little Robin
Are you listening to me sing?
(Something I always do
when I am cooking
But I don't expect little animals
At me to be listening and looking)
Continuing my conversation with the robin
I said, "Well I am singing to my God
Like you all sometimes do."
Then I continued singing the song
The words of which I will write below
And I asked the robin if he wanted to sing along.
Now I knew that the robin could not or would not
Sing along with me
So I almost dropped my fork when
He seemed to join me in my whimsy
For he turned his head this way and that
And, the Robin and I were singing a duet
I know that was something to see.
Then a squirrel came by as if to see
What the Robin and I were doing
As he gathered nuts beneath the tree
He walked up to the robin
And stood still as if mesmerized by our song
As the robin and I kept singing
I thought about how whimsical
This tableau here below must look
To any watchers looking from above
As we lived in our voices in praise and love
After I finished singing my song
He finished his business and flew away
And I was left musing about the
Whimsical happening that touched my life that day.
Now, before you start thinking
I am ready for the loony bin
Take a look at the scriptures that
I have listed below and
Neither you nor I really know
What the robin and the squirrel were about
As they stood outside my kitchen window.©
(Based on Psalm 148:10, and Psalm 150:6)
The Song that I Was Singing
I don't know how
GOD's gonna do it
I don't know when
Or how HE's gonna fix it
I only know
HE's gonna make a way for me
Do it
(Help me sing)
Fix it for me.
Just thought I would give you a song to sing, and something to chuckle and muse about today, as we find our path through these times.
Seriously, though, wouldn’t it be great if we did praise GOD like HE told everything that had breath to do?
Note - And yes, I have picked out names for the two main characters. So, this children's book may happen, yet. I'll keep you posted...
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Like Nehemiah
Like Nehemiah, I must do
The work of my FATHER
Though you look at me with a frown
I have work that I must complete
And I just cannot come down
For I do not want my LORD to
Wipe me clean as a dish
And turn me upside down."©
(Nehemiah 6:3)
I don’t know how you can read the Bible through several times and miss so many things, but I have found that every time I read it again, I find things for the first time. Now you take the scripture that I read this morning in 2 Kings 21:13, there again, I was amazed to know that the "LORD can wipe you clean like a dish and turn you upside down." As I read that, I realized that that is not something that you want the LORD to do to you because when HE does that, HE is taking HIS hands off of you, and HE’s done with you because you have displeased HIM mightily. And I thought, "Oh my, I do not want that to happen to me!"
And that’s why you have the poem that I wrote above; I can’t come down, which means I won't cease doing the work that I’m doing for HIM. And that’s why I tirelessly do this blog; that’s why I speak for groups (both children and adults) whenever I have the opportunity to. The work that I have been given to do, among other things, involves using my ability with words for encouraging, for healing wounded hearts, and for inspiring. And I intend to do that until the LORD calls me home because that’s my job and I will not be the dish that’s wiped clean and turned upside down. HE means too much to me, and HE holds the key to heaven, and that’s where I want to go one day. It's that simple. Be safe
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Live your life's walk in such a way
That people will look at your living and say
She is a person who truly gives
Just look at the type of life
That she lives.
Many have walked this way before
But they are gone now and walk this way no more
But of the path that they trod
A record has been kept
Against the day that they will
Be raised by Jesus from the places that they slept
To be judged by the Lord God
And paid the wages that they’re due
Say, fellow man what does your record say about you?
There are so many that I could mention
That have gone on before
I could mention Pharaoh and his infamous pride
I could also mention the horrific way in which he died
I could mention from the 19th chapter of 2 Kings
Sennacherib and his fight with Hezekiah
I could mention ELIJAH and the legacy that he left
When he left this world in a chariot of fire
I could mention Noah and his boat
I could mention Moses and his traipse through the sea
I could mention Elisha who made the axehead float.
I could mention my mama, a hard-working grandmother
Who set an example for all of us to see
Yet, I have to remember that my journey
Is all about me
I cannot get credit for the way
Somebody else lived their life
I can only be credited with
What I said and what I did
And make no mistake about it
The things said and done by me
Cannot be hidden because they are written down
And will stand the test of eternity.
So, when you see me walking as I should
Don’t envy me
For I am just trying to make sure that my tally sheet
When weighed in the balances
Does not come up on the side of negativity.©
Tekel~Daniel 5:27
Yes, I try to be an example of love in the way that I live. But, in the end, what matters is what has been recorded by Heaven's quill. Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Monday, August 10, 2020
Being Normal in Not So Normal Times
But I can tell you this if you are normally a strong Christian or a fairly strong Christian, times such as the one we live in now, require that you not act the same way. What I mean is that the times such as the one we live in now, call for extra-strong measures. That means praying more than you ever have; it means giving thanks more than you ever have.
In essence, you will turn to the Lord more than you ever have, and what you will be doing is developing a new normal for the stringent times in which you find yourself. That is what you do when your current time taxes your faith past what you thought of as your utmost.
And then steps in ULTIMATELY, and peace begins to rein in your world. Often, the problem that we thought was insurmountable takes on a lesser urgency.
Not So Normal
For a case-in-point, if these times
Have resulted in the passing of a loved one
We, like David, have to "Look to the hills
From whence cometh our help."
And though the chariot has come and
Taken our loved one for a ride
We lift our eyes to the skies and remember
That God will wipe away
Every tear that we have cried.
And we know that one day
We will see the loved one
Who has just gone away.
And with GOD’s help, we are
Able to begin to adjust
To the change in our lives
Into which we have just been thrust
As we put our all in HIS hand
And look forward to strengthening
Our walk toward our Homeland
Where sorrow reins no more -
Across the way, on that other shore
Where "normal" will be the same
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Life has been likened to many things. There is one song that likens it to "A mountain railway with an ENGINEER that's bold..." For my take on life, I likened it to a river, as you can see from the poem below.
River of Life
The river of life keeps
Flowing along,
Through good times, bad times,
Through right and wrong.
I don’t understand all of
Life’s ups and downs,
I just keep plodding on,
In hopes of a crown.
I’ve shed some tears,
Endured some pain,
Had time in the sunshine
And time in the rain.
I smile when I can and
Cry when I must,
But in the GOD of Heaven,
I put all of my trust.
So when my earthly sojourn
Comes to an end,
And the river of life flows
Around that final bend;
I pray sweet guidance to
My eternal home above,
Where I can rest from my labor
In peace, joy, and love. ©
(DEI Sub Numine Viget, 2013)
In my mind, a river is much like life, ever moving on. Sometimes it is turbulent; at other times, it is tranquil, but even when it looks like it is still, it is steadily moving toward its end.
Just a quiet reflection this morning... Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Saturday, August 8, 2020
If You Know HE Is
I am grateful for the promise that if I live according to what He has had recorded in the Bible, I get to go back home to that paradise that we would have still been in if sin had not separated us from Him. You see, when He made man, God placed him in a special place. He was placed in a jewel of a place. A garden with trees that bore all types of products. All we had to do was obey the rules that He had set forth for His garden. That' all!
But, then sin entered the picture. But get this. His love for man was so great that He took man out of the garden and set up flaming swords to guard the way (Genesis 3:24, KJV), to keep man from getting into harm's way again. I think this is like a momma putting her child in a playpen to keep him or her safe while she prepares dinner.
Eden is real, Y'all, and I am grateful that if I live according to His will, I get to go to a placed prepared for me. It will be a place where I will not worry about the cares of this old world because all of that will be over with. Just think a place so wonderful that "It has not entered into my heart, the joys that He has prepared for me because I love Him!" (1 Cor. 2:9, KJV) Yes, I am grateful for His promise of a home with Him forever! I'm going home one day, Y'all.
And because I know that I will get to go back home to HIM one day, I can say to any contrary wind that blows, "You may huff and puff and blow my earthly house down, but I have a FATHER WHO holds this whole world in HIS hands. And guess what? HE loves me! And when you blow enough to make me bleat like the sheep that I am, I have a mighty SHEPHERD WHO can speak and make my world right again. HE can say, "Peace," as HE has been known to do, and every contrary thing skitters on back to wherever it came from. And what do I do? I give HIM praise and thanksgiving while I tell the world WHO walks beside me!
Bottom Line
Loves and tends after me, to the utmost
I get nourishment for my faith as my body
Builds endorphins because of me singing my song
While stepping on.©
Another sweet thought to ponder - You know how a caring parent watches the baby who is just learning to walk after HE has just had a fall that has produced tears, that is the way and more that GOD watches us after we have had a particularly nasty skirmish with circumstance. Did you hear me? Yes, and HE knows that I, like the toddler that has had a fall, will be reaching for all that I am worth toward HIS wings and safety. And Y'all know how we do, just like the baby who has learned that all he has to do is whimper and shed tears to get into the safety of his parent's arms, we reach with tears for the shelter of The ARMS that walk beside us because we have learned that GOD will!
So, "Covid! Oh, Covid-19! I told GOD on YOU
And now you watch and see what
The Stirred Up SHEPHERD can do!"©
Y'all, be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Friday, August 7, 2020
There Comes a Time
There comes a time in life when try as you might,
You will meet one of your fellowmen that
You cannot help with their plight.
I was greatly moved by the pathos and bitterness
In the voice of a lady that I talked to today
For she was so sad and embittered that she
Wanted no part of godly talk and told me to get away.
She seemed to feel hopeless and looked so forlorn
That I started to try to make her feel better
With no degree of success at all
For she let me know in no uncertain terms that
She no longer believed in the gospel call.
She rebuffed my overtures to try
To make her feel better to such a hostile extent
That the natural comeback in me wanted
To retaliate in kind
But, I had to bear in mind
That I am living my life as GOD's representative
And as such, I have to lay the natural
Characteristics of me aside, and carry on
With the work of uplifting and encouraging
No matter how much I felt that
I wanted to cry.
I had to remember that it was my job to try
To wipe the sadness and the bitter tear
From her eye
And leave her feeling better that I stopped by
And hopeful that this time in her life
Will be gone by and by.
I wanted to tell her that
All of us at some time have to cry
But the trick is to keep stepping on
With our heads raised looking toward the sky
Because we know that GOD will make
The storm cease
And leave our hearts filled with the sweet peace
Of HIS magnificent release!©
Yet, I reminded myself that we have to try to remember not to take it personally when we become the victim of their spiteful attack. We just have to remember that it’s their pain and pathos speaking, not them. And we have to be prayerful and hopeful that their usual happy exuberant self will make it through this time of pathos in their life. That is exactly what I did as I humbly asked HIM to forgive me for what I wanted to say and thanked HIM as I prayed for blessings great and small and especially for the one who had given up on the gospel call.
And I keep stepping on because of the work for GOD that I do. And I remember that there is a time for all things under Heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) And I know that "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy, joy cometh in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Along My Journey
As I walked along my journey
Feeling all lost and forlorn
I got a new pep in my step
When I came to the realization that
ASSURANCE walked with me.
Sometimes we have to take the time
To smell the flowers and breathe the air
In order to realize that though
We walk in seeming despair
We do not walk alone while we are there
JESUS (ASSURANCE) never leaves us alone
So, take that thought with you as you travel on
And remember to hold your head up
As you sing your positive song
Because the world is ever listening to your tone.©
My inspiration for this poem came from my reading of 2 Kings 6:16-17.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Against Impossible Odds
I took a quick thought from 2 Kings 3:17 and 18, and I'll read that verse to you.
17For thus says the LORD, 'You shall not see wind nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you shall drink, both you and your cattle and your beasts.
18'And this is but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord; He shall also give the Moabites into your hand.
In this text, you find that God's people and their animals are about to perish for lack of water, but after their prayer via Elisha, our GOD took care of the situation for them. And they were so amazed at the way HE did it. HE had them to dig trenches in the valley. And human nature being what it is, I'm pretty sure that there may have been someone there thinking that they did not see the need for digging trenches, that what they needed was water! Though there was no wind nor rain seen, GOD filled the trenches up with water. And they were so amazed by what God did that HE had Elisha to address that very fact by saying in so many words, "Oh, so you are amazed by the provision of the water? Why this is nothing but a little thing in the sight of GOD!" And then you can see that further down in the verse Elisha let it be known that there was an even greater thing that GOD was going to do for them.
And GOD, being ever-mindful of us, even back then, had the incident recorded for future believers (you and me) to get encouragement from. In other words, we don't have to worry about anything that's going wrong in the valleys that we may be traipsing through in our lives if we have given our all to HIM. HE knows everything that goes on in the lives of HIS children and especially those that are very faithful to HIM. So when you're having trouble like we are in this pandemic right now, just keep the faith because the GOD that you serve is legendary in that HE is known for coming to the aid of HIS people. It's like HE says, "No big deal, just a GOD thing."
But then HE does GOD stuff, and that's one of the numerous things that make me love HIM so much.
So, we need to not worry so much about things that may be going on in our lives, and to never forget that HE loves us with the greatest love of all. Remember this, Y'all. Our GOD's doing kind, loving, and compassionate things for us is just as natural as you doing something to take care of your babies and your children. That's the kind of God we serve!
Go ahead and read the last two verses in chapter 4 of 2 Kings; you will see that God always supplies more than enough for us just as you do for your children. Be safe.
One Last Thing
For the used-to-be-skeptics about the benefit of prayer, have you now found yourself just itching to get to a quiet place by yourself so that you could talk to the LORD, your FATHER? Uhm hmm, I told you! You are going to want to pray more because you are on your way to loving to pray. And yes, you will be watching and thinking and figuring about just how HE is going to solve the particular problem that you have presented to HIM. Don't forget to shout, "Hallelujah!" when HE comes through for you! That means brag on HIM; HE likes that, you know...
No matter what you are going through
Take it to your FATHER and HE will
Open doors and in general take care of you!©
Be safe.
Note: I have put the link to a video that I found inspiring this morning on my Twitter page. Go there and enjoy it.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Monday, August 3, 2020
The Direction I Go
Good morning.
I know you remember my telling you that the LORD delights in hearing us express our thanksgiving and our praises to HIM. Therefore, I wanted to give you an example of something that I wrote for HIM this morning.
Because YOU love me, I can go
The direction in which
My life’s river does flow.
And though YOU know all things
I just want YOU to know
That I will carry the knowledge of YOUR goodness
Everywhere I go.
I want to tell YOU what, to me, YOU mean
Because on YOUR unfailing strength
I can always lean.
I never tire of talking about YOU
Because YOU keep me amazed
By the things that YOU do.
LORD GOD, I love YOU so much
That I can scarce believe
In my good fortune in being
The recipient of YOUR loving touch.
I just wanted YOU to hear
My lips speak what’s in my heart
Dear FATHER, WHO has loved me
From the start.©
In Short
Those tender feelings that you have toward HIM when you are praying to HIM, write them down. I think that you will find that your very words will give you strength as you go back and read them periodically. Then too, you just might be leaving a tender treasure of examples for a young loved one.
So, I think it would be a good thing for you to do during this pandemic time because after this pandemic is over, you will be as close to HIM as you’ve ever been. There’s something about getting close to GOD in that once you do, you never want to back up because you love the feeling and the security that the intimate relationship with HIM gives you. Know what I mean? If you don’t just keep living, you will. Be safe.
Walking by faith
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
For the Tool You Let Me See
"Special Delivery"
Is how I entitle the
Care package today
Sent to me.
Time is always of the essence
When as a writer you ply your craft
So, when I got to 1 Kings 22:43
That verse seemed to leap out at me.
I suppose it is the times in which we live
That have me reaching for things that
I know that only Heaven can give
While pondering upon why that
Verse stood out to me
My mind started wondering if
There were a way to raise productivity
Of my daily blog and the ease
With which it is produced
And one thought led to another
In rapid succession, and using
A dictation tool is what I deduced
Would make my workload lighter
And so now, I play with a new tool
Which I have to say is pretty cool
And I am thankful to Heaven today
For sending a new toy for writing as I
Use my craft to lighten another's way.
NASB 1 Kings 22:43
And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father; he did not turn aside from it, doing right in the sight of the Lord.
What I am saying to you is that if you continue to do GOD's work in all kinds of weather, HE will send you gentle reminders in the form of care packages that will help you make your way, retain your faith, and encourage all who take the time to listen to what you have to say. And this tool that I have at my disposal did not cost me one single dime at all, for it was there all of the time. I just had to discover it.
GOD is still handing out care packages, Y'all, so get your self in order for receiving yours. As I always tell you, keep praying, hoping, and believing that GOD is ever-present in our lives as HE works things out behind the scenes. My care package today reminded me of just that fact, and I know that HE knew that I would share it with you, so that you can be encouraged, too. Wow, what a tender lovingly kind GOD we have, to take the time to send us sweet things...just because. I love HIM, don't you?
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Got You Covered
Jesus died for me a long time ago
And that is something I am grateful for
I want you to know.
Was touched by the Lord’s hand
To awaken this a. m.
So gonna use this Sunday for worship
And to sing out praises to Him.
His mercy is great in spite of my sin
He accepts my repentance and
Takes me back again and again
Oh, how sweet the precious blood of Jesus
That provides saving coverage for all men.
He gave his Son for the likes of me
So getting up and going to worship
Is the least that I can do, don’t you see?
There is a room being prepared
In my Lord’s house for me
And one day I will get to go home
And live with Him throughout all eternity
All because of Jesus’s blood
That covers any contingency.
In this world, there is so much going wrong
That it makes it hard for a body to remain strong
You turn on the news and you hear tell of this
And you hear tell of that
Sometimes it can be somewhat depressing
Except for the undeniable fact
That Jesus’s blood has you covered
And that is why when I go to worship
I open my mouth and let out a heartfelt praise song
One of which might be, “Saved by Jesus’s blood!”
Be safe.
Walking by faith,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Been Praying for Faith
If you have been praying for the building up of your faith, then you asked for or are asking to be put through GOD's faith-building process. Somebody may have just thought, "Say what?" There is nothing wrong with your eyes; you read what I have written correctly. So, allow me to explain my meaning. I had an older adult to tell me when I was a very young person, just beginning my walk as an adult newly moved out of my Momma's house and my dorm room.
Y'all know how we were when we were just starting to walk independent of any adult telling us daily what and what not to do. I felt like I could make my own decisions, etc. But, you know that scripture that says, "Train up a child..." (Proverbs 22:6). I was determined in my walk to have strong faith and patience like my Momma had. And you know what I did? Yep, you guessed correctly if you thought that I asked for it. That is exactly what I prayed for and received it, too. But, I didn't receive it the way that I thought I was going to receive it. Let me suffice it to say that I went through a series of trials that were pretty tough, so much so, that I despaired out loud to one of the older people that I was known to spend time around, "Why, oh why is all of this stuff happening to me?! I try hard to be a faithful Christian!" An old lady looked at me and said words that seared themselves to the framework of my brain and ran through every corpuscle and capillary in my memory.
I can tell you one thing, I have never asked for a stronger faith or more patience again. Ha Ha, that is one lesson that I learned well. So, if you are one of the ones that has been asking for more faith and more patience...
This pandemic and the status of our country
have put GOD's faith-building and
patience-building apparatus in gear
But you have nothing, sweetie to fear
Because you asked for attributes to
Be built up in you and that is just
What this pandemic process will do
In that it will draw you closer to GOD
That is what it will do.
So don't despair, dear one, just
Remember that you are in the hands
Of your MAKER and HE knows how
Much to bend you enough to accomplish
His purpose, and even if it means
That HE has to break you
Don't despair because HE
Has the love and know-how
To remake you!©
Y'all, this pandemic speaks to you and me, and this morning I am amazed at how the LORD has allowed its message to flow through my fingers as they pound out this blog with rapidity as I strive to get the thoughts down as they run through my mind. Wow!
Are you surprised at the direction that my blog took this morning? That's okay; that makes at least two of us... Be safe.
In HIS service,
Alma L. Stepping On Carr-Jones